Election 2010: Updated advice for voters affected by High Court Decision

Updated: 29 November 2010

13 August 2010

The AEC has now completed processing of all enrolment applications affected by the High Court Decision of 6 August 2010. The decision allows around 100 000 voters who submitted correctly completed enrolment applications by 8pm on 26 July 2010 to vote in the 2010 federal election.

The Governor-General in Council has made a proclamation today under section 285(1) of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (Electoral Act) which enables the Electoral Commissioner to update the previously issued lists of voters by adding the details of these voters. This will be done by printing supplementary voter lists for distribution to polling places.

Letters notifying all affected people of their enrolment status and voting arrangements will be despatched commencing Monday 16 August.

In a small number of cases, there may be some practical limitations to the AEC delivering the supplementary voter lists to polling places before election day. The AEC will do its best to distribute the supplementary lists but the logistics involved and time left could mean that some remote or isolated rural polling places may not receive them in time.

As with long established practice, any person whose name is not found on a voter list at a polling place may have a 'provisional' vote. The voter's ballot papers are placed in an envelope and their details are later checked against the electoral roll as part of the process set out in the Electoral Act. Affected voters should bring with them appropriate evidence of identity, such as a current driver's licence. People are being advised in their letters to take a personal identity document when voting in the event that it is required.

The proclamation also provides for the supplementary voter lists to include the names of voters affected by the recent changes to electoral legislation allowing enrolment updates online.

The AEC will continue to provide updated information through its website and call centre service. The call centre service will not be able to answer enquiries checking affected electors' enrolment status until Tuesday 17 August 2010.

See also: Important information for people affected by the High Court decision on the cut off date for enrolment (Close of Rolls) for the 2010 federal election.

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