22 August 2010
Last night the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) counted a record 11 million votes, six hundred thousand more than on election night 2007. Counting of a small number of remaining ordinary votes is continuing today.
Over the next week, the AEC will concentrate on declaration votes including absent votes cast on polling day, postals, pre-polls cast outside of the voter's home electorate, and provisional votes. There are perhaps two million declaration votes for the AEC to scrutinise and count including up to one million postal votes that can be received by the AEC up to thirteen days after election day.
The AEC will focus on close seats in the counting and the Virtual Tally Room will refresh around every fifteen minutes.
It is the AEC's goal to input updated results by 4pm AEST today, but if some counts in some places are late in being finalised they could be input after 4pm AEST.