Roll Products and Services

Updated: 3 May 2022

The AEC provides electoral roll and geographic products to a range of federal government authorities, private organisations, medical researchers and members of the public subject to legislative entitlements.

All products are derived from the AEC's Roll Management System (RMANS).

Our clients

Major users of our products and services include:

  • Federal Parliamentarians (Members and Senators)
  • political parties
  • state and territory electoral commissions (Joint Roll Partners)
  • Federal government departments and agencies
  • AEC state offices and divisional offices
  • medical researchers
  • commercial companies
  • the general public.

Legislative requirements

The Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (the CEA) and Privacy Act 1988 govern access to use and disclosure of electoral roll data. Penalties apply for the misuse of electoral data.

The electoral roll

Following the implementation of the Electoral and Referendum Amendment (Access to Electoral Roll and Other Measures) Act 2004 on 21 July 2004, the CEA does not permit the sale of the electoral roll in any format.

An enrolment verification facility is available that allows electors to check their enrolment details online.

The Commonwealth electoral roll is available for viewing at all AEC offices.

Close of rolls products

These are provided to state and territory electoral authorities under Joint Roll arrangements. These products are used for state electoral events, local government elections and by-elections.

Joint roll partners should complete their state/territory extract request form and return the form to The form can be completed on screen prior to printing, signing and returning to the AEC.

Extract request form

Medical extracts

These contain electoral data, extracted by age range or by random extraction. Medical researchers may obtain electoral data for approved research projects.

More information is available about the supply of elector information for use in medical research.

Other products

These products may include eligible elector statistics, jury rolls and elector extracts by electoral area.