Direction to commence redistribution
1 December 2014Appointment of Redistribution Committee
Enrolment statistics available
Prior to call for public suggestionsCall for public suggestions on the redistribution
22 April 2015Public suggestions period closes
6pm 22 May 2015Call for comments on the public suggestions
25 May 2015Comments on suggestions period closes
6pm 5 June 2015Redistribution committee convenes to consider proposed boundaries
mid 2015Proposed Redistribution Report released
16 October 2015Call for objections to the redistribution proposal
16 October 2015Objections period closes
6pm 13 November 2015 (AEDT)Call for comments on objections
16 November 2015Comments on objections period closes
6pm 27 November 2015 (AEDT)Augmented Electoral Commission holds an inquiry into objections (Sydney)
16 December 2015Augmented Electoral Commission holds an inquiry into objections (Port Macquarie)
18 December 2015Augmented Electoral Commission meets to determine final boundaries
4th quarter 2015Augmented Electoral Commission announces boundaries
14 January 2016Further objection period (if required)
1st quarter 2016Augmented Electoral Commission makes final determination
25 February 2016Redistribution report is tabled in Parliament
after determinationRedistribution report publicly available
after tabling