New Citizens

If you are scheduled to attend your citizenship ceremony between Tuesday 8 April 2025 and Saturday 3 May 2025, then you can complete the provisional enrolment form to enrol as a new citizen ahead of the election.

Your completed form must be received by 8pm local time Monday 7 April 2025.

To enrol, you must

  • Be over 16 (you can enrol early so when you turn 18 you’ll be able to vote)
  • Be an Australian citizen, and
  • Have lived at your address for at least one month.

To enrol or change your details, you will need

  • Your driver’s licence, or
  • Australian passport number, or
  • Medicare card number, or
  • Australian citizenship number, or
  • Have someone who is enrolled verify who you are.

Enrol Now  

Click one of the language links below to download translated information in your language, or ring the number to access the Telephone Interpreter Service.

Other languages

If you require assistance in a language other than those listed on this page, please call 1300 720 153.

Extra assistance contacting the AEC

If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service:

  • TTY users phone 13 36 77 and ask for 13 23 26
  • Speak and Listen users phone 1300 555 727 and quote 13 23 26
  • Internet relay users connect to the NRS then ask for 13 23 26

Special enrolment options

The AEC has options for people that require assistance or with specific circumstances that may affect their enrolment, such as silent electors, travellers, or people with no fixed address. See special category enrolment options.

Paper forms

If you don't wish to enrol online, you can:

Check your enrolment progress

Already enrolled online?
Check the status using the receipt number provided.

Updated: 28 March 2025