As a result of these transfers, the proposed Division of Solomon will occupy a smaller geographic area than the current Division of Solomon, while the proposed Division of Lingiari will occupy a greater geographic area. The proposed Division of Lingiari will also continue to include the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands, the Territory of Christmas Island, Groote Eylandt and the Tiwi Islands. Figure F shows the difference between the proposed and current boundaries for the two electoral divisions.
Figure F: Comparison of current and proposed electoral division boundaries
Note: This map shows selected SA2s of the Northern Territory.
Description of proposed boundary: At its most northerly point, the proposed boundary starts at the Northern Territory coast and follows the border between the Darwin Municipality and the Litchfield Municipality to the intersection of McMillans Road and Vanderlin Road. The proposed boundary continues to follow the border between the Darwin and Litchfield Municipalities along Vanderlin Drive in a southerly direction to the intersection of Vanderlin Drive and the Stuart Highway.
The proposed boundary continues following the border between the Darwin and Litchfield Municipalities, and the Palmerston and Litchfield Municipalities in a south-easterly direction along the Stuart Highway to the intersection with the suburb of Yarrawonga. From this point, the proposed boundary follows the eastern border of the suburbs of Palmerston City, Gunn, Bakewell (which follows Roystonea Avenue with the exception of the north-eastern corner of the suburb of Gunn when the suburb border deviates from Roystonea Avenue), Rosebery and Bellamack to Channel Island Road.
The proposed boundary follows Channel Island Road in a southerly direction to the Elizabeth River. At this point, the proposed boundary follows the Elizabeth River in a north-westerly direction to the coast, and then follows the coast in a clockwise direction to the point at which the Darwin and Litchfield Municipality borders meet the coast.
This proposal is also consistent with parts of five of the six suggestions and the one comment on suggestions which proposed changes to the electoral divisions and boundaries. While each of the six suggestions and one comment on suggestions proposed changes to the boundaries, there was variation as to where the proposed boundary should be placed. The Redistribution Committee notes the proposal is consistent with:
- the five suggestions which proposed changing the electoral divisions and boundaries to include all of the Litchfield Municipality in the proposed Division of Lingiari,24
- the three suggestions and one comment on suggestion which proposed changing the electoral divisions and boundaries to include part of the City of Palmerston in the proposed Division of Lingiari,25
- the three suggestions which proposed retaining the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands and the Territory of Christmas Island in the proposed Division of Lingiari,26 and
- the two suggestions which proposed retaining the Tiwi Islands in the proposed Division of Lingiari.27
Figure G: Proposed Divisions of Lingiari and Solomon – enrolment as at Thursday 15 October 2015, current enrolment quota and permissible range of electors
Source: Available from
Figure H: Proposed Divisions of Lingiari and Solomon – projected enrolment as at Friday 7 August 2020, projected enrolment quota and permissible range of electors
Source: Available from