Please note the following when reading tables in this report:
The following table demonstrates the Committee’s compliance with the various redistribution provisions of the Electoral Act.
Section of the Electoral Act | Requirement | Compliance |
s.59(2)(a) | Basis for conducting redistribution | Increased entitlement to members of the House of Representatives for Western Australia, from 15 to 16 |
s.59(1) | Direction to commence redistribution | Gazette notice published on 1 December 2014 |
s.63A(3) and (4) | Alteration of projection time for equality of enrolments | The projection time was altered to 8 February 2017 and notified by way of Gazette notice published on 1 December 2014 |
s.65 | Determination of current enrolment quota by written instrument | The then acting Electoral Commissioner signed written instrument on 8 December 2014 |
s.64(1) and (2) | Invitation to make written suggestions and written comments on suggestions | Gazette notice published on Wednesday 11 March 2015. Notices published in The Weekend West and The Weekend Australian on 14 March 2015. Suggestions closed at 6pm (AWST) on Friday 10 April 2015. Comments on suggestions closed at 6pm (AWST) on Friday 24 April 2015 |
s.60(1) | Appointment of the Committee | Appointed in writing by the Electoral Commission by instrument dated 11 April 2015 |
s.64(3) | Suggestions made available for public perusal on the 5th Monday after publication of the Gazette notice | Suggestions were made available at the office of the Australian Electoral Officer for Western Australia and on the AEC website on Monday 13 April 2015. Comments were made publicly available on the AEC website on 28 April 2015 |
s.62 | Proceedings at Committee meetings | Four Committee meetings were held, on 22 May and 5, 19 and 29 June 2015:
s.63 | Sub-committees | No sub-committees were formed to assist the Committee |
s.64(4) | Consideration of all suggestions and comments on suggestions received by the statutory timeframe | The Committee considered, in detail, each of the 27 suggestions and 16 comments on suggestions received at its meeting on 22 May 2015 |
s.66(1) | Committee to make proposed redistribution | This report provides the Committee’s proposed redistribution of Western Australia into 16 electoral divisions. All proposed divisions fall within the range of not less than 90 per cent and not more than 110 per cent of the current enrolment quota. All proposed divisions fall within the range of not less than 96.5 per cent and not more than 103.5 per cent of average divisional enrolment at the projection time. Community of interests, means of communication and travel, physical features and area, and the boundaries of existing divisions have been given due consideration by the Committee in making the proposed redistribution. |
s.67 | Reasons for the proposed redistribution are stated in writing | The Committee’s reasons for the proposed redistribution are contained throughout this report |
s.67A | Outline of proposed redistribution | No preliminary outline was released in relation to the proposed redistribution |
s.68 | Notice of proposed redistribution | Arrangements are in place for the required publications and notices to be made available as required |
Section 66 of the Electoral Act requires the Committee, in making its proposed redistribution of Western Australia, to abide by the following requirements:
These statutory requirements are expressed in a hierarchical order.
The purpose of paragraph 3(a) is suggested by its history. It has undergone some transformation since the Commonwealth Electoral Legislation Amendment Act 1983 stipulated that boundaries were to be drawn, as far as practicable, to achieve equal numbers of electors in each of a state’s divisions three-and-a-half years after a redistribution. By 1984 ‘it was observed that the three-and-a-half year rule had in some areas forced the adoption, on purely numerical grounds, of boundaries which took little account of perceived community of interest’.11 Therefore, in 1987, the rule was relaxed to permit a measure of tolerance to plus or minus two per cent from average projected enrolment. Subsequently, the JSCEM concluded that:
the numerical criteria do not allow “due consideration”, in the words of the Act, to be given to the qualitative factors. Rather, the political parties and others attempting to frame electoral boundaries essentially find themselves engaged in a mathematical modelling exercise. In order to relax the enrolment requirements to that extent necessary to allow a realistic degree of flexibility the Committee recommends … that subsections 66(3)(a) and 73(4)(a) of the Electoral Act be amended, so as to extend the variation from average divisional enrolment allowed three-and-a-half years after a redistribution from two to 3.5 percent12.
The JSCEM also, in the same report, refers to its recommended amendment as one that ‘would maintain substantial restrictions on malapportionment [and] would allow other legitimate policy objectives to be more effectively met’.
Paragraph 3(a) follows this recommendation. The terms of the recommendation, and the discussion which preceded it, make clear the purpose of paragraph 3(a), as it now stands, and how it was intended to interact with the other criteria set out in the sub-paragraphs of paragraph (b), to which also ‘due consideration’ must be given. The Committee has considered the suggestions and comments and made its proposed redistribution on this basis.
In summary, the primary criteria are to:
The secondary criteria to be considered by the Committee are community of interests, means of communication and travel, physical features and area of proposed divisions. The Committee also considers the boundaries of existing divisions; however the Electoral Act stipulates that this criterion is subordinate to all other secondary criteria.
27 written suggestions were received.
No. | Submitted by |
S1 | Jeff Waddell |
S2 | South West Group |
S3 | Graham Hawkes |
S4 | Marta Sandberg |
S5 | Cameron Poustie |
S6 | Annabelle Newbury |
S7 | Peter Garrett |
S8 | Mark Mulcair |
S9 | Jennifer Jamieson |
S10 | Michael Hedger |
S11 | Martin Gordon |
S12 | Darren McSweeney |
S13 | Chilla Bulbeck |
S14 | Margo Beilby |
S15 | Joan Margaret Jenkins |
S16 | Conservation Council of Western Australia |
S17 | Andrew Metaxas and Anthony Rossiter |
S18 | City of Armadale |
S19 | People for Nuclear Disarmament (WA) |
S20 | Michael Proud |
S21 | Harry Hook |
S22 | Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Inc |
S23 | The Greens (WA) |
S24 | WA Civil Society Climate Roundtable |
S25 | Kate Vallentine |
S26 | The Nationals WA |
S27 | WA Labor |
16 written comments on suggestions were received.
No. | Submitted by |
CS1 | City of Armadale |
CS2 | Martin Gordon |
CS3 | Adam Carr |
CS4 | Mark Mulcair |
CS5 | Peter Fry |
CS6 | M Fallows |
CS7 | Mark McGowan MLA |
CS8 | Darren McSweeney |
CS9 | Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Inc |
CS10 | The Greens (WA) |
CS11 | WA Labor |
CS12 | Dominic Cuscuna |
CS13 | Brett Treby |
CS14 | Hugh Nguyen |
CS15 | Domenic Zappa |
CS16 | Mark Elliott |
Suggestions and comments on suggestions recommended… | Submission | The Redistribution Committee has… | |
No. | Submitted by | ||
the new division be located in Perth’s south-eastern suburbs and be constructed containing portions of the Armadale and Gosnells LGAs | S1 | Jeff Waddell | proposed that the new division is centred on the Armadale and Gosnells LGA areas due to the number of electors and high projected growth in that region |
S2 | South West Group | ||
S11 | Martin Gordon | ||
S17 | Andrew Metaxas & Anthony Rossiter | ||
S18 | City of Armadale | ||
S22 | Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Inc | ||
S23 | The Greens (WA) | ||
S27 | WA Labor | ||
CS6 | M Fallows | ||
the new division be located in the Peel region | S8 | Mark Mulcair | |
the new division be located in the heart of the Swan LGA | S12 | Darren McSweeney | |
the new division be located within the Wanneroo LGA | S26 | The Nationals WA | |
CS13 | Brett Treby | ||
the Mandurah LGA be transferred into the one division reuniting community of interests | S1 | Jeff Waddell | proposed the transfer of Mandurah LGA into the Division of Canning to reunite the community of interests, with the whole of the Peel region now contained within the one division |
S2 | South West Group | ||
S8 | Mark Mulcair | ||
S11 | Martin Gordon | ||
S12 | Darren McSweeney | ||
S17 | Andrew Metaxas & Anthony Rossiter | ||
S18 | City of Armadale | ||
S22 | Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Inc | ||
S23 | The Greens (WA) | ||
S27 | WA Labor | ||
CS6 | M Fallows | ||
the Canning and Swan Rivers be used as a strong boundary | S1 | Jeff Waddell | adopted the Canning River as part of the proposed boundary of the Divisions of Burt, Canning, Hasluck, Swan and Tangney adopted the Swan River as part of the proposed boundary of the Divisions of Curtin, Fremantle, Hasluck, Perth, Swan and Tangney |
S2 | South West Group | ||
S8 | Mark Mulcair | ||
S11 | Martin Gordon | ||
S12 | Darren McSweeney | ||
S17 | Andrew Metaxas & Anthony Rossiter | ||
S18 | City of Armadale | ||
S22 | Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Inc | ||
S23 | The Greens (WA) | ||
S27 | WA Labor | ||
CS6 | M Fallows | ||
that any localities, LGAs, regions and/or sub-regions that are currently split between two or more electoral divisions be reunited into one division | S1 | Jeff Waddell | to the extent possible within numerical constraints, placed whole localities into single electoral divisions. Where this was not possible, strong boundaries have been proposed to mark the split of a locality into more than one division to the extent possible within numerical constraints, placed whole LGAs into single electoral divisions. Where this was not possible, strong boundaries have been proposed to mark the split of an LGA into more than one division |
S2 | South West Group | ||
S8 | Mark Mulcair | ||
S11 | Martin Gordon | ||
S12 | Darren McSweeney | ||
S17 | Andrew Metaxas & Anthony Rossiter | ||
S18 | City of Armadale | ||
S22 | Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Inc | ||
S23 | The Greens (WA) | ||
S27 | WA Labor | ||
CS6 | M Fallows | ||
CS13 | Brett Treby | ||
Manjimup, Boyup Brook, Bridgetown-Greenbushes and Nannup LGA be reunited into the one division | S2 | South West Group | considered reuniting Manjimup, Boyup Brook, Bridgetown-Greenbushes and Nannup LGAs into the one division which would reconnect the South Western Warren Blackwood region and realign the LGAs with their similar community of interests. However this proposal could not be accommodated due to numerical constraints |
S8 | Mark Mulcair | ||
S17 | Andrew Metaxas & Anthony Rossiter | ||
S23 | The Greens (WA) | ||
CS6 | M Fallows |
S = suggestion received and CS = comment on suggestion received (refer to Appendix C and Appendix D for full list)
Suggestions and comments on suggestions recommended that the new division be named… | Submission | The Redistribution Committee has… | |
No | Submitted by | ||
Strickland | S1 | Jeff Waddell | proposed the new division be named Burt reflecting the important contributions by members of the Burt family to Western Australia over succeeding generations, including:
Armadale | S2 | South West Group | |
S18 | City of Armadale | ||
after an Aboriginal | S3 | Graham Hawkes | |
Vallentine | S4 | Marta Sandberg | |
S5 | Cameron Poustie | ||
S6 | Annabelle Newbury | ||
S7 | Peter Garrett | ||
S9 | Jennifer Jamieson | ||
S13 | Chilla Bulbeck | ||
S14 | Margo Beilby | ||
S15 | Joan Margaret Jenkins | ||
S16 | Conservation Council of Western Australia | ||
S19 | People for Nuclear Disarmament (WA) | ||
S21 | Harry Hook | ||
S23 | The Greens (WA) | ||
S24 | WA Civil Society Climate Roundtable | ||
S25 | Kate Vallentine | ||
CS5 | Peter Fry | ||
Beazley | S8 | Mark Mulcair | |
Dampier | S10 | Michael Hedger | |
Holman | S11 | Martin Gordon | |
Coombs | S12 | Darren McSweeney | |
Burt | S17 | Andrew Metaxas & Anthony Rossiter | |
Yagan | S20 | Michael Proud | |
CS6 | M Fallows | ||
Court | S22 | Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Inc | |
CS12 | Dominic Cuscuna | ||
Tonkin | S27 | WA Labor | |
Throssell | CS3 | Adam Carr | |
CS7 | Mark McGowan MLA | ||
Suggested that consideration be given to a list of supplementary names | S11 | Martin Gordon | |
S12 | Darren McSweeney | ||
CS2 | Martin Gordon |
S = suggestion received and CS = comment on suggestion received (refer to Appendix C and Appendix D for full list)
Determining the names of federal electoral divisions is part of the process of conducting a federal redistribution within a state or territory.
The criteria used by redistribution committees to propose the names of electoral divisions, and used by the augmented Electoral Commission to determine the names of electoral divisions, have previously been the subject of recommendations from the JSCEM. From these recommendations, a set of guidelines were developed as a point of reference only.
It should be noted that redistribution committees and the augmented Electoral Commission are in no way bound by the guidelines.
In the main, divisions should be named after deceased Australians who have rendered outstanding service to their country.
When new divisions are created, the names of former Prime Ministers should be considered.
Every effort should be made to retain the names of original federation divisions.
Locality or place names should generally be avoided, but in certain areas the use of geographical features may be appropriate (e.g. Perth).
Aboriginal names should be used where appropriate and as far as possible existing Aboriginal divisional names should be retained.
The names of federal divisions should not duplicate existing state districts.
Qualifying names may be used where appropriate (e.g. Melbourne Ports, Port Adelaide).
Names of divisions should not be changed or transferred to new areas without very strong reasons.
When two or more divisions are partially combined, as far as possible the name of the new division should be that of the old division which had the greatest number of electors within the new boundaries. However, where the socio-demographic nature of the division in question has changed significantly, this should override the numerical formula.
The AEC maintains the electoral roll on the basis of alignment to Statistical Area 1s (SA1s), and is able to provide statistical data on enrolments and projected enrolments at this level. Accordingly, in formulating its proposals, the Committee utilised Western Australia’s 5 599 SA1s as its basic building blocks. The SA1s have defined boundaries and are of differing population, area sizes and shapes. In a small number of cases where the Committee considered that a particular SA1 boundary did not form a strong electoral boundary, the SA1 was split along a stronger boundary.
The indicative area of each proposed electoral division has been calculated by aggregating the area of:
Areas are calculated on the Geocentric Datum of Australia (GDA94) spheroid using the AEC’s Electoral Boundary Mapping System (EBMS), developed within the ‘MapInfo Professional’ software package.
The Committee used EBMS to model and assess various boundary options. This system was also made available for public use during the comments period, and will be made available during the objections period at the office of the Australian Electoral Officer for Western Australia in Perth.
Section of the Electoral Act | Requirement | Date |
s.68(2) | Invitation to make written objections and written comments on objections | Gazette notice published on Friday 21 August 2015 |
s.68(2)(a) | Objections close at 6pm on the 4th Friday after publication of the Gazette notice | Written objections must be received by 6pm (AWST) on Friday 18 September 2015 |
s.69(2) | Objections made available for public perusal starting on the 5th Monday after publication of the Gazette notice | Objections will be made available at the office of the Australian Electoral Officer for Western Australia and on the AEC website on Monday 21 September 2015 |
s.68(2)(b) | Comments on objections close at 6pm on the 6th Friday after publication of the Gazette notice | Comments on objections must be received by 6pm (AWST) on Friday 2 October 2015 |
s.69(4) | Comments on objections made available for public perusal starting on the 7th Monday after publication of the Gazette notice | Comments on objections will be made available in the office of the Australian Electoral Officer for Western Australia and on the AEC website on Monday 5 October 2015 |
s.72(1) and (2) | Consideration of all objections and comments on objections received by the statutory timeframe | The augmented Electoral Commission will consider objections and comments on objections by no later than 1 December 2015 |
s.72(3) | Public inquiry/inquiries held (if required) into objections and comments on objections | To be determined |
s.72(10)(b) | The augmented Electoral Commission announces its proposed redistribution | To be determined |
s.72(12) and (13) | Further objection period – if required | To be determined |
s.73(1) | Determination of names and boundaries of electoral divisions published in the Gazette | Tuesday 19 January 2016 |
s.75(2) | Redistribution report laid before both Houses of Parliament | To be determined |
Redistribution report and maps available to the public | To be determined |
Previous redistribution reports have set out how each proposed division is constituted from existing divisions, arranged under Statistical Local Areas (SLAs) which broadly corresponded with LGAs.
The statistical summaries provided below are arranged under SA2s. Each SA2 is comprised of a grouping of SA1s, which form the base building blocks for the redistribution.
It is important to note that SA2s do not necessarily align to LGA boundaries. A description of how SA2s differ from SLAs is available on the ABS website.
Proposed division make up | Current enrolment 1 December 2014 | Projected enrolment 8 February 2017 |
Electors retained from the existing Division of Brand | ||
Anketell – Wandi | 1 158 | 1 203 |
Baldivis | 13 756 | 15 211 |
Bertram – Wellard (West) | 5 464 | 6 051 |
Calista | 4 466 | 4 774 |
Casuarina – Wellard (East) | 1 021 | 1 078 |
Cooloongup | 5 810 | 6 076 |
Hope Valley – Postans | 62 | 62 |
Kwinana Industrial | 15 | 15 |
Parmelia – Orelia | 6 646 | 7 094 |
Port Kennedy | 8 139 | 8 796 |
Rockingham | 10 558 | 11 025 |
Rockingham Lakes | 3 | 2 |
Safety Bay – Shoalwater | 8 272 | 8 649 |
Singleton – Golden Bay – Secret Harbour | 9 847 | 10 639 |
Waikiki | 7 882 | 8 421 |
Warnbro | 6 994 | 7 535 |
Total electors retained from the existing Division of Brand | 90 093 | 96 631 |
Total for proposed Division of Brand | 90 093 | 96 631 |
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Brand to another proposed electoral division | ||
Electors transferred to proposed Division of Canning | ||
Greenfields | (6 951) | (7 348) |
Mandurah | (390) | (401) |
Mandurah – North | (8 876) | (9 725) |
Total transferred to proposed Division of Canning | (16 217) | (17 474) |
Total electors transferred from the existing Division of Brand to another proposed electoral division | (16 217) | (17 474) |
Proposed division make up | Current enrolment 1 December 2014 | Projected enrolment 8 February 2017 |
Electors transferred from another electoral division into the proposed Division of Burt | ||
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Canning | ||
Armadale – Wungong – Brookdale (part) | 10 595 | 11 181 |
Camillo – Champion Lakes | 3 499 | 3 738 |
Forrestdale – Harrisdale – Piara Waters | 6 918 | 7 394 |
Kelmscott | 6 841 | 7 330 |
Mount Nasura – Mount Richon – Bedfordale (part) | 2 122 | 2 233 |
Seville Grove | 5 637 | 6 239 |
Total transferred from existing Division of Canning | 35 612 | 38 115 |
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Hasluck | ||
Gosnells | 12 152 | 12 914 |
Huntingdale – Southern River | 9 915 | 10 805 |
Thornlie | 14 788 | 15 538 |
Total transferred from existing Division of Hasluck | 36 855 | 39 257 |
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Swan | ||
Beckenham – Kenwick – Langford (part) | 3 166 | 3 411 |
Total transferred from existing Division of Swan | 3 166 | 3 411 |
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Tangney | ||
Canning Vale – East | 11 628 | 12 675 |
Canning Vale – West | 6 502 | 7 072 |
Canning Vale Commercial | 0 | 0 |
Total transferred from existing Division of Tangney | 18 130 | 19 747 |
Total electors transferred from another electoral division into the proposed Division of Burt | 93 763 | 100 530 |
Total for proposed Division of Burt | 93 763 | 100 530 |
Proposed division make up | Current enrolment 1 December 2014 | Projected enrolment 8 February 2017 |
Electors retained from the existing Division of Canning | ||
Armadale – Wungong – Brookdale (part) | 0 | 0 |
Ashendon – Lesley | 4 | 4 |
Byford | 6 784 | 7 206 |
Dawesville – Bouvard | 4 261 | 4 566 |
Falcon – Wannanup | 5 926 | 6 269 |
Halls Head – Erskine | 12 704 | 13 399 |
Mandurah | 5 825 | 6 074 |
Mandurah – East | 4 140 | 4 352 |
Mandurah – North | 360 | 397 |
Mandurah – South | 6 997 | 7 292 |
Mount Nasura – Mount Richon – Bedfordale (part) | 3 366 | 3 608 |
Mundijong | 4 102 | 4 409 |
Murray | 1 600 | 1 683 |
Pinjarra | 6 008 | 6 356 |
Roleystone | 5 080 | 5 390 |
Serpentine – Jarrahdale | 2 715 | 2 877 |
Waroona | 2 665 | 2 785 |
Total electors retained from the existing Division of Canning | 72 537 | 76 667 |
Electors transferred from another electoral division into the proposed Division of Canning | ||
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Brand | ||
Greenfields | 6 951 | 7 348 |
Mandurah | 390 | 401 |
Mandurah – North | 8 876 | 9 725 |
Total transferred from existing Division of Brand | 16 217 | 17 474 |
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Hasluck | ||
Maddington – Orange Grove – Martin (part) | 1 365 | 1 448 |
Total transferred from existing Division of Hasluck | 1 365 | 1 448 |
Electors transferred from the existing Division of O’Connor | ||
Brookton (part) | 334 | 334 |
Total transferred from existing Division of O’Connor | 334 | 334 |
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Pearce | ||
Lesmurdie – Bickley – Carmel (part) | 764 | 794 |
Total transferred from existing Division of Pearce | 764 | 794 |
Total electors transferred from another electoral division into the proposed Division of Canning | 18 680 | 20 050 |
Total for proposed Division of Canning | 91 217 | 96 717 |
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Canning to another proposed electoral division | ||
Electors transferred to the proposed Division of Burt | ||
Armadale – Wungong – Brookdale (part) | (10 595) | (11 181) |
Camillo – Champion Lakes | (3 499) | (3 738) |
Forrestdale – Harrisdale – Piara Waters | (6 918) | (7 394) |
Kelmscott | (6 841) | (7 330) |
Mount Nasura – Mount Richon – Bedfordale (part) | (2 122) | (2 233) |
Seville Grove | (5 637) | (6 239) |
Total transferred to the proposed Division of Burt | (35 612) | (38 115) |
Total electors transferred from the existing Division of Canning to another proposed electoral division | (35 612) | (38 115) |
Proposed division make up | Current enrolment 1 December 2014 | Projected enrolment 8 February 2017 |
Electors retained from the existing Division of Cowan | ||
Alexander Heights – Koondoola | 7 783 | 8 280 |
Ballajura | 12 825 | 13 456 |
Girrawheen | 5 378 | 5 777 |
Greenwood – Warwick (part) | 9 721 | 10 212 |
Joondalup – Edgewater (part) | 0 | 0 |
Kingsley (part) | 854 | 866 |
Madeley – Darch – Landsdale | 13 974 | 15 226 |
Malaga | 5 | 5 |
Marangaroo | 7 226 | 7 570 |
Tapping – Ashby – Sinagra (part) | 6 920 | 7 660 |
Wanneroo (part) | 16 216 | 17 592 |
Woodvale (part) | 0 | 0 |
Total electors retained from the existing Division of Cowan | 80 902 | 86 644 |
Electors transferred from another electoral division into the proposed Division of Cowan | ||
Electors transferred from existing Division of Pearce | ||
Beechboro (part) | 3 082 | 3 387 |
Total transferred from existing Division of Pearce | 3 082 | 3 387 |
Electors transferred from existing Division of Perth | ||
Beechboro (part) | 6 111 | 6 552 |
Lockridge – Kiara (part) | 3 518 | 3 805 |
Total transferred from existing Division of Perth | 9 629 | 10 357 |
Total electors transferred from another electoral division into the proposed Division of Cowan | 12 711 | 13 744 |
Total for proposed Division of Cowan | 93 613 | 100 388 |
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Cowan to another proposed electoral division | ||
Electors transferred to proposed Division of Moore | ||
Craigie – Beldon | 0 | 0 |
Kingsley (part) | (8 906) | (9 049) |
Woodvale (part) | (6 903) | (7 279) |
Total transferred to proposed Division of Moore | (15 809) | (16 328) |
Electors transferred to proposed Division of Pearce | ||
Carramar | (1 404) | (1 673) |
Tapping – Ashby – Sinagra (part) | (630) | (659) |
Total transferred to proposed Division of Pearce | (2 034) | (2 332) |
Total electors transferred from the existing Division of Cowan to another proposed electoral division | (17 843) | (18 660) |
Proposed division make up | Current enrolment 1 December 2014 | Projected enrolment 8 February 2017 |
Electors retained from the existing Division of Curtin | ||
City Beach | 4 782 | 4 949 |
Claremont (WA) | 5 613 | 5 873 |
Cottesloe | 5 374 | 5 681 |
Floreat | 5 244 | 5 515 |
Herdsman | 0 | 0 |
Innaloo – Doubleview | 2 441 | 2 544 |
Mosman Park – Peppermint Grove | 7 009 | 7 325 |
Nedlands – Dalkeith – Crawley (part) | 11 163 | 11 768 |
Osborne Park Industrial | 2 | 2 |
Scarborough (part) | 5 785 | 6 159 |
Subiaco – Shenton Park | 10 385 | 10 925 |
Swanbourne – Mount Claremont | 5 927 | 6 230 |
Wembley – West Leederville – Glendalough | 10 635 | 11 264 |
Wembley Downs – Churchlands – Woodlands | 9 575 | 10 080 |
Total electors retained from the existing Division of Curtin | 83 935 | 88 315 |
Electors transferred from another electoral division into the proposed Division of Curtin | ||
Electors transferred from existing Division of Fremantle | ||
Fremantle (part) | 2 319 | 2 471 |
Total transferred from existing Division of Fremantle | 2 319 | 2 471 |
Electors transferred from existing Division of Stirling | ||
Innaloo – Doubleview | 8 442 | 8 984 |
Osborne Park Industrial | 4 | 4 |
Scarborough (part) | 1 012 | 1 091 |
Total transferred from existing Division of Stirling | 9 458 | 10 079 |
Total electors transferred from another electoral division into the proposed Division of Curtin | 11 777 | 12 550 |
Total for proposed Division of Curtin | 95 712 | 100 865 |
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Curtin to another proposed electoral division | ||
Electors transferred to proposed Division of Perth | ||
Kings Park (WA) | (21) | (21) |
Mount Hawthorn – Leederville | (7 017) | (7 500) |
Nedlands – Dalkeith – Crawley (part) | (640) | (672) |
North Perth | (2 337) | (2 442) |
Perth City | (2 622) | (2 868) |
Stirling – Osborne Park (part) | 0 | 0 |
Total transferred to proposed Division of Perth | (12 637) | (13 503) |
Total electors transferred from the existing Division of Curtin to another proposed electoral division | (12 637) | (13 503) |
Proposed division make up | Current enrolment 1 December 2014 | Projected enrolment 8 February 2017 |
Electors retained from the existing Division of Durack | ||
Ashburton (WA) | 3 032 | 3 266 |
Broome | 6 706 | 7 051 |
Carnarvon | 3 017 | 3 203 |
Cunderdin | 1 872 | 1 897 |
Derby – West Kimberley | 3 759 | 3 959 |
Dowerin | 2 857 | 2 890 |
East Pilbara | 1 240 | 1 301 |
Exmouth | 2 351 | 2 437 |
Geraldton | 8 020 | 8 269 |
Geraldton – East | 4 798 | 5 057 |
Geraldton – North | 4 616 | 4 862 |
Geraldton – South | 6 129 | 6 402 |
Gingin – Dandaragan (part) | 2 268 | 2 299 |
Halls Creek | 1 754 | 1 878 |
Irwin | 2 572 | 2 684 |
Karratha | 7 998 | 8 450 |
Kununurra | 3 767 | 4 007 |
Meekatharra | 1 399 | 1 485 |
Merredin | 2 050 | 2 137 |
Moora | 2 951 | 3 104 |
Morawa | 2 619 | 2 762 |
Mukinbudin | 1 150 | 1 188 |
Newman | 2 105 | 2 274 |
Northampton – Mullewa – Greenough | 3 983 | 4 167 |
Port Hedland | 2 162 | 2 299 |
Roebourne | 2 278 | 2 501 |
Roebuck | 1 299 | 1 368 |
South Hedland | 4 053 | 4 349 |
Total electors retained from the existing Division of Durack | 92 805 | 97 546 |
Electors transferred from another electoral division into the proposed Division of Durack | ||
Electors transferred from existing Division of O’Connor | ||
Cunderdin | 739 | 769 |
Merredin | 1 206 | 1 248 |
Mukinbudin | 894 | 980 |
Total transferred from existing Division of O’Connor | 2 839 | 2 997 |
Total electors transferred from another electoral division into the proposed Division of Durack | 2 839 | 2 997 |
Total for proposed Division of Durack | 95 644 | 100 543 |
Proposed division make up | Current enrolment 1 December 2014 | Projected enrolment 8 February 2017 |
Electors retained from the existing Division of Forrest | ||
Augusta | 3 602 | 3 730 |
Australind – Leschenault | 10 803 | 11 306 |
Bunbury | 12 106 | 12 467 |
Busselton | 16 998 | 17 558 |
Busselton Region | 6 581 | 6 873 |
Capel | 3 332 | 3 478 |
College Grove – Carey Park | 4 286 | 4 449 |
Dardanup | 2 154 | 2 259 |
Davenport | 23 | 23 |
Donnybrook – Balingup | 3 994 | 4 109 |
Eaton – Pelican Point | 7 341 | 7 659 |
Gelorup – Dalyellup – Stratham | 6 581 | 6 934 |
Harvey | 5 844 | 6 074 |
Koombana | 4 867 | 5 070 |
Margaret River | 5 074 | 5 309 |
Pemberton (part) | 973 | 1 013 |
Total electors retained from the existing Division of Forrest | 94 559 | 98 311 |
Total for proposed Division of Forrest | 94 559 | 98 311 |
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Forrest to another proposed electoral division | ||
Electors transferred to proposed Division of O’Connor | ||
Collie | (6 141) | (6 372) |
Total transferred to proposed Division of O’Connor | (6 141) | (6 372) |
Total electors transferred from the existing Division of Forrest to another proposed electoral division | (6 141) | (6 372) |
Proposed division make up | Current enrolment 1 December 2014 | Projected enrolment 8 February 2017 |
Electors retained from the existing Division of Fremantle | ||
Banjup | 9 295 | 10 233 |
Beeliar | 4 145 | 4 508 |
Bibra Industrial | 18 | 18 |
Bibra Lake | 0 | 0 |
Bicton – Palmyra (part) | 4 959 | 5 230 |
Coogee | 6 056 | 6 412 |
Coolbellup | 5 446 | 5 761 |
East Fremantle | 5 254 | 5 528 |
Fremantle (part) | 7 848 | 8 229 |
Fremantle – South | 10 180 | 10 699 |
Hamilton Hill | 7 007 | 7 342 |
Henderson | 4 | 4 |
Jandakot (part) | 1 832 | 1 957 |
Jandakot Airport | 1 | 1 |
Murdoch – Kardinya (part) | 2 211 | 2 343 |
North Coogee | 872 | 915 |
O’Connor (WA) | 3 | 3 |
South Lake – Cockburn Central | 7 711 | 8 253 |
Spearwood | 6 463 | 6 770 |
Success – Hammond Park | 7 330 | 8 063 |
Wattleup | 449 | 449 |
Yangebup | 4 838 | 5 219 |
Total electors retained from the existing Division of Fremantle | 91 922 | 97 937 |
Electors transferred from another electoral division into the proposed Division of Fremantle | ||
Electors transferred existing Division of Tangney | ||
Jandakot Airport | 0 | 0 |
Total transferred from existing Division of Tangney | 0 | 0 |
Total electors transferred from another electoral division into the proposed Division of Fremantle | 0 | 0 |
Total for proposed Division of Fremantle | 91 922 | 97 937 |
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Fremantle to another proposed electoral division | ||
Electors transferred to proposed Division of Curtin | ||
Fremantle (part) | (2 319) | (2 471) |
Total transferred to proposed Division of Curtin | (2 319) | (2 471) |
Electors transferred to proposed Division of Tangney | ||
Bicton – Palmyra (part) | (5 001) | (5 316) |
Murdoch – Kardinya (part) | (1 971) | (2 069) |
Willagee | (3 186) | (3 457) |
Total transferred to proposed Division of Tangney | (10 158) | (10 842) |
Total electors transferred from the existing Division of Fremantle to another proposed electoral division | (12 477) | (13 313) |
Proposed division make up | Current enrolment 1 December 2014 | Projected enrolment 8 February 2017 |
Electors retained from the existing Division of Hasluck | ||
Beckenham – Kenwick – Langford (part) | 3 329 | 3 594 |
Beechboro (part) | 0 | 0 |
Cannington – Queens Park (part) | 0 | 0 |
Forrestfield – Wattle Grove (part) | 11 353 | 12 075 |
Glen Forrest – Darlington | 0 | 0 |
Hazelmere – South Guildford (part) | 2 717 | 2 907 |
Helena Valley – Koongamia | 3 017 | 3 231 |
Kalamunda – Maida Vale – Gooseberry Hill | 11 235 | 11 793 |
Lesmurdie – Bickley – Carmel (part) | 6 298 | 6 583 |
Lockridge – Kiara (part) | 2 305 | 2 454 |
Maddington – Orange Grove – Martin (part) | 6 264 | 6 671 |
Middle Swan – Herne Hill (part) | 2 156 | 2 293 |
Midland – Guildford | 6 313 | 6 642 |
Stratton – Jane Brook (part) | 0 | 0 |
Swan View – Greenmount – Midvale | 950 | 1 000 |
Welshpool (part) | 0 | 0 |
Total electors retained from the existing Division of Hasluck | 55 937 | 59 243 |
Electors transferred from another electoral division into the proposed Division of Hasluck | ||
Electors transferred from existing Division of Pearce | ||
Chidlow | 1 911 | 2 094 |
Forrestfield – Wattle Grove (part) | 0 | 0 |
Gidgegannup (part) | 1 879 | 2 002 |
Glen Forrest – Darlington | 5 298 | 5 611 |
Helena Valley – Koongamia | 485 | 522 |
Kalamunda – Maida Vale – Gooseberry Hill | 0 | 0 |
Lesmurdie – Bickley – Carmel (part) | 1 115 | 1 181 |
Malmalling – Reservoir | 14 | 14 |
Middle Swan – Herne Hill (part) | 0 | 0 |
Mundaring | 9 227 | 9 768 |
Stratton – Jane Brook (part) | 4 250 | 4 610 |
Swan View – Greenmount – Midvale | 7 630 | 7 999 |
Total transferred from existing Division of Pearce | 31 809 | 33 801 |
Electors transferred from existing Division of Swan | ||
Beckenham – Kenwick – Langford (part) | 3 993 | 4 293 |
Total transferred from existing Division of Swan | 3 993 | 4 293 |
Total electors transferred from another electoral division into the proposed Division of Hasluck | 35 802 | 38 094 |
Total for proposed Division of Hasluck | 91 739 | 97 337 |
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Hasluck to another proposed electoral division | ||
Electors transferred to proposed Division of Burt | ||
Gosnells | (12 152) | (12 914) |
Huntingdale – Southern River | (9 915) | (10 805) |
Thornlie | (14 788) | (15 538) |
Total transferred to proposed Division of Burt | (36 855) | (39 257) |
Electors transferred to proposed Division of Canning | ||
Maddington – Orange Grove – Martin (part) | (1 365) | (1 448) |
Total transferred to proposed Division of Canning | (1 365) | (1 448) |
Electors transferred to proposed Division of Pearce | ||
Middle Swan – Herne Hill (part) | (4) | (4) |
Total transferred to proposed Division of Pearce | (4) | (4) |
Electors transferred to proposed Division of Swan | ||
Forrestfield – Wattle Grove (part) | (4) | (4) |
Hazelmere – South Guildford (part) | (2) | (2) |
High Wycombe | (7 900) | (8 460) |
Perth Airport | 0 | 0 |
Total transferred to proposed Division of Swan | (7 906) | (8 466) |
Total electors transferred from the existing Division of Hasluck to another proposed electoral division | (46 130) | (49 175) |
Proposed division make up | Current enrolment 1 December 2014 | Projected enrolment 8 February 2017 |
Electors retained from the existing Division of Moore | ||
Craigie – Beldon | 6 720 | 7 094 |
Currambine – Kinross | 8 820 | 9 274 |
Duncraig | 11 100 | 11 490 |
Greenwood – Warwick (part) | 0 | 0 |
Heathridge – Connolly | 7 204 | 7 469 |
Hillarys | 7 876 | 8 330 |
Iluka – Burns Beach | 5 021 | 5 427 |
Joondalup – Edgewater (part) | 8 743 | 9 276 |
Kingsley (part) | 0 | 0 |
Mullaloo - Kallaroo | 7 982 | 8 373 |
Ocean Reef | 5 705 | 6 003 |
Padbury | 5 831 | 6 143 |
Sorrento – Marmion | 7 347 | 7 751 |
Total electors retained from the existing Division of Moore | 82 349 | 86 630 |
Electors transferred from another electoral division into the proposed Division of Moore | ||
Electors transferred from existing Division of Cowan | ||
Craigie – Beldon | 0 | 0 |
Kingsley (part) | 8 906 | 9 049 |
Woodvale (part) | 6 903 | 7 279 |
Total transferred from existing Division of Cowan | 15 809 | 16 328 |
Total electors transferred from another electoral division into the proposed Division of Moore | 15 809 | 16 328 |
Total for proposed Division of Moore | 98 158 | 102 958 |
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Moore to another proposed electoral division | ||
Electors transferred to proposed Division of Pearce | ||
Carramar | (6 147) | (6 637) |
Clarkson | (6 520) | (7 327) |
Mindarie – Quinns Rocks – Jindalee | (4 730) | (5 042) |
Neerabup National Park | (2) | (2) |
Total transferred to proposed Division of Pearce | (17 399) | (19 008) |
Total electors transferred from the existing Division of Moore to another proposed electoral division | (17 399) | (19 008) |
Proposed division make up | Current enrolment 1 December 2014 | Projected enrolment 8 February 2017 |
Electors retained from the existing Division of O’Connor | ||
Albany | 10 234 | 10 398 |
Albany Region | 2 274 | 2 351 |
Bayonet Head – Lower King | 3 270 | 3 430 |
Boulder | 3 948 | 4 179 |
Bridgetown – Boyup Brook | 4 357 | 4 532 |
Brookton (part) | 2 289 | 2 349 |
Denmark | 4 077 | 4 192 |
Esperance | 7 626 | 7 951 |
Esperance Region | 2 491 | 2 596 |
Gnowangerup | 1 849 | 1 964 |
Kalgoorlie | 7 195 | 7 553 |
Kalgoorlie – North | 4 895 | 5 184 |
Kalgoorlie Airport | 0 | 0 |
Kambalda – Coolgardie – Norseman | 2 303 | 2 486 |
Katanning | 2 769 | 2 871 |
Kojonup | 2 803 | 2 861 |
Kulin | 3 019 | 3 193 |
Leinster – Leonora | 2 082 | 2 229 |
Little Grove – Elleker | 2 255 | 2 351 |
Manjimup | 3 722 | 3 850 |
McKail – Willyung | 6 667 | 7 041 |
Narrogin | 2 963 | 3 066 |
Pemberton (part) | 2 609 | 2 708 |
Plantagenet | 3 339 | 3 449 |
Stirling Range National Park | 0 | 0 |
Trafalgar (WA) | 0 | 0 |
Wagin | 3 495 | 3 633 |
Total electors retained from the existing Division of O’Connor | 92 531 | 96 417 |
Electors transferred from another electoral division into the proposed Division of O’Connor | ||
Electors transferred from existing Division of Forrest | ||
Collie | 6 141 | 6 372 |
Total transferred from existing Division of Forrest | 6 141 | 6 372 |
Total electors transferred from another electoral division into the proposed Division of O’Connor | 6 141 | 6 372 |
Total for proposed Division of O’Connor | 98 672 | 102 789 |
Electors transferred from the existing Division of O’Connor to another proposed electoral division | ||
Electors transferred to proposed Division of Canning | ||
Brookton (part) | (334) | (334) |
Total transferred to proposed Division of Canning | (334) | (334) |
Electors transferred to proposed Division of Durack | ||
Cunderdin | (739) | (769) |
Merredin | (1 206) | (1 248) |
Mukinbudin | (894) | (980) |
Total transferred to proposed Division of Durack | (2 839) | (2 997) |
Total electors transferred from the existing Division of O’Connor to another proposed electoral division | (3 173) | (3 331) |
Proposed division make up | Current enrolment 1 December 2014 | Projected enrolment 8 February 2017 |
Electors retained from the existing Division of Pearce | ||
Avon Valley National Park | 3 | 3 |
Beechboro (part) | 1 251 | 1 326 |
Bullsbrook | 2 973 | 3 197 |
Butler – Merriwa – Ridgewood | 11 474 | 12 698 |
Chittering | 3 377 | 3 567 |
Ellenbrook | 16 335 | 18 066 |
Gidgegannup (part) | 7 | 11 |
Gingin – Dandaragan (part) | 3 520 | 3 733 |
Lockridge – Kiara (part) | 12 | 13 |
Melaleuca – Lexia | 2 | 2 |
Middle Swan – Herne Hill (part) | 1 467 | 1 523 |
Mindarie – Quinns Rocks – Jindalee | 5 955 | 6 368 |
Neerabup National Park | 0 | 0 |
Northam | 7 037 | 7 283 |
Stratton – Jane Brook (part) | 2 | 4 |
Tapping – Ashby – Sinagra (part) | 16 | 17 |
The Vines | 4 784 | 5 110 |
Toodyay | 3 170 | 3 320 |
Walyunga National Park | 0 | 0 |
Wanneroo (part) | 22 | 23 |
Yanchep | 7 083 | 7 505 |
York – Beverley | 3 751 | 3 832 |
Total electors retained from the existing Division of Pearce | 72 241 | 77 601 |
Electors transferred from another electoral division into the proposed Division of Pearce | ||
Electors transferred from existing Division of Cowan | ||
Carramar | 1 404 | 1 673 |
Tapping – Ashby – Sinagra (part) | 630 | 659 |
Total transferred from existing Division of Cowan | 2 034 | 2 332 |
Electors transferred from existing Division of Hasluck | ||
Middle Swan – Herne Hill (part) | 4 | 4 |
Total transferred from existing Division of Hasluck | 4 | 4 |
Electors transferred from existing Division of Moore | ||
Carramar | 6 147 | 6 637 |
Clarkson | 6 520 | 7 327 |
Mindarie – Quinns Rocks – Jindalee | 4 730 | 5 042 |
Neerabup National Park | 2 | 2 |
Total transferred from existing Division of Moore | 17 399 | 19 008 |
Total electors transferred from another electoral division into the proposed Division of Pearce | 19 437 | 21 344 |
Total for proposed Division of Pearce | 91 678 | 98 945 |
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Pearce to another proposed electoral division | ||
Electors transferred to proposed Division of Canning | ||
Lesmurdie – Bickley – Carmel (part) | (764) | (794) |
Total transferred to proposed Division of Canning | (764) | (794) |
Electors transferred to proposed Division of Cowan | ||
Beechboro (part) | (3 082) | (3 387) |
Total transferred to proposed Division of Cowan | (3 082) | (3 387) |
Electors transferred to proposed Division of Hasluck | ||
Chidlow | (1 911) | (2 094) |
Forrestfield – Wattle Grove (part) | 0 | 0 |
Gidgegannup (part) | (1 879) | (2 002) |
Glen Forrest – Darlington | (5 298) | (5 611) |
Helena Valley – Koongamia | (485) | (522) |
Kalamunda – Maida Vale – Gooseberry Hill | 0 | 0 |
Lesmurdie – Bickley – Carmel (part) | (1 115) | (1 181) |
Malmalling – Reservoir | (14) | (14) |
Middle Swan – Herne Hill (part) | 0 | 0 |
Mundaring | (9 227) | (9 768) |
Stratton – Jane Brook (part) | (4 250) | (4 610) |
Swan View – Greenmount – Midvale | (7 630) | (7 999) |
Total transferred to proposed Division of Hasluck | (31 809) | (33 801) |
Total electors transferred from the existing Division of Pearce to another proposed electoral division | (35 655) | (37 982) |
Proposed division make up | Current enrolment 1 December 2014 | Projected enrolment 8 February 2017 |
Electors retained from the existing Division of Perth | ||
Bassendean – Eden Hill – Ashfield | 10 346 | 11 017 |
Bayswater – Embleton – Bedford | 15 088 | 16 011 |
Maylands | 7 829 | 8 306 |
Morley (part) | 13 677 | 14 410 |
Mount Lawley – Inglewood | 11 238 | 11 957 |
Noranda | 5 986 | 6 275 |
North Perth | 3 765 | 3 971 |
Perth City | 11 459 | 12 893 |
Yokine – Coolbinia – Menora (part) | 361 | 365 |
Total electors retained from the existing Division of Perth | 79 749 | 85 205 |
Electors transferred from another electoral division into the proposed Division of Perth | ||
Electors transferred from existing Division of Curtin | ||
Kings Park (WA) | 21 | 21 |
Mount Hawthorn – Leederville | 7 017 | 7 500 |
Nedlands – Dalkeith – Crawley (part) | 640 | 672 |
North Perth | 2 337 | 2 442 |
Perth City | 2 622 | 2 868 |
Stirling – Osborne Park (part) | 0 | 0 |
Total transferred from existing Division of Curtin | 12 637 | 13 503 |
Electors transferred from existing Division of Stirling | ||
Yokine – Coolbinia – Menora (part) | 2 772 | 2 859 |
Total transferred from existing Division of Stirling | 2 772 | 2 859 |
Total electors transferred from another electoral division into the proposed Division of Perth | 15 409 | 16 362 |
Total for proposed Division of Perth | 95 158 | 101 567 |
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Perth to another proposed electoral division | ||
Electors transferred to proposed Division of Cowan | ||
Beechboro (part) | (6 111) | (6 552) |
Lockridge – Kiara (part) | (3 518) | (3 805) |
Total transferred to proposed Division of Cowan | (9 629) | (10 357) |
Electors transferred to proposed Division of Stirling | ||
Dianella | (8 045) | (8 555) |
Morley (part) | (532) | (561) |
Yokine – Coolbinia – Menora (part) | (158) | (162) |
Total transferred to proposed Division of Stirling | (8 735) | (9 278) |
Total electors transferred from the existing Division of Perth to another proposed electoral division | (18 364) | (19 635) |
Proposed division make up | Current enrolment 1 December 2014 | Projected enrolment 8 February 2017 |
Electors retained from the existing Division of Stirling | ||
Balcatta – Hamersley | 10 682 | 11 275 |
Balga – Mirrabooka | 10 822 | 11 843 |
Dianella | 8 967 | 9 469 |
Karrinyup – Gwelup – Carine | 13 824 | 14 585 |
Nollamara – Westminster | 9 670 | 10 429 |
Scarborough (part) | 3 112 | 3 308 |
Stirling – Osborne Park (part) | 9 224 | 9 803 |
Trigg – North Beach – Watermans Bay | 5 560 | 5 888 |
Tuart Hill – Joondanna | 7 641 | 8 166 |
Yokine – Coolbinia – Menora (part) | 7 347 | 7 757 |
Total electors retained from the existing Division of Stirling | 86 849 | 92 523 |
Electors transferred from another electoral division into the proposed Division of Stirling | ||
Electors transferred existing Division of Perth | ||
Dianella | 8 045 | 8 555 |
Morley (part) | 532 | 561 |
Yokine – Coolbinia – Menora (part) | 158 | 162 |
Total transferred from existing Division of Perth | 8 735 | 9 278 |
Total electors transferred from another electoral division into the proposed Division of Stirling | 8 735 | 9 278 |
Total for proposed Division of Stirling | 95 584 | 101 801 |
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Stirling to another proposed electoral division | ||
Electors transferred to proposed Division of Curtin | ||
Innaloo – Doubleview | (8 442) | (8 984) |
Osborne Park Industrial | (4) | (4) |
Scarborough (part) | (1 012) | (1 091) |
Total transferred to proposed Division of Curtin | (9 458) | (10 079) |
Electors transferred to proposed Division of Perth | ||
Yokine – Coolbinia – Menora (part) | (2 772) | (2 859) |
Total transferred to proposed Division of Perth | (2 772) | (2 859) |
Total electors transferred from the existing Division of Stirling to another proposed electoral division | (12 230) | (12 938) |
Proposed division make up | Current enrolment 1 December 2014 | Projected enrolment 8 February 2017 |
Electors retained from the existing Division of Swan | ||
Belmont – Ascot – Redcliffe | 8 428 | 8 940 |
Bentley – Wilson – St James | 10 434 | 10 928 |
Cannington – Queens Park (part) | 8 156 | 8 773 |
Como | 9 315 | 9 814 |
East Victoria Park – Carlisle | 9 658 | 10 325 |
Forrestfield – Wattle Grove (part) | 0 | 0 |
Kewdale Commercial | 3 | 3 |
Manning – Waterford | 7 106 | 7 455 |
Perth Airport | 0 | 0 |
Rivervale – Kewdale – Cloverdale | 13 543 | 14 355 |
South Perth – Kensington | 10 865 | 11 526 |
Victoria Park – Lathlain – Burswood | 8 381 | 9 086 |
Welshpool (part) | 16 | 16 |
Total electors retained from the existing Division of Swan | 85 905 | 91 221 |
Electors transferred from another electoral division into the proposed Division of Swan | ||
Electors transferred from existing Division of Hasluck | ||
Forrestfield – Wattle Grove (part) | 4 | 4 |
Hazelmere – South Guildford (part) | 2 | 2 |
High Wycombe | 7 900 | 8 460 |
Perth Airport | 0 | 0 |
Total transferred from existing Division of Hasluck | 7 906 | 8 466 |
Total electors transferred from another electoral division into the proposed Division of Swan | 7 906 | 8 466 |
Total for proposed Division of Swan | 93 811 | 99 687 |
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Swan to another proposed electoral division | ||
Electors transferred to proposed Division of Burt | ||
Beckenham – Kenwick – Langford (part) | (3 166) | (3 411) |
Total transferred to proposed Division of Burt | (3 166) | (3 411) |
Electors transferred to proposed Division of Hasluck | ||
Beckenham – Kenwick – Langford (part) | (3 993) | (4 293) |
Total transferred to proposed Division of Hasluck | (3 993) | (4 293) |
Electors transferred to proposed Division of Tangney | ||
Parkwood – Ferndale – Lynwood | (4 983) | (5 267) |
Riverton – Shelley – Rossmoyne | (251) | (261) |
Total transferred to proposed Division of Tangney | (5 234) | (5 528) |
Total electors transferred from the existing Division of Swan to another proposed electoral division | (12 393) | (13 232) |
Proposed division make up | Current enrolment 1 December 2014 | Projected enrolment 8 February 2017 |
Electors retained from the existing Division of Tangney | ||
Applecross – Ardross | 7 821 | 8 217 |
Bateman | 2 584 | 2 734 |
Booragoon | 9 851 | 10 416 |
Bull Creek | 5 452 | 5 691 |
Jandakot (part) | 0 | 0 |
Leeming | 8 119 | 8 386 |
Melville | 11 294 | 11 854 |
Murdoch – Kardinya (part) | 4 232 | 4 459 |
Parkwood – Ferndale – Lynwood | 4 166 | 4 377 |
Riverton – Shelley – Rossmoyne | 8 417 | 8 829 |
Willetton | 11 462 | 12 109 |
Winthrop | 4 300 | 4 525 |
Total electors retained from the existing Division of Tangney | 77 698 | 81 597 |
Electors transferred from another electoral division into the proposed Division of Tangney | ||
Electors transferred from existing Division of Fremantle | ||
Bicton – Palmyra (part) | 5 001 | 5 316 |
Murdoch – Kardinya (part) | 1 971 | 2 069 |
Willagee | 3 186 | 3 457 |
Total transferred from existing Division of Fremantle | 10 158 | 10 842 |
Electors transferred from existing Division of Swan | ||
Parkwood – Ferndale – Lynwood | 4 983 | 5 267 |
Riverton – Shelley – Rossmoyne | 251 | 261 |
Total transferred from existing Division of Swan | 5 234 | 5 528 |
Total electors transferred from another electoral division into the proposed Division of Tangney | 15 392 | 16 370 |
Total for proposed Division of Tangney | 93 090 | 97 967 |
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Tangney to another proposed electoral division | ||
Electors transferred to proposed Division of Burt | ||
Canning Vale – East | (11 628) | (12 675) |
Canning Vale – West | (6 502) | (7 072) |
Canning Vale Commercial | 0 | 0 |
Total transferred to proposed Division of Burt | (18 130) | (19 747) |
Electors transferred to proposed Division of Fremantle | ||
Jandakot Airport | 0 | 0 |
Total transferred to proposed Division of Fremantle | 0 | 0 |
Total electors transferred from the existing Division of Tangney to another proposed electoral division | (18 130) | (19 747) |