The AEC has a range of new and improved guidance material available for intending candidates and campaigners ahead of the 2025 federal election.
A/g Electoral Commissioner Jeff Pope said that the AEC’s updated candidate information hub is a great resource.
“Parties, candidates and campaigners are essential to the election process and the AEC has an important role in providing them with appropriate guidance material and information in the lead-up to a federal election,” Mr Pope said.
“Electoral laws and processes can be complex for political participants; their activities are often high profile, and the election period is a very busy time for everyone involved. Our new guidance material seeks to assist them with their planning.”
“Our new better practice guide for authorising political communication is now much more specific to each communication channel, with clear examples and explainers to assist people,” Mr Pope said.
“The Electoral Integrity Assurance Taskforce has also today released important information and resources that I think all political participants should be aware of”.