Step 2. Public suggestions - WA federal redistribution

Updated: 15 July 2015

Members of the public were invited to submit written suggestions relating to the redistribution between 11 March and 10 April 2015.

The 27 suggestions received by the Redistribution Committee are provided in full below.

No. Submitted by
S1 Jeff Waddell [PDF 5547KB]
S2 South West Group [PDF 277KB]
S3 Graham Hawkes [PDF 122KB]
S4 Marta Sandberg [PDF 128KB]
S5 Cameron Poustie [PDF 175KB]
S6 Annabelle Newbury [PDF 361KB]
S7 Peter Garrett [PDF 110KB]
S8 Mark Mulcair [PDF 146KB]
S9 Jennifer Jamieson [PDF 115KB]
S10 Michael Hedger [PDF 166KB]
S11 Martin Gordon [PDF 261KB]
S12 Darren McSweeney [PDF 9080KB]
S13 Chilla Bulbeck [PDF 158KB]
S14 Margo Beilby [PDF 150KB]
S15 Joan Margaret Jenkins [PDF 114KB]
S16 Conservation Council of Western Australia [PDF 316KB]
S17 Andrew Metaxas and Anthony Rossiter [PDF 1355KB]
S18 City of Armadale [PDF 765KB]
S19 People for Nuclear Disarmament (WA) [PDF 146KB]
S20 Michael Proud [PDF 130KB]
S21 Harry Hook [PDF 2136KB]
S22 Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Inc. [PDF 2434KB]
S23 The Greens (WA) [PDF 11541KB]
S24 WA Civil Society Climate Roundtable [PDF 162KB]
S25 Kate Vallentine [PDF 280KB]
S26 The Nationals WA [PDF 193KB]
S27 WA Labor [PDF 483KB]

The views expressed in the material reproduced above are those of the individuals or organisations who lodged the comment, not the Redistribution Committee or the AEC.