Rachel's story

Updated: 26 April 2018

Rachel Li talks about her experience of working at an election and how she helped her community.

[soft music playing in the background]

On the screen: AEC logo and www.aec.gov.au

RACHEL: My name is Rachel.

I am a retired language teacher of 36 years.

I have worked for the Australian Electoral Commission for a few years from time to time in New South Wales.

During the last federal election, in 2016, I worked in Hurstville, which has a large Chinese community.

Bilingual people working in elections can help non-English speakers to better understand the ballot paper.

Some of them cannot speak English at all.

Some of them can speak English, but cannot read the ballot paper.

They'll say things like "I want to vote for this person, but I don't know how to find them."

I just try to help them to find the one they want to vote for to assist them to have their say, politically.

On the screen: AEC logo and www.aec.gov.au

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