The statistics in this volume are provided by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC). They have been prepared for the information of persons and organisations interested in the 2008 redistribution of electoral boundaries for 5 House of Representatives electoral divisions in Tasmania.
The tables in this volume show the electoral enrolment figures as at 13 February 2008 and the projected enrolment figures at 15 August 2012 (the projection time for equality of enrolments for the purposes of section 63A of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918). The figures are given at the following levels:
Following a recommendation by the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters (JSCEM) that the AEC and the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) work together on enrolment projections, the ABS has supplied enrolment projections to the AEC using AEC enrolment data as the base. The ABS used a cohort-component method to project the enrolment of each CCD to 15 August 2012.
Divisional Returning Officers (DROs) were asked to examine the ABS projections in the light of their local knowledge and experience, and to substitute their own projections where appropriate. DROs made use of information supplied by relevant local authority planning and statistical groups, as well as their own resources in undertaking this task. The Australian Electoral Officer and State Manager for Tasmania also reviewed the projections to ensure a consistent approach.
Statistics are given at the CCD level, as this level is the smallest commonly used geographic building block. The CCD figures are aggregated to show the totals for SLAs, which are comprised of a number of CCDs. Being somewhat larger than CCDs, SLAs may be more manageable for those who are interested in less detailed analysis. In most cases, the SLA is equivalent to the Local Government Area (LGA). Totals for each division and the state are also given.
The type of SLA is denoted by a suffix. This is described in detail in the ABS publication Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC), 2006. Briefly, the relevant SLA types are:
The statistics shown are broken down according to electoral division. Where a CCD or SLA crosses divisional boundaries, the CCD or SLA concerned will be listed in each division in which electors are enrolled. Only those electors resident in that division are included in the figures for such CCDs or SLAs.
Two sets of enrolment statistics are shown in the Enrolment Projections section of this paper. Figures are provided for 13 February 2008, which is the enrolment at close of business on the day the Australian Electoral Commission directed the commencement of the redistribution, and are the figures used for the Electoral Commissioner's determination of the enrolment quota under Section 65 of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918. The table under quota information sets out the enrolment quota information to apply for this redistribution. Projected enrolment at 15 August 2012 is also given.
A Growth (%) is provided. This is the estimated growth rate for the period February 2008 to August 2012. The growth rate shown for each CCD is calculated by subtracting the actual enrolment from the projected enrolment, then dividing by the actual enrolment. The result is expressed as a percentage.
The first page of this section shows total numbers of CCDs or part CCDs, and the total enrolments and growth rates for each existing electoral division in Tasmania, as well as a total for the state. The subsequent pages show, for each existing electoral division, the name of each SLA in the division, the identifier number of each CCD or part CCD in the division, the two sets of enrolment figures and the growth rates applicable to each CCD, part CCD and SLA, with totals for the division.
Maps of existing electoral division boundaries are available for purchase from the office of the State Manager for Tasmania, 2nd floor, AMP Building, 86 Collins Street, Hobart, Tasmania 7000 (telephone 03 6235 0507). Maps of census collection districts may be obtained from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
A CSV file is included as a separate link. This file includes enrolment and projected enrolment for each CCD or part CCD. The file is sorted by electoral division and contains the following information:
Division Name;SLA Name;CCD Number;Actual Enrolment;Projected Enrolment
If technical difficulties are experienced in accessing this data, please email: or telephone the number above.
Access to a personal computer with the software program, Electoral Boundary Mapping System (EBMS), which runs within the commercial software program MapInfo, will be made available for interested persons at the office of the Redistribution Committee for Tasmania.
Bookings will be required for half-day sessions and can be made by telephoning (03) 6235 0507 during business hours (9am to 5pm). Some knowledge of the systems will be assumed and only a brief introduction can be offered.
Access to this system will be available during the periods allowed for suggestions, comments on suggestions, objections and comments on objections.