Pursuant to section 73 of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918, the augmented Electoral Commission for South Australia hereby determines that the names and boundaries of the electoral divisions into which South Australia is to be distributed are as shown on the maps certified by the members of the augmented Electoral Commission for South Australia and lodged in file number 2011/43 at the National Office of the Australian Electoral Commission in Canberra. These maps are numbered in the following sequence:
SA01/2011 Adelaide
SA02/2011 Barker
SA03/2011 Boothby
SA04/2011 Grey
SA05/2011 Hindmarsh
SA06/2011 Kingston
SA07/2011 Makin
SA08/2011 Mayo
SA09/2011 Port Adelaide
SA10/2011 Sturt
SA11/2011 Wakefield
Hon Peter Heerey QC
Augmented Electoral Commission for South Australia