
Federal electoral divisions in the Northern Territory formalised

Updated: 4 March 2025

The next federal election will be conducted on new electoral division boundaries in the Northern Territory after a notice was published today in the Commonwealth Government Notices Gazette.

While final names and boundaries for House of Representatives seats in the Northern Territory were announced on Tuesday 7 January 2025, today’s gazette is the step that formally sets them in place and provides people with further information about the new boundaries.

The final redistribution report will be available after the Minister has tabled material in both houses of Parliament.

Northern Territory households notified of seat change ahead of the 2025 federal election

Approximately 2,000 households in the city of Palmerston that were previously in the electoral division of Lingiari will now be in the division of Solomon for the federal election. In the coming few weeks, the AEC will be notifying these households of that change.

AEC Northern Territory Manager Geoffrey Bloom said that a federal election date could be announced any day, and that it must be held sometime in either April or May.

“With a federal election coming it is important that voters know whether they’ll be voting in either Lingiari or Solomon for the House of Representatives,” Mr Bloom said.

“There will be an automatic change made on their enrolment record but the action required by voters is simply to know what their seat is ahead of time so they can be prepared when they’re thinking about who they might vote for.”

Editor’s notes:

  • People on the electoral roll who are affected by the redistribution will now be moved into their new federal electoral division in readiness for the 2025 election. No action is necessary.
  • Further information about the redistribution process
  • Households can expect to see letters arriving in the coming weeks.
  • Enrol, update or check enrolment:
  • Northern Territory federal redistribution