Overview maps will be available on the website on 25 February 2016. Detailed maps and a report outlining the augmented Electoral Commission's reasons for the formal determination will be tabled in the Federal Parliament and will subsequently be made publicly available.
The augmented Electoral Commission for New South Wales' public announcement of final names and boundaries of federal electoral divisions in New South Wales was made on 14 January 2016. Read the augmented Electoral Commission's public announcement.
The augmented Electoral Commission's reasoning behind the names and boundaries of electoral divisions will be contained in its report.
The augmented Electoral Commission was required to consider all objections made to the Redistribution Committee's proposal in the context of the requirements of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (the Electoral Act). For the augmented Electoral Commission, the primary requirements contained within sub-section 73(4) are:
Objections that resulted in the number of electors in an electoral division or divisions being outside either of these ranges could not be considered for implementation.
Name of proposed electoral division | Boundaries of proposed electoral division |
Banks | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales with the following changes:
Barton | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales with the following changes:
Bennelong | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales |
Berowra | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales, with some minor boundary changes involving no elector movement |
Blaxland | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales with the following changes:
Bradfield | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales |
Calare | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales |
Chifley | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales |
Cook | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales |
Cowper | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales |
Cunningham | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales |
Dobell | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales |
Eden-Monaro | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales |
Farrer | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales with the following changes:
Fowler | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales with the following changes:
Gilmore | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales |
Grayndler | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales with the following changes:
Greenway | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales |
Hughes | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales |
Hume | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales with the following changes:
Hunter | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales |
Kingsford Smith | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales |
Lindsay | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales |
Lyne | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales |
Macarthur | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales |
Mackellar | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales |
Macquarie | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales |
McMahon | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales with the following changes:
Mitchell | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales, with some minor boundary changes involving no elector movement |
Newcastle | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales |
New England | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales with the following changes:
North Sydney | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales |
Page | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales |
Parkes | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales with the following changes:
Parramatta | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales |
Paterson | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales |
Reid | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales with the following changes:
Richmond | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales |
Riverina | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales with the following changes:
Robertson | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales |
Shortland | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales |
Sydney | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales with the following changes:
Warringah | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales |
Watson | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales |
Wentworth | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales with the following changes:
Werriwa | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales with the following changes:
Whitlam | As proposed by the Redistribution Committee for New South Wales with the following changes:
An overview of the augmented Electoral Commission's conclusions on the majority of issues raised in objections is presented on this page. A number of objections were unable to be accepted by the augmented Electoral Commission because of the requirement that the number of electors in each electoral division in New South Wales meet the numerical requirements of the Electoral Act. The augmented Electoral Commission's conclusions on objections not presented on this page will be available in the augmented Electoral Commission's report. Given the large number of objections received not all have been referenced in the commentary below on specific conclusions.
Objections referring to this matter: O19 – Jeff Waddell; O49 – Gwydir Shire Council; O464 – Paul Blackman; O699 – Austin Evans
Comments on objections referring to this matter: COB13 – Jacquie Grallelis; COB16 – Carrathool Shire Council; COB17 – Bruce and Margaret Adams; COB18 – Forbes Neighbourhood Watch Inc.; COB19 – Forbes Branch Nationals NSW; COB22 – Griffith City Council; COB25 – Austin Evans
Augmented Electoral Commission's conclusions: The Redistribution Committee proposed moving the Shire of Gwydir from the Division of Parkes to the proposed Division of New England. Objections concerned whether all or the northern part of the Shire, covered by the former Shire of Yallaroi, should be retained in the proposed Division of Parkes on the basis of community of interest.
As an adjustment to the boundary between the proposed Divisions of New England and Parkes can be accommodated within the numerical requirements of the Electoral Act, the augmented Electoral Commission concluded the Redistribution Committee's proposal could be improved and has proposed moving part of the former Shire of Yallaroi and a small part of the former Shire of Bingara into the proposed Division of Parkes.
Objections referring to this matter: O19 – Jeff Waddell; O177 – John E Lush; O682 – Riverina and Murray Regional Organisation of Councils; O704 – The Nationals
Comments on objections referring to this matter: COB9 – John E Lush; COB21 – Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division); COB16 – Carrathool Shire Council; COB25 – Austin Evans
Augmented Electoral Commission's conclusions: The Redistribution Committee proposed moving that part of the Shire of Carrathool located mainly to the north of the Mid Western Highway from the Division of Riverina into the proposed Division of Parkes. Objections advocated that the Shire, in its entirety, should be located in the same electoral division as other Riverina towns due to their shared community of interest.
Moving part of the Shire of Gwydir from the proposed Division of New England to the proposed Division of Parkes enabled the augmented Electoral Commission to make adjustments to the boundary between the proposed Divisions of Farrer and Parkes which could be accommodated within the numerical requirements of the Electoral Act The augmented Electoral Commission therefore concluded the Redistribution Committee's proposal could be improved and has proposed locating the entirety of the Shire of Carrathool in the proposed Division of Farrer.
As a result of this decision, all of the 18 member councils and their communities represented by the Riverina and Murray Regional Organisation of Councils will be contained within the one federal electoral division.
Objections referring to this matter: O704 – The Nationals
Augmented Electoral Commission's conclusions: The Redistribution Committee proposed the Shire of Lockhart be retained in the proposed Division of Farrer. Objections advocated the Shire should be located in the proposed Division of Riverina for community of interest reasons.
Uniting the Shire of Carrathool in the proposed Division of Farrer, enabled the augmented Electoral Commission to make adjustments to the boundary between the proposed Divisions of Farrer and Riverina which could be accommodated within the numerical requirements of the Electoral Act. The augmented Electoral Commission therefore concluded the Redistribution Committee's proposal could be improved and proposed locating the Shire of Lockhart in the proposed Division of Riverina.
Objections referring to this matter: O9 – John Brock and Rosemary Page; O98 – Carol Olde; O192 – Wingello Village Association Inc.; O208 – Exeter Village Association; O212 – Bundanoon Community Association (BCA); O401 – Dr Mark Mulcair; O468 – Penrose Community Association; O487 – Australian Labor Party (NSW Branch); O656 – Graham S Olde; O665 – Southern Villages Group; O721 – Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division)
Comments on objections referring to this matter: COB1 – Martin Gordon; COB7 – Jeff Waddell; COB11 – Dr Mark Mulcair; COB21 – Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division); COB24 – Australian Labor Party (NSW Branch)
Augmented Electoral Commission's conclusions: The Redistribution Committee proposed moving the areas of Bundanoon, Penrose, Wingello, Exeter and part of Werai from the Division of Hume to the proposed Division of Whitlam. Utilising community of interest arguments, objections concerned whether these areas should be located in the proposed Division of Hume or the proposed Division of Whitlam.
As adjustments to the boundary between the proposed Divisions of Hume and Whitlam to enable Bundanoon, Exeter, Penrose and Wingello to be located in the proposed Division of Hume can be accommodated within the numerical requirements of the Electoral Act, the augmented Electoral Commission concluded the Redistribution Committee's proposal could be improved and has proposed moving Bundanoon, Exeter, Meryla, Penrose, part of Werai and Wingello to the proposed Division of Hume.
Objections referring to this matter: More than 40 objections concerned solely with the location of Paddington, together with more than 30 petitions containing some 300 signatures, were received. These will be listed individually in the augmented Electoral Commission's report when it is published.
O19 – Jeff Waddell; O177 – John E Lush; O401 – Dr Mark Mulcair
Comments on objections referring to this matter: COB1 – Martin Gordon; COB2 – Michelle Jelicic; COB5 – Coral Rogers; COB7 – Jeff Waddell; COB9 – John E Lush; COB11 – Dr Mark Mulcair; COB14 – Anonymous Pseudonym; COB21 – Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division); COB24 – Australian Labor Party (NSW Branch)
Augmented Electoral Commission's conclusions: The Redistribution Committee proposed transferring electors from the Division of Wentworth to the proposed Division of Sydney in the area of Woolloomooloo, East Sydney, Darlinghurst, Victoria Barracks and Moore Park. Objections concerned whether Paddington should or should not be split between the proposed Divisions of Sydney and Wentworth, with alternative boundaries proposed.
As adjustments to the boundary between the proposed Divisions of Sydney and Wentworth to enable the entirety of Paddington to be located in the proposed Division of Wentworth can be accommodated within the numerical requirements of the Electoral Act, the augmented Electoral Commission concluded the Redistribution Committee's proposal could be improved, as detailed in the table at the top of this page.
Objections referring to this matter: More than 20 objections concerned solely with the location of this boundary were received. These will be listed individually in the augmented Electoral Commission's report when it is published.
O19 – Jeff Waddell; O65 – Martin Gordon; O177 – John E Lush; O393 – Darren McSweeney; O401 – Dr Mark Mulcair; O487 – Australian Labor Party (NSW Branch); O721 – Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division)
Comments on objections referring to this matter: COB1 – Martin Gordon; COB7 – Jeff Waddell; COB9 – John E Lush; COB11 – Dr Mark Mulcair; COB14 – Anonymous Pseudonym; COB21 – Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division); COB24 – Australian Labor Party (NSW Branch)
Augmented Electoral Commission's conclusions: The Redistribution Committee proposed moving the areas of Drummoyne, Russell Lea, Rodd Point and Rodd Island from the Division of Reid into the proposed Division of Grayndler. Objections concerned whether these areas as a community of interest, should be united in the proposed Division of Grayndler or the proposed Division of Reid, and whether local government boundaries should be reflected.
The augmented Electoral Commission noted the Drummoyne Peninsula, in its entirety, could be located in the proposed Division of Reid if a series of adjustments were made to the western end of the proposed Division of Reid, as well as surrounding electoral divisions in order to ensure the numerical requirements of the Electoral Act would continue to be met. As these changes would better reflect communities of interest, the augmented Electoral Commission concluded the Redistribution Committee's proposal could be improved, as detailed in the table at the top of this page.
Objections referring to this matter: More than 450 objections concerned solely with the location of this boundary were received. These will be listed individually in the augmented Electoral Commission's report when it is published.
O19 – Jeff Waddell; O65 – Martin Gordon; O401 – Dr Mark Mulcair; O464 – Paul Blackman; O487 – Australian Labor Party (NSW Branch); O721 – Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division)
Comments on objections referring to this matter: COB1 – Martin Gordon; COB4 – Dylan Smith; COB7 – Jeff Waddell; COB9 – John E Lush; COB11 – Dr Mark Mulcair; COB14 – Anonymous Pseudonym; COB15 – Robert Waller; COB21 – Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division); COB24 – Australian Labor Party (NSW Branch); COB26 – Hon Scott Morrison MP
Augmented Electoral Commission's conclusions: The Redistribution Committee proposed placing the localities, in their entirety or parts thereof, of Connells Point, Kyle Bay, Blakehurst, Carrs Park, Kogarah, Beverley Park, Kogarah Bay, Sandringham, Sans Souci, Dolls Point, Ramsgate, Ramsgate Beach and Monterey in the proposed Division of Cook. Objections concerned whether these areas should be located in the proposed Division of Barton or the proposed Division of Cook.
Noting that the adoption of alternative proposals could result in similar community of interest concerns, and in some cases would be outside the numerical requirements of the Electoral Act, the augmented Electoral Commission concluded that:
Objections referring to this matter: O19 – Jeff Waddell; O487 – Australian Labor Party (NSW Branch)
Augmented Electoral Commission's conclusions: The Redistribution Committee proposed moving Fairfield, Fairfield Heights and Fairfield West from the Division of McMahon to the proposed Division of Fowler. One objection advocated locating Fairfield in the proposed Division of McMahon as the proposed Division of Fowler contained the three central business districts of Fairfield, Cabramatta and Liverpool, resulting in McMahon having no central focus or a transport hub.
As adjustments to the boundary between the proposed Divisions of Fowler and McMahon to enable the relocation of a central business district into the proposed Division of McMahon can be accommodated within the numerical requirements of the Electoral Act, the augmented Electoral Commission concluded the Redistribution Committee's proposal could be improved, as detailed in the table at the top of this page.
Objections referring to this matter: O487 – Australian Labor Party (NSW Branch); O663 – Macarthur Law Society; O694 – Mayor Liverpool City Council
Comments on objections referring to this matter: COB21 – Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division)
Augmented Electoral Commission's conclusions: The Redistribution Committee proposed moving the area of Badgerys Creek from the Division of Macarthur into the proposed Division of Hume. Objections advocated locating Badgerys Creek in the proposed Division of Werriwa on the basis of community of interest and means of travel.
Following the transferral of the Bundanoon area to the proposed Division of Hume, the augmented Electoral Commission was able to make adjustments to the boundary between the proposed Divisions of Hume and Werriwa which could be accommodated within the numerical requirements of the Electoral Act. The augmented Electoral Commission therefore concluded the Redistribution Committee's proposal could be improved and has proposed the changes as detailed in the table at the top of this page.
Objections referring to this matter: More than 20 objections concerned solely with the location of Camden Council were received. These will be listed individually in the augmented Electoral Commission's report when it is published.
O401 – Dr Mark Mulcair; O487 – Australian Labor Party (NSW Branch); O663 – Macarthur Law Society; O721 – Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division)
Comments on objections referring to this matter: COB1 – Martin Gordon; COB7 – Jeff Waddell; COB8 – P C Hayward; COB9 – John E Lush; COB11 – Dr Mark Mulcair; COB14 – Anonymous Pseudonym; COB21 – Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division); COB24 – Australian Labor Party (NSW Branch)
Augmented Electoral Commission's conclusions: The Redistribution Committee proposed moving Camden South, Camden Park, Camden, Elderslie, Spring Farm, Mount Annan, Narellan Vale, Narellan, Cawdor, Menangle, Douglas Park and Appin from the Division of Macarthur to the proposed Division of Hume. Objections advocated locating those areas covered by the Camden Council in the proposed Division of Macarthur in recognition of their connection to members of the Macarthur family after whom the proposed electoral division is named.
The augmented Electoral Commission considered a number of different models to decide whether it would be possible to accommodate the ideas advocated in these objections, finding that each alternative model resulted in an outcome which was less desirable than that proposed by the Redistribution Committee.
Noting that the adoption of alternative proposals could result in similar community of interests concerns, and in some cases would be outside the numerical requirements of the Electoral Act, the augmented Electoral Commission concluded that:
Objections referring to this matter: More than 60 objections concerned solely with the location of this boundary were received. These will be listed individually in the augmented Electoral Commission's report when it is published.
O19 – Jeff Waddell; O393 – Darren McSweeney; O464 – Paul Blackman; O721 – Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division)
Comments on objections referring to this matter: COB7 – Jeff Waddell; COB9 – John E Lush; COB11 – Dr Mark Mulcair; COB15 – Robert Waller; COB21 – Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division); COB23 – The Nationals; COB24 – Australian Labor Party (NSW Branch)
Augmented Electoral Commission's conclusions: The Redistribution Committee proposed moving the southern part of the Shire of Kempsey and part of the Shire of Port Macquarie-Hastings, including Port Macquarie, from the Division of Lyne into the proposed Division of Cowper. Objections concerned whether, based on considerations of community of interest:
The augmented Electoral Commission considered a number of alterative designs for electoral divisions, noting that these alternatives would necessitate substantial changes to adjoining electoral divisions which could result in similar community of interest concerns and in some cases would be outside the numerical requirements of the Electoral Act. Further, the augmented Electoral Commission observed that many electoral divisions throughout Australia contain multiple regional centres.
The augmented Electoral Commission therefore concluded that:
Objections referring to this matter: O393 – Darren McSweeney; O401 – Dr Mark Mulcair; O487 – Australian Labor Party (NSW Branch); O682 – Riverina and Murray Regional Organisation of Councils; O699 – Austin Evans; O721 – Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division)
Comments on objections referring to this matter: COB13 – Jacquie Grallelis; COB16 – Carrathool Shire Council; COB17 – Bruce and Margaret Adams; COB18 – Forbes Neighbourhood Watch Inc.; COB19 – Forbes Branch Nationals NSW; COB21 – Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division); COB22 – Griffith City Council
Augmented Electoral Commission's conclusions: The Redistribution Committee proposed moving the Shires of Tumut and Tumbarumba from the Division of Riverina to the proposed Division of Eden-Monaro. Objections concerned whether, on the basis of community of interest grounds, the two Shires should be located in the proposed Division of Riverina or the proposed Division of Eden-Monaro.
Noting that the adoption of alternative proposals could result in similar community of interests concerns, and in some cases would be outside the numerical requirements of the Electoral Act, the augmented Electoral Commission concluded that:
Objections referring to this matter: O179 – The Nationals Forbes Branch; O180 – Bruce and Margaret Adams; O181 – Forbes Neighbourhood Watch Inc.; O182 – Country Women's Association of NSW Forbes Branch; O393 – Darren McSweeney; O401 – Dr Mark Mulcair; O409 – Rob Priest; O699 – Austin Evans; O704 – The Nationals
Comments on objections referring to this matter: COB13 – Jacquie Grallelis; COB16 – Carrathool Shire Council; COB17 – Bruce and Margaret Adams; COB18 – Forbes Neighbourhood Watch Inc.; COB19 – Forbes Branch Nationals NSW; COB20 – Forbes Shire Council; COB22 – Griffith City Council
Augmented Electoral Commission's conclusions: The Redistribution Committee proposed the Shire of Forbes be transferred from the Division of Calare to the proposed Division of Riverina. Objections advocated, on the basis of community of interest, retaining the shire in the proposed Division of Calare.
Noting that the adoption of alternative proposals could result in similar community of interests concerns, and in some cases would be outside the numerical requirements of the Electoral Act, the augmented Electoral Commission concluded that:
Objections referring to this matter: O19 – Jeff Waddell; O23 – Janet Turner; O41 – Kate and Royce Bennett; O43 – Richard Guest; O58 – Don Clinch; O59 – Shaun Messer; O99 – Robyn Rooth; O126 – Simon Caldwell; O207 – Joan Holmes; O662 – Anne and Eddie Broomfield; O721 – Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division)
Augmented Electoral Commission's conclusions: The Redistribution Committee proposed transferring electors from the Division of Cowper to the proposed Division of Page in the northern part of the City of Coffs Harbour, including Lowanna, Coramba, Karangi and the northern part of Sapphire Beach, and the eastern part of the Clarence Valley Council. Objections advocated, on the basis of community of interest, retaining these areas in the proposed Division of Cowper.
Noting that the adoption of alternative proposals could result in similar community of interests concerns, and in some cases would be outside the numerical requirements of the Electoral Act, the augmented Electoral Commission concluded that:
Objections referring to this matter: More than 40 objections concerned solely with the location of this boundary were received. These will be listed individually in the augmented Electoral Commission's report when it is published.
O19 – Jeff Waddell; O65 – Martin Gordon; O177 – John E Lush; O393 – Darren McSweeney; O401 – Dr Mark Mulcair; O487 – Australian Labor Party (NSW Branch); O663 – Macarthur Law Society
Comments on objections referring to this matter: COB3 – Valerie and Philip Dutton; COB9 – John E Lush; COB21 – Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division)
Augmented Electoral Commission's conclusions: The Redistribution Committee proposed the Division of Throsby be renamed 'Whitlam'. In reaching this decision, the Redistribution Committee noted the guideline that consideration be given to naming electoral divisions after former Prime Ministers.
Objections to the proposed name may be categorised as:
The augmented Electoral Commission considered the arguments offered in support of renaming the proposed Division of Whitlam were not substantive enough to warrant changing to one of the alternatives.
The augmented Electoral Commission concluded that:
The augmented Electoral Commission proposes the electoral division will be known as the Division of Whitlam.