Redistribution of the Northern Territory into electoral divisions

Updated: 14 February 2017

Chapter 3: Implementation of the redistribution

This chapter outlines what the implementation of the redistribution means in practice for residents of the Northern Territory, the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands and the Territory of Christmas Island.

  1. In accordance with sub-section 73(1) of the Electoral Act, the electoral divisions described in this report came into effect from Tuesday 7 February 2017 as this is the day on which the augmented Electoral Commission published a notice in the Gazette determining the names and boundaries of electoral divisions in the Northern Territory.
  2. However, members of the House of Representatives will not represent or contest these electoral divisions until after a writ is issued for a general election following the expiration or dissolution of the House of Representatives.
  3. In practice, this means:
    • electors will continue to be represented by the members of the House of Representatives who were elected at the most recent federal general election on Saturday 2 July 2016 or at a by-election held after this date,
    • members of the House of Representatives represent the electoral divisions which were in place at the most recent federal general election on Saturday 2 July 2016,
    • where relevant, allowances for members of the House of Representatives are calculated based on the electoral divisions in place at the most recent federal general election,
    • from Tuesday 7 February 2017, enrolment statistics will be published based on the electoral divisions described in this report,40 and
    • from Tuesday 7 February 2017, members of the House of Representatives are able to request copies of the electoral roll for any electoral division which includes all or part of the electoral division for which they were elected.41

When do the new electoral divisions apply?

  1. While the names and new boundaries of electoral divisions apply from Tuesday 7 February 2017, electoral events will not be contested on these new electoral divisions until a writ is issued for a general election following the expiration or dissolution of the House of Representatives.

Do I need to do anything to change my electoral division?

  1. Individuals do not need to take any action where their electoral division changes as the result of a redistribution. Section 86 of the Electoral Act requires the AEC to:
    • transfer the elector to the new electoral roll, and
    • notify the elector their electoral division has changed.42

For how long will the new electoral divisions apply?

  1. Sub-section 73(1) of the Electoral Act provides that the new electoral divisions apply until the determination of the next redistribution via publication of a notice in the Gazette. This determination may be made as a result of sub-section 73(1) or sub-section 76(6) of the Electoral Act.

On which electoral divisions would a by-election be contested?

  1. By-elections are conducted using the electoral divisions which existed prior to the determination of the redistribution, as provided by sub-sections 73(6) and (7) of the Electoral Act.

How do I find out if my electoral division has changed?

  1. You can check your enrolment by using the AEC's online enrolment verification facility available at: For privacy reasons, your electoral enrolment will only be confirmed if the details you enter are an exact match to your details on the electoral roll.
  2. Alternatively, you can contact the AEC on 13 23 26 or use the 'Find my electorate' tool on the AEC website at, which will enable you to find:
    • which federal electorate you live in,
    • a profile and map of your electoral division, and
    • the name of the incumbent member of the House of Representatives for your electoral division.

Do I need to know my electoral division to enrol or update my enrolment details?

  1. No, all you need to do is provide the details of your residential address and the AEC will tell you which electoral division you are enrolled for. You can enrol by using:
    • the AEC’s online enrolment service available at:,
    • using the single page online form available from the AEC website,
    • completing and printing a PDF enrolment form available from the AEC website and returning it to the AEC, or
    • picking up an enrolment form at any AEC office or Australia Post outlet and returning it to the AEC.

Where can I find information about the new electoral divisions?

  1. Maps and descriptions of the new electoral divisions are available on the AEC website.

Where can I find information about the electoral divisions which applied at the 2016 federal election?

  1. Maps and descriptions of previous electoral divisions are available on the AEC website.

Is geospatial data for the new electoral divisions available?

  1. Individual state/territory boundaries are available on the relevant redistribution page and on the Maps and Spatial Data page of the AEC website.


  1. Section 58 of the Electoral Act requires the Electoral Commissioner to publish on a monthly basis, via a notice in the Gazette, the number of electors enrolled in each electoral division, the average divisional enrolment for each state and territory and the extent to which each electoral division differs from the average divisional enrolment.
  2. Item 15 of sub-section 90B(1) of the Electoral Act specifies the information from the electoral roll which can be supplied to a member of the House of Representatives whose electoral division is affected by a redistribution.
  3. Sub-section 86(3) provides for this notification to be via a notice published in a newspaper or a notice delivered to the elector’s address.