177 |
Dianne Abbott [PDF 110KB] |
258 |
J & M E Abbott [PDF 114KB] |
387 |
Wendy Abbott [PDF 112KB] |
391 |
Graeme Abbott [PDF 113KB] |
418 |
Nancy a'Beckett [PDF 28KB] |
422 |
Hayward a'Beckett [PDF 30KB] |
423 |
Ian a'Beckett [PDF 31KB] |
1120 |
Pacita L Acierdo [PDF 43KB] |
1966 |
Stephen Ainsworth [PDF 34KB] |
1967 |
Dianne Ainsworth [PDF 34KB] |
409 |
Rodger Alden [PDF 40KB] |
1211 |
Lerina Aldridge [PDF 33KB] |
185 |
Boyce & Sally Alexander [PDF 38KB] |
519 |
F I Alexander [PDF 46KB] |
1391 |
Enid Alexander [PDF 36KB] |
1589 |
L W Alexander [PDF 40KB] |
56 |
Patricia & John Alford [PDF 46KB] |
986 |
Lorna Alford [PDF 52KB] |
981 |
Fran Allen [PDF 61KB] |
1229 |
Gerald F Allen [PDF 33KB] |
1237 |
G R Allen [PDF 34KB] |
1338 |
Geoff Allen [PDF 33KB] |
1230 |
Cyril Allston [PDF 33KB] |
1431 |
Patricia J Allston [PDF 40KB] |
1324 |
M Allwell [PDF 35KB] |
744 |
Nell Allworth [PDF 39KB] |
1953 |
Australian Labor Party NSW Branch [PDF 97KB] |
38 |
Catherine Amiet [PDF 22KB] |
513 |
Mr & Mrs B W Amos [PDF 25KB] |
731 |
D C Amos [PDF 55KB] |
756 |
K F Amos [PDF 46KB] |
802 |
Margaret Amos [PDF 49KB] |
808 |
Margaret Amos [PDF 45KB] |
827 |
Lucy Amos [PDF 40KB] |
1015 |
Murray Amos [PDF 33KB] |
102 |
Beverley K Anderson [PDF 30KB] |
103 |
Ron Anderson [PDF 30KB] |
383 |
R & J Anderson [PDF 33KB] |
421 |
R W Anderson [PDF 32KB] |
364 |
The Hon John Anderson MP [PDF 54KB] |
1683 |
John Anderson MP [PDF 197KB] |
677 |
Peter Andren MP [PDF 229KB] |
1061 |
Peter Andren MP [PDF 550KB] |
963 |
C R Andrews [PDF 47KB] |
1852 |
Angie Angel [PDF 31KB] |
1032 |
Anglican Counselling Service [PDF 95KB] |
1112 |
Jalal Anis [PDF 41KB] |
2 |
The Hon Ralph Hunt AO [PDF 33KB] |
1014 |
K J Anthoney [PDF 40KB] |
504 |
The Right Hon J D Anthony AC CH [PDF 38KB] |
997 |
Bill Archer [PDF 62KB] |
349 |
A & E Archibald [PDF 35KB] |
1560 |
Dawn Armstrong [PDF 40KB] |
1812 |
June Armstrong [PDF 33KB] |
1889 |
Charles Armstrong [PDF 61KB] |
380 |
K & S Arnott [PDF 54KB] |
1958 |
Maree P Arrow [PDF 57KB] |
1637 |
Keith Ashenden [PDF 40KB] |
1201 |
Elizabeth Asquire [PDF 32KB] |
1248 |
Garry Astill [PDF 34KB] |
1218 |
J Atherden [PDF 36KB] |
1247 |
F Atherden [PDF 32KB] |
283 |
J & J Atkins [PDF 46KB] |
281 |
A M Atkinson [PDF 53KB] |
282 |
J R Atkinson [PDF 27KB] |
343 |
Angus Atkinson [PDF 46KB] |
428 |
B & I Atkinson [PDF 42KB] |
1361 |
E J Atkinson [PDF 34KB] |
1475 |
Trevor Atkinson [PDF 40KB] |
704 |
R & J Attenborough [PDF 53KB] |
1104 |
Ben Austin [PDF 39KB] |
1106 |
Wendy Austin [PDF 41KB] |
572 |
Mr & Mrs W J Avery [PDF 79KB] |
1499 |
Pat Avery [PDF 40KB] |
846 |
Mary Aveyard [PDF 47KB] |
1690 |
Kevin Bagley [PDF 107KB] |
803 |
D & S Bagshaw [PDF 35KB] |
1263 |
Brian Baguley [PDF 36KB] |
826 |
I Bailey [PDF 45KB] |
1848 |
Bruce Bailey [PDF 27KB] |
823 |
Judith Baker [PDF 43KB] |
966 |
J B Baker [PDF 49KB] |
1005 |
Alan H Baker [PDF 35KB] |
1028 |
Patricia Baker et al. [PDF 34KB] |
1190 |
Jon Baker [PDF 33KB] |
1409 |
Doreen T Baker [PDF 40KB] |
1472 |
Larry Baker [PDF 40KB] |
1509 |
Ron & Pat Baker [PDF 40KB] |
1192 |
Lisa Baldwin [PDF 32KB] |
1193 |
Fred Baldwin [PDF 32KB] |
1383 |
Harry Baldwin [PDF 34KB] |
457 |
A Banks [PDF 111KB] |
1961 |
Bankstown City Council [PDF 506KB] |
152 |
Nancy & Clifford Bannon [PDF 115KB] |
157 |
Baradine Progress Association Inc. [PDF 84KB] |
841 |
I M Barber [PDF 108KB] |
1766 |
Pauline Barker [PDF 36KB] |
703 |
S Barklimore [PDF 46KB] |
653 |
Marisa Barnes [PDF 35KB] |
1199 |
Erin Barnes [PDF 34KB] |
651 |
Joseph P Barraket [PDF 40KB] |
1617 |
Heather Barraket [PDF 40KB] |
891 |
Robyn Barrett [PDF 32KB] |
894 |
Andrew Barrett [PDF 34KB] |
1275 |
Lorna Barrett [PDF 36KB] |
561 |
Pamela M Barrington MBE [PDF 41KB] |
302 |
Peter Barry [PDF 54KB] |
1508 |
Richard Barry [PDF 40KB] |
11 |
Gerald L Bartlett [PDF 54KB] |
1144 |
Joan Bartley [PDF 35KB] |
1145 |
Robert Bartley [PDF 35KB] |
454 |
M & K Barton [PDF 114KB] |
1355 |
Nora Barton [PDF 34KB] |
156 |
Eric & Marjorie Barwick [PDF 37KB] |
1906 |
John Barwick [PDF 42KB] |
1843 |
Glad Bassett [PDF 46KB] |
601 |
Bathurst Regional Council [PDF 44KB] |
1016 |
B R Battle [PDF 93KB] |
286 |
R R Baxter [PDF 34KB] |
641 |
Margaret Baxter [PDF 44KB] |
1146 |
George Beacham [PDF 37KB] |
1358 |
Maxine Beale [PDF 34KB] |
1904 |
Jim Beale [PDF 45KB] |
19 |
Douglas Beard [PDF 65KB] |
624 |
Natalie Becke [PDF 38KB] |
20 |
Lloyd Beeby [PDF 34KB] |
683 |
Jacqueline M Beeby [PDF 48KB] |
1910 |
H B Beeson [PDF 66KB] |
873 |
James Bekkema et al. [PDF 157KB] |
51 |
Sylvia Bell [PDF 35KB] |
60 |
Judith Bell [PDF 35KB] |
206 |
J D Bell [PDF 47KB] |
1240 |
Loretta Bell [PDF 33KB] |
1280 |
Phillip Bell [PDF 35KB] |
1556 |
Vaughan Bell [PDF 40KB] |
1751 |
Gabrielle Foley & Christine Belling [PDF 158KB] |
266 |
Julia Benham [PDF 35KB] |
1827 |
Y Bennett [PDF 22KB] |
1874 |
Noel James Bennett [PDF 109KB] |
1875 |
Freddy Bennett [PDF 108KB] |
1987 |
Dr Arthur Beresford [PDF 49KB] |
1040 |
Chris Bergen [PDF 29KB] |
1865 |
Helen Bergen [PDF 109KB] |
654 |
Kathryn Berry [PDF 38KB] |
1738 |
Paul Betts [PDF 592KB] |
1805 |
Stuart Beveridge [PDF 35KB] |
1114 |
Mr/s Rajendre Bhatt [PDF 41KB] |
384 |
Michael Biddle [PDF 108KB] |
312 |
G & M Bieniek [PDF 111KB] |
1444 |
Bill Birch [PDF 40KB] |
630 |
Janet Bishop [PDF 76KB] |
1977 |
James H Bishop [PDF 37KB] |
85 |
Kyleigh Black [PDF 48KB] |
720 |
H Blackburn [PDF 43KB] |
722 |
J T Blackburn [PDF 39KB] |
857 |
Tracy Blackburn [PDF 32KB] |
1107 |
Mark Blackford [PDF 41KB] |
927 |
Blacktown Greens [PDF 54KB] |
1932 |
Dr J P & Mrs J L Blackwood [PDF 46KB] |
1608 |
R G Bluhdorn [PDF 40KB] |
1726 |
J R Bodel [PDF 127KB] |
140 |
P G C Body [PDF 36KB] |
1700 |
A de Boehmler [PDF 71KB] |
1836 |
Elizabeth Boesel [PDF 140KB] |
1789 |
Bogan Shire Council [PDF 52KB] |
865 |
Carol Bogdanoff [PDF 33KB] |
334 |
Boggabri Uniting Hospital Auxiliary [PDF 59KB] |
1833 |
Boggabri Presbyterian Church [PDF 62KB] |
754 |
F & C Bond [PDF 23KB] |
304 |
Greta Bone [PDF 43KB] |
1821 |
Andrew Boneham [PDF 51KB] |
362 |
T Boom [PDF 33KB] |
1423 |
Edna Boss [PDF 40KB] |
120 |
Neila Bourke [PDF 37KB] |
393 |
William J Bourke [PDF 31KB] |
1562 |
Vicki Bourke [PDF 40KB] |
750 |
Margaret Bow [PDF 32KB] |
1290 |
Katie Bowen [PDF 40KB] |
1653 |
Ann Bowen [PDF 40KB] |
878 |
Wally Bowkun [PDF 54KB] |
711 |
Judith M Bowman [PDF 40KB] |
796 |
Alice Bowman [PDF 64KB] |
1025 |
B & P Bowman [PDF 35KB] |
556 |
B & P Boxsell [PDF 39KB] |
253 |
Nigel R Boyce [PDF 43KB] |
414 |
Dr Geoffrey M Boyce [PDF 52KB] |
824 |
Lorraine Boyce Solicitors [PDF 57KB] |
260 |
Michael & Catherine Brady [PDF 31KB] |
1310 |
H H Brady [PDF 36KB] |
310 |
Peter Brain [PDF 47KB] |
1254 |
R Branson [PDF 33KB] |
1250 |
J T Brayshaw [PDF 34KB] |
1614 |
Peter Brayshaw [PDF 40KB] |
1514 |
Christine Brazier [PDF 40KB] |
977 |
Bruce Breckenridge [PDF 55KB] |
1296 |
J Breen [PDF 33KB] |
1859 |
Barbara J Breen [PDF 33KB] |
273 |
Brian remner [PDF 44KB] |
1661 |
Ellen Brennan [PDF 40KB] |
719 |
C G R Brettople [PDF 50KB] |
336 |
Shire of Brewarrina [PDF 47KB] |
854 |
Deputy Mayor of Brewarrina Shire Council & Mayors of Gwydir, Moree Plains, Narrabri & Warrumbungle Shire Councils [PDF 148KB] |
611 |
Dr Janet Briddon [PDF 33KB] |
1342 |
Lois Brien [PDF 34KB] |
1642 |
Veronica Briggs [PDF 40KB] |
1406 |
Belinda Brill [PDF 40KB] |
1724 |
City of Broken Hill [PDF 60KB] |
814 |
W K Brookes [PDF 65KB] |
688 |
L & F Brookfield [PDF 29KB] |
1900 |
Graham & Dyanne Brooks [PDF 39KB] |
1180 |
Bella Brouff [PDF 35KB] |
100 |
Philippa Brown [PDF 30KB] |
274 |
M Brown [PDF 136KB] |
370 |
Frank A Brown [PDF 32KB] |
486 |
G & J Brown [PDF 33KB] |
590 |
Francis H Brown [PDF 39KB] |
1141 |
Adan Brown [PDF 36KB] |
1253 |
R Brown [PDF 35KB] |
1301 |
Anne Maree Brown [PDF 34KB] |
1316 |
Thomas Edwin Brown [PDF 35KB] |
1493 |
Mariea Brown [PDF 40KB] |
1510 |
Philip Brown [PDF 40KB] |
1511 |
Roslyn Brown [PDF 40KB] |
1671 |
Janet Brown [PDF 40KB] |
490 |
The Hon. David Brownhill [PDF 33KB] |
1543 |
Diane Browning [PDF 40KB] |
1644 |
Vicki Browning [PDF 40KB] |
111 |
C & B Brownjohn [PDF 113KB] |
733 |
Cynthia Bruce [PDF 53KB] |
1299 |
Doreen Bruce [PDF 34KB] |
1473 |
Noeline Bruce [PDF 40KB] |
495 |
Rosemary Bryden [PDF 46KB] |
1241 |
Chris Buckman [PDF 32KB] |
1242 |
Neisha Buckman [PDF 32KB] |
1912 |
Hilary Budden [PDF 32KB] |
781 |
K Watson & R Bull [PDF 111KB] |
1460 |
Anne Bullen [PDF 40KB] |
1909 |
R Bundock [PDF 46KB] |
63 |
John Burey [PDF 36KB] |
1000 |
Valmae Burey [PDF 35KB] |
882 |
G & J Burge [PDF 114KB] |
1007 |
P M Burge [PDF 39KB] |
301 |
J & M Burgess [PDF 117KB] |
749 |
W & J Burgess and Nathan & Martine Burgess [PDF 134KB] |
793 |
T & K Burgess [PDF 35KB] |
3 |
Ms M W Burke [PDF 56KB] |
1537 |
Loraine Burley [PDF 40KB] |
1643 |
Daryl Burling [PDF 40KB] |
1845 |
Jill Burling [PDF 47KB] |
1484 |
M Burr [PDF 40KB] |
1485 |
Jim Burr [PDF 40KB] |
869 |
P & H Burrell [PDF 36KB] |
1257 |
Joan Burrell [PDF 33KB] |
361 |
Garry Burton [PDF 38KB] |
915 |
Colin Busby [PDF 48KB] |
1264 |
Colin Busby [PDF 35KB] |
1515 |
Elizabeth Busby [PDF 40KB] |
1533 |
D A Busby [PDF 40KB] |
1648 |
Alison Busby [PDF 40KB] |
271 |
G V Bush [PDF 51KB] |
171 |
Ross & Pamela Bussell [PDF 38KB] |
639 |
Simon Byrnes [PDF 50KB] |
1925 |
Bywong Community Inc. [PDF 63KB] |
1762 |
R J Caban [PDF 40KB] |
392 |
Cabonne Council [PDF 442KB] |
1899 |
Margaret Cadell [PDF 34KB] |
151 |
Daphne Cain [PDF 34KB] |
643 |
Helen Cain [PDF 32KB] |
644 |
Gordon Cain [PDF 39KB] |
1405 |
Gwen Cain [PDF 40KB] |
484 |
Pam Callachor [PDF 33KB] |
65 |
Margaret Cameron [PDF 26KB] |
68 |
Judith Cameron [PDF 30KB] |
72 |
Malcolm Cameron [PDF 30KB] |
313 |
W & R Cameron [PDF 31KB] |
474 |
D M Cameron [PDF 70KB] |
1281 |
W A Cameron [PDF 37KB] |
1488 |
Leesa Cameron [PDF 40KB] |
1495 |
Lex Cameron [PDF 40KB] |
1551 |
Jean Cameron [PDF 40KB] |
1678 |
Jean Cameron [PDF 40KB] |
1262 |
G R Campbell [PDF 35KB] |
1645 |
Owen Campbell [PDF 40KB] |
1646 |
Laurinne Campbell [PDF 40KB] |
1667 |
C W Campbell [PDF 40KB] |
1763 |
Elizabeth Campbell [PDF 84KB] |
1926 |
B J Campbell [PDF 11KB] |
1741 |
Rosemary Canghey [PDF 42KB] |
214 |
Shirley Canham [PDF 45KB] |
359 |
Joff Cannington et al. [PDF 56KB] |
67 |
J & A Capel [PDF 37KB] |
541 |
P M Capel [PDF 50KB] |
724 |
Giovanna Capezio [PDF 44KB] |
775 |
Luigi Capezio [PDF 33KB] |
638 |
Robin Capp [PDF 37KB] |
1760 |
P C & R Capp Pty Ltd [PDF 35KB] |
1273 |
William S Carberry [PDF 35KB] |
1092 |
W & J Carder [PDF 48KB] |
53 |
Leah Carolan [PDF 35KB] |
918 |
Jeffrey Carolan [PDF 35KB] |
919 |
Steven Carolan [PDF 35KB] |
1797 |
Paul Carr [PDF 123KB] |
1711 |
Carrathool Shire Council [PDF 131KB] |
64 |
Philip Carrigan [PDF 26KB] |
758 |
Bruce Carrigan [PDF 40KB] |
872 |
Lois Carroll [PDF 91KB] |
1916 |
Kevin & Lee Carslake [PDF 40KB] |
472 |
Peter Carson [PDF 33KB] |
133 |
B Carter [PDF 37KB] |
358 |
Philip New & C Carter [PDF 113KB] |
1231 |
Clinton Carter [PDF 33KB] |
463 |
Dorothy Casey [PDF 111KB] |
467 |
Dawn Casey [PDF 109KB] |
401 |
Carolyn Cash [PDF 41KB] |
1723 |
Nick Casmirri [PDF 77KB] |
1849 |
Helen & Alan Cassidy [PDF 52KB] |
81 |
Hugh & Anna Castleden [PDF 37KB] |
1099 |
Magda Castledine-Ruiz [PDF 38KB] |
285 |
Janice Cattle [PDF 64KB] |
926 |
Central Darling Shire Council [PDF 67KB] |
732 |
R G J Chalker [PDF 33KB] |
1895 |
Michael, Margaret & Elizabeth Chamberlain [PDF 32KB] |
1924 |
J B Chamberlain [PDF 47KB] |
1410 |
Peter Chapman [PDF 40KB] |
817 |
Jenny Chappell [PDF 34KB] |
138 |
Noel Chegwidden [PDF 129KB] |
1165 |
Mr/s Kai Chen [PDF 35KB] |
1878 |
Sandra Cheney [PDF 80KB] |
1079 |
J Chester [PDF 46KB] |
1113 |
Yogesh Chhabra [PDF 44KB] |
1136 |
John Wei Chiang [PDF 38KB] |
837 |
Muriel Chick [PDF 44KB] |
1139 |
Jian Chien [PDF 37KB] |
1103 |
Clare Cholerton [PDF 41KB] |
1132 |
Yu-Chieh Chou [PDF 37KB] |
365 |
Jim Christensen [PDF 30KB] |
1928 |
Jason Clancy [PDF 50KB] |
585 |
Iris Clark [PDF 85KB] |
1553 |
David Clark [PDF 40KB] |
1554 |
Barbara Clark [PDF 40KB] |
209 |
John & Dorothy Clarke [PDF 83KB] |
272 |
J E Clarke [PDF 48KB] |
790 |
P W Clarke [PDF 70KB] |
1587 |
Leone Clarke [PDF 40KB] |
1400 |
John Clements [PDF 40KB] |
165 |
BB & Virginia Clift [PDF 35KB] |
70 |
Ken & Jeanette Clifton [PDF 99KB] |
1803 |
D J Clouten [PDF 39KB] |
1984 |
Ann Clydsdale [PDF 45KB] |
1828 |
Cobar Shire Council [PDF 43KB] |
1948 |
John Cobb MP [PDF 302KB] |
195 |
Brad Cogan [PDF 69KB] |
447 |
Carolyn Coleman et al. [PDF 80KB] |
695 |
Sal Coleman [PDF 29KB] |
696 |
Brad Coleman [PDF 30KB] |
1395 |
Jennifer J Colless [PDF 33KB] |
609 |
John Collier BA, Dip. Ed. [PDF 36KB] |
197 |
Barbara Collins [PDF 150KB] |
333 |
John S Collins [PDF 34KB] |
1519 |
Jaylene Collison [PDF 40KB] |
1031 |
David Commins [PDF 24KB] |
1217 |
Ellie Compton [PDF 34KB] |
1595 |
Rebecca Connelly [PDF 40KB] |
1596 |
M Connelly [PDF 40KB] |
1302 |
Narelle Conroy [PDF 34KB] |
92 |
Rosemary H Constable [PDF 42KB] |
943 |
Ethel Constable [PDF 48KB] |
1018 |
Wayne O Cook [PDF 27KB] |
213 |
Joan Cookson [PDF 32KB] |
440 |
Peter M Cookson [PDF 39KB] |
1744 |
Coolah District Development Group [PDF 58KB] |
930 |
Coonabarabran High School Council [PDF 61KB] |
1978 |
Coonabarabran & District Chamber of Commerce [PDF 51KB] |
1980 |
CTC & Community Centre of Coonabarabran [PDF 30KB] |
341 |
Coonabarabran Senior Citizens Association [PDF 28KB] |
929 |
Coonabarabran High School P & C Association [PDF 57KB] |
1851 |
Kenneth R Cooper [PDF 35KB] |
1840 |
Clara H Copeman [PDF 53KB] |
205 |
Max Corbett [PDF 32KB] |
278 |
Eve Corbett [PDF 34KB] |
1143 |
Melissa Corbett [PDF 38KB] |
1707 |
Leonie Corby [PDF 34KB] |
1002 |
Eric Cornwell [PDF 38KB] |
928 |
Kevin Costello [PDF 42KB] |
737 |
Namoi Cotton [PDF 32KB] |
1893 |
Cotton Catchment Communities [PDF 62KB] |
1429 |
Jenni Coulson [PDF 40KB] |
216 |
Michelle Coulton [PDF 31KB] |
505 |
John Coulton [PDF 61KB] |
967 |
Robyn Coulton [PDF 46KB] |
1908 |
Hugh S Coulton [PDF 50KB] |
1430 |
Denise Cousins [PDF 40KB] |
261 |
R A & A Cowley [PDF 91KB] |
33 |
Peter Cox [PDF 47KB] |
69 |
Beryl Cox [PDF 26KB] |
587 |
Patricia P Cox [PDF 47KB] |
847 |
B & D Cox [PDF 39KB] |
93 |
Combined Pensioners & Superannuants Association of NSW – Bathurst Branch [PDF 60KB] |
1716 |
Combined Pensioners & Superannuants Association of NSW Inc. Greenacre Branch [PDF 46KB] |
1619 |
Ken Craddock [PDF 40KB] |
539 |
Richard E Craig [PDF 35KB] |
689 |
Howard Crawford JP [PDF 208KB] |
739 |
P & P Crawley [PDF 35KB] |
88 |
G A Crisp [PDF 40KB] |
820 |
Sally Croft [PDF 30KB] |
1436 |
Andrew Croft [PDF 40KB] |
1102 |
Ben Crompton [PDF 40KB] |
1857 |
Bart Crosby [PDF 37KB] |
1679 |
Alan Cross [PDF 40KB] |
1794 |
Annette Cross [PDF 46KB] |
14 |
Moya P Crowe [PDF 42KB] |
910 |
W R Crowe-Maxwell [PDF 44KB] |
521 |
Yvonne Crowley [PDF 45KB] |
207 |
Janet M Cruickshank [PDF 30KB] |
22 |
Glenn R Crump [PDF 31KB] |
275 |
Margaret Cuddihy [PDF 28KB] |
625 |
Michelle Cumberland [PDF 31KB] |
640 |
Rose Cumberland [PDF 45KB] |
831 |
Joy Cunningham [PDF 97KB] |
181 |
T Curran [PDF 113KB] |
1976 |
Veronica Cusack [PDF 43KB] |
453 |
Phil Bradley, Annie Nielsen, Thelma Cuthbert [PDF 40KB] |
1742 |
Neil L Cutler [PDF 27KB] |
106 |
County of Burnett CWA [PDF 70KB] |
159 |
Rocky Glen Branch of CWA [PDF 90KB] |
167 |
Country Women's Association of NSW – Barradine Branch [PDF 38KB] |
252 |
CWA of NSW Boggabri Day Branch [PDF 55KB] |
562 |
Country Women's Association of NSW – Merriwa Branch [PDF 32KB] |
594 |
Country Women's Association of NSW – Bullarah Branch [PDF 46KB] |
663 |
Country Women's Association of NSW, Scone & District Branch [PDF 47KB] |
713 |
Country Women's Association of NSW Trangie Branch [PDF 78KB] |
714 |
Country Women's Association of NSW [PDF 46KB] |
771 |
Country Women's Association Namoi Branch [PDF 55KB] |
828 |
Country Women's Association of NSW Rowena Branch [PDF 53KB] |
954 |
Country Women's Association of NSW – Mudgee Day Branch [PDF 34KB] |
973 |
Country Women's Association of NSW – Weemelah Branch [PDF 43KB] |
976 |
Country Women's Association of NSW – Gunnedah Branch [PDF 49KB] |
1023 |
Tullibigeal Country Women's Association [PDF 68KB] |
1721 |
Condobolin CWA [PDF 40KB] |
1767 |
Isolated Children's Parent's Association of NSW [PDF 61KB] |
1788 |
Myamley Country Women's Association [PDF 40KB] |
1834 |
Country Women's Association of NSW Narrabri Branch [PDF 41KB] |
1862 |
Country Women's Association of NSW Coonabarabran Branch [PDF 47KB] |
1890 |
Country Women's Association of NSW Bogan Gate Branch [PDF 42KB] |
1665 |
Mick Dafter [PDF 40KB] |
1489 |
Janet Dampney [PDF 40KB] |
460 |
R L Daniels [PDF 108KB] |
883 |
E J Daniels [PDF 107KB] |
1740 |
Darling River Action Group [PDF 62KB] |
427 |
Gillian Date [PDF 29KB] |
169 |
Reverend Paul Davey [PDF 41KB] |
1227 |
Alan Davis [PDF 32KB] |
1532 |
Allison Davis [PDF 40KB] |
1584 |
Margaret Davis [PDF 40KB] |
1696 |
D & R Davis [PDF 39KB] |
1884 |
Tom & Elizabeth Davis [PDF 35KB] |
1366 |
Kathy Davison [PDF 33KB] |
579 |
Carmel Dawson [PDF 25KB] |
770 |
G & B Dawson [PDF 34KB] |
1386 |
S Dawson [PDF 35KB] |
1408 |
Vernon Dawson [PDF 40KB] |
1864 |
H & E Dawson [PDF 106KB] |
980 |
M & F Day [PDF 46KB] |
1174 |
Mr/s B R Dean [PDF 34KB] |
1656 |
Rodney Dean [PDF 40KB] |
600 |
Beverley R Delve [PDF 29KB] |
553 |
Helen Dempsey [PDF 26KB] |
276 |
Fiona Dewar [PDF 49KB] |
475 |
S T Dewar [PDF 29KB] |
1459 |
Heather Dewsbury [PDF 40KB] |
707 |
William J Dietrich [PDF 72KB] |
1786 |
Noel Dillon [PDF 79KB] |
1787 |
N F Dillon [PDF 60KB] |
1814 |
M P Dillon [PDF 101KB] |
221 |
Margaret Doble [PDF 132KB] |
957 |
Leonard H Dodds [PDF 69KB] |
1074 |
Denis Doherty [PDF 45KB] |
604 |
L & V Dominey [PDF 20KB] |
1220 |
Gwen Donai [PDF 36KB] |
725 |
Graham Donaldson [PDF 32KB] |
834 |
Jan M Donaldson [PDF 41KB] |
836 |
M & C Donaldson [PDF 31KB] |
970 |
Michael Donnelly [PDF 35KB] |
263 |
Tom & Amber Donoghue [PDF 34KB] |
355 |
T & A Donoghue [PDF 34KB] |
1650 |
Margaret Donovan [PDF 40KB] |
1903 |
Jean Doorey [PDF 56KB] |
1768 |
Margaret A Dorney [PDF 36KB] |
904 |
G & N Douglas [PDF 37KB] |
1669 |
Mary Jane Douglas [PDF 40KB] |
293 |
Pamela M Dove [PDF 66KB] |
1512 |
Oliver Dowd [PDF 40KB] |
829 |
H & M Dowe [PDF 51KB] |
1388 |
Ronald Dowling [PDF 33KB] |
1714 |
Bruce & Jane Dowling [PDF 41KB] |
992 |
Patricia M Doyle [PDF 31KB] |
1935 |
Douglas Doyle [PDF 29KB] |
410 |
Thelma Draper [PDF 66KB] |
1179 |
Mr/s K J Draper [PDF 34KB] |
1479 |
Neville R Dries [PDF 40KB] |
975 |
B Gibson & J Driessen [PDF 49KB] |
1009 |
N Drower [PDF 70KB] |
953 |
Elaine Druce [PDF 37KB] |
1407 |
Beryl Druce [PDF 40KB] |
805 |
Ken Drury [PDF 29KB] |
1076 |
Angela Drury [PDF 45KB] |
315 |
H & P Duff [PDF 32KB] |
488 |
Barbara B Duff [PDF 32KB] |
516 |
T & K Duffy [PDF 36KB] |
1962 |
Helen Dugdale [PDF 34KB] |
839 |
R R Duggan [PDF 57KB] |
1888 |
Neil Robertson & Cedelia Duke [PDF 41KB] |
494 |
Magaret Duncan [PDF 31KB] |
1471 |
Sandra Duncan [PDF 40KB] |
1736 |
Beverley Duncan et al. [PDF 24KB] |
1761 |
Dungog Shire Council [PDF 76KB] |
435 |
N & L Dunn [PDF 33KB] |
1020 |
Graeme Dunn [PDF 44KB] |
1725 |
N Dunn [PDF 34KB] |
1772 |
Mr S Jeffrey & Mr & Mrs P & J Dunn [PDF 53KB] |
912 |
John Dunnet BA M.Litt. [PDF 63KB] |
913 |
Wanda Dunnet [PDF 59KB] |
1799 |
Ian Dunnet [PDF 35KB] |
777 |
L & M Durham [PDF 34KB] |
1699 |
Peter J Dutton [PDF 41KB] |
1037 |
Alan Eagle [PDF 67KB] |
1481 |
Laurence Eames [PDF 40KB] |
598 |
R I Eather [PDF 32KB] |
1206 |
Kurt Eather [PDF 34KB] |
1282 |
Winifred Eather [PDF 34KB] |
1604 |
Darren Eather [PDF 40KB] |
1605 |
Leanne Eather [PDF 40KB] |
544 |
Coleen Edgar [PDF 41KB] |
190 |
R R Edwards [PDF 115KB] |
546 |
S & M Egan [PDF 29KB] |
1029 |
Lance Egan [PDF 57KB] |
1600 |
Joanne Elder [PDF 40KB] |
1686 |
N & D Elder [PDF 34KB] |
1919 |
Neil & Dawn Elder [PDF 32KB] |
347 |
Bronwyn Elliott [PDF 110KB] |
786 |
G Woolmer & R Elliott [PDF 111KB] |
170 |
James Ellis [PDF 32KB] |
1943 |
Robyn E Elsman [PDF 29KB] |
1463 |
G Van Den Elst [PDF 40KB] |
989 |
Alison Emmerson [PDF 54KB] |
1128 |
Mr/s Erickson [PDF 37KB] |
279 |
M J Estens [PDF 47KB] |
311 |
Bernard Etheridge [PDF 26KB] |
1178 |
Gail Eulenstein [PDF 32KB] |
932 |
Eurobodalla Shire Council [PDF 43KB] |
529 |
R & M Evans [PDF 66KB] |
1353 |
L Evans [PDF 33KB] |
1354 |
Lois Evans [PDF 33KB] |
1448 |
Carlie Evans [PDF 40KB] |
407 |
Max Fairall [PDF 37KB] |
526 |
E J Fairall [PDF 33KB] |
1359 |
Jean Fairless [PDF 34KB] |
1469 |
Pat Fairless [PDF 40KB] |
822 |
Fairview Retirement Village [PDF 52KB] |
510 |
I & J Falkiner [PDF 31KB] |
1234 |
I O Falkiner [PDF 34KB] |
1235 |
Jenny Falkiner [PDF 32KB] |
1455 |
Ian O Falkiner [PDF 40KB] |
645 |
Dawn Fardell, MP [PDF 56KB] |
1255 |
H Faris [PDF 34KB] |
1445 |
Kristy Faris [PDF 40KB] |
1841 |
NSW Farmers Federation [PDF 79KB] |
838 |
Dr KI Farr OAM BVSc. [PDF 49KB] |
906 |
David Farr [PDF 26KB] |
772 |
K & P Farrah [PDF 36KB] |
1612 |
Tracey Farrell [PDF 40KB] |
1340 |
S A Fawcett [PDF 37KB] |
961 |
Janet Fearby [PDF 104KB] |
799 |
J & P Fearnley [PDF 26KB] |
934 |
Colin P Feather [PDF 46KB] |
1731 |
Pinchus Feldman [PDF 69KB] |
403 |
M & W Feming [PDF 28KB] |
130 |
Val Fenn [PDF 116KB] |
666 |
M Fennell [PDF 39KB] |
1077 |
Peter Fenton [PDF 46KB] |
444 |
Nathan Ferguson [PDF 35KB] |
1295 |
Margret Fernance [PDF 37KB] |
1424 |
Kevin Fernando [PDF 40KB] |
187 |
Spencer Ferrier [PDF 46KB] |
937 |
Bruce Ferrier [PDF 72KB] |
367 |
Joy Fillingham [PDF 26KB] |
669 |
John W Filson JP [PDF 34KB] |
888 |
W B Findley [PDF 34KB] |
1149 |
Debra Fink [PDF 35KB] |
299 |
M Fitzgerald & G Finneran [PDF 114KB] |
1732 |
Eva Fischl [PDF 53KB] |
1069 |
G Fisher [PDF 52KB] |
1930 |
Colin & Leonie Fitzgerald [PDF 32KB] |
626 |
Alaana Fitzpatrick [PDF 31KB] |
698 |
Roger Fletcher [PDF 98KB] |
969 |
David Fletcher [PDF 35KB] |
1477 |
Ronald Fletcher [PDF 40KB] |
1820 |
Roger Fletcher [PDF 70KB] |
785 |
Hazel Flynn [PDF 117KB] |
511 |
M & P Fogarty [PDF 37KB] |
900 |
J & S Forbes [PDF 34KB] |
1920 |
Forbes Shire Council [PDF 54KB] |
210 |
Maureen Ford [PDF 97KB] |
557 |
Marie Ford [PDF 56KB] |
1176 |
Allan Fordham [PDF 34KB] |
1177 |
Shirley M Fordham [PDF 33KB] |
978 |
Ross Forsyth [PDF 47KB] |
396 |
Kathy Foster [PDF 36KB] |
1456 |
S M Foster [PDF 40KB] |
1583 |
R T Foxe [PDF 40KB] |
1494 |
Jan Francisco [PDF 40KB] |
141 |
Doreen Franke [PDF 138KB] |
43 |
Jeannie R Fraser [PDF 44KB] |
1513 |
David de Fredrick [PDF 40KB] |
1610 |
Helen de Fredrick [PDF 40KB] |
188 |
Doglas H Freeman [PDF 41KB] |
309 |
M H Freer [PDF 58KB] |
560 |
Winifred Freeth [PDF 31KB] |
512 |
Richard Frend [PDF 55KB] |
231 |
J B Friend [PDF 42KB] |
523 |
Harold Fritsch [PDF 36KB] |
1743 |
Nada Fry [PDF 56KB] |
1975 |
Paul Fuller [PDF 88KB] |
489 |
A J Fulton [PDF 38KB] |
1041 |
Geoffrey Furlong [PDF 26KB] |
1151 |
Aaron L Gabon [PDF 38KB] |
248 |
Frank Gaden [PDF 43KB] |
649 |
Herbert Gale [PDF 35KB] |
650 |
Jennifer Gale [PDF 32KB] |
24 |
Adrian R Gallaher [PDF 31KB] |
80 |
Elizabeth Gardiner [PDF 40KB] |
217 |
Don & Lorraine Gardiner [PDF 35KB] |
332 |
Heather Gardoll [PDF 38KB] |
1627 |
Dulcie Gardoll [PDF 40KB] |
1695 |
Evelyn Garzoli [PDF 111KB] |
1279 |
John Gates [PDF 35KB] |
1809 |
Bill Gates [PDF 218KB] |
945 |
H L Gault [PDF 39KB] |
1823 |
H L Gault [PDF 39KB] |
243 |
Eugene Gauthier [PDF 113KB] |
234 |
Virginia G Gavel [PDF 41KB] |
377 |
Max Gavel [PDF 35KB] |
1418 |
Lynette Gay [PDF 40KB] |
175 |
Dr Martha Gelin [PDF 116KB] |
1094 |
Peter Georgakopulos [PDF 39KB] |
288 |
R & M George [PDF 48KB] |
1853 |
Mark & Janelle Gervasoni [PDF 64KB] |
1616 |
Clarence William Gett [PDF 40KB] |
1090 |
Fariba Ghazi [PDF 44KB] |
1182 |
Daphne Glesson [PDF 34KB] |
432 |
Ena Ghiggioli [PDF 30KB] |
1577 |
Cherie Gibb [PDF 40KB] |
1684 |
Annette D Gibbs [PDF 99KB] |
868 |
Col Gibertson RFd [PDF 132KB] |
1811 |
George Gibson [PDF 26KB] |
1168 |
Sandra Gil [PDF 37KB] |
1598 |
Laurie Gilbert [PDF 40KB] |
1754 |
Kate Gilbert [PDF 37KB] |
1974 |
Gilgandra Museum & Historical Society [PDF 47KB] |
763 |
Ken Gillham [PDF 34KB] |
764 |
Pamela G Gillham [PDF 36KB] |
1118 |
Andrew Gilmore [PDF 41KB] |
1689 |
Arnold Glanville [PDF 32KB] |
1401 |
Victor Glasziou [PDF 40KB] |
99 |
Helen T Gleeson [PDF 32KB] |
1552 |
Patrick Gleeson [PDF 40KB] |
1572 |
Heather Joyce Gleeson [PDF 40KB] |
1573 |
Athol Edward Gleeson [PDF 40KB] |
1870 |
Coralee Richards & Jennifer Gleeson [PDF 107KB] |
136 |
James M & Margaret M Glen [PDF 42KB] |
1503 |
Kevin Glenn [PDF 40KB] |
73 |
Max W Goddard [PDF 112KB] |
79 |
G W & K D Goff [PDF 46KB] |
1746 |
Dawn Gold [PDF 35KB] |
1498 |
Annette Goldman [PDF 40KB] |
1169 |
William Goodin [PDF 37KB] |
1824 |
Monica Goodlet [PDF 29KB] |
856 |
J & J Goodsell [PDF 43KB] |
1 |
Martin Gordon [PDF 148KB] |
1522 |
Eric Gordon [PDF 40KB] |
1866 |
Marion Gordon [PDF 104KB] |
735 |
Janet Gorman [PDF 33KB] |
931 |
Sam Gourley [PDF 43KB] |
1212 |
Nerida Gourley [PDF 34KB] |
1214 |
R Gourley [PDF 32KB] |
886 |
Nellie De Graaf [PDF 112KB] |
825 |
Ollie Graham [PDF 30KB] |
1594 |
Wayne Graham [PDF 40KB] |
1397 |
Barbara Grammer [PDF 33KB] |
1398 |
Joe Grammer [PDF 35KB] |
1035 |
Jim Grant [PDF 125KB] |
1887 |
Great Lakes Council [PDF 43KB] |
115 |
L M & B D Green [PDF 116KB] |
123 |
Isabella Hope Green [PDF 51KB] |
907 |
Phillip Green [PDF 26KB] |
721 |
C N Greentree [PDF 41KB] |
1130 |
Michael Gregory [PDF 36KB] |
479 |
J & J Grellman [PDF 34KB] |
119 |
Clarrie Griffiths [PDF 37KB] |
1164 |
Melissa Grimwood [PDF 38KB] |
766 |
S & D Grosser [PDF 43KB] |
28 |
Betty Grove [PDF 35KB] |
1364 |
Wayne Grove [PDF 35KB] |
153 |
B & K Groves [PDF 115KB] |
1819 |
Warren Grzic[PDF 66KB] |
1622 |
Robert Guest [PDF 40KB] |
325 |
Gulgong Chamber of Commerce [PDF 30KB] |
747 |
Gulgong Pensioners & Superannuants Association [PDF 28KB] |
369 |
Gunnedah District Development Board [PDF 80KB] |
1056 |
Gunnedah Show Society [PDF 40KB] |
264 |
H Gunning [PDF 44KB] |
668 |
Petition signed by 9 people [PDF 65KB] |
717 |
Petition signed by 6 people [PDF 50KB] |
718 |
Petition signed by 4 people [PDF 49KB] |
788 |
Petition signed by 75 people [PDF 244KB] |
818 |
Petition signed by 11 people [PDF 36KB] |
855 |
Petition signed by 5 people [PDF 55KB] |
861 |
Gwydir Shire Council [PDF 204KB] |
951 |
Petition signed by 4 people [PDF 56KB] |
1026 |
Petition signed by 25 people [PDF 79KB] |
1057 |
Petition signed by 4 people [PDF 56KB] |
1058 |
Petition signed by 9 people [PDF 61KB] |
1059 |
Petition signed by 12 people [PDF 66KB] |
1691 |
Petition signed by 23 people [PDF 75KB] |
1693 |
Petition signed by 2 people [PDF 51KB] |
1739 |
Save Gwydir Campaign [PDF 99KB] |
1773 |
Petition signed by 14 people [PDF 65KB] |
1774 |
Petition signed by 53 people [PDF 187KB] |
1775 |
Petition signed by 108 people [PDF 469KB] |
1776 |
Petition signed by 83 people [PDF 342KB] |
1778 |
Petition signed by 74 people [PDF 345KB] |
1779 |
Petition signed by 82 people [PDF 338KB] |
1780 |
Petition signed by 30 people [PDF 116KB] |
1781 |
Petition signed by 36 people [PDF 133KB] |
1782 |
Petition signed by 21 people [PDF 74KB] |
1783 |
Petition signed by 25 people [PDF 82KB] |
1825 |
Petition signed by 15 people [PDF 73KB] |
1891 |
Petition signed by 3 people [PDF 50KB] |
1937 |
Petition signed by 25 people [PDF 92KB] |
1939 |
Petition signed by 25 people [PDF 73KB] |
1940 |
Petition signed by 11 people [PDF 56KB] |
1941 |
Petition signed by 2 people [PDF 50KB] |
1950 |
Petition signed by 43 people [PDF 188KB] |
1951 |
Petition signed by 79 people [PDF 239KB] |
1952 |
Petition signed by 223 people [PDF 786KB] |
1954 |
Petition signed by 15 people [PDF 65KB] |
1964 |
Petition signed by 14 people [PDF 58KB] |
1982 |
Petition signed by 34 people [PDF 157KB] |
480 |
F & N Hadley [PDF 36KB] |
1748 |
Robert Hage [PDF 36KB] |
374 |
Judith Hain [PDF 58KB] |
1516 |
B M Haire [PDF 40KB] |
1720 |
Penny & Damian Haire [PDF 39KB] |
1764 |
David Haire [PDF 59KB] |
1882 |
Martin & Jan Haire [PDF 35KB] |
1373 |
Len Hall [PDF 34KB] |
1365 |
A J Hallman [PDF 35KB] |
1837 |
Joe Hallman [PDF 34KB] |
582 |
Pam Hamilton [PDF 96KB] |
1215 |
Jo Hamilton [PDF 34KB] |
1886 |
Victoria, Charles & Angus Hamilton [PDF 38KB] |
121 |
Maude Hann [PDF 38KB] |
761 |
John Hann [PDF 44KB] |
1677 |
Phillipa Hann [PDF 40KB] |
1729 |
Carmel Hanrahan [PDF 57KB] |
1337 |
E & M Hanson [PDF 34KB] |
154 |
H R Harbourne [PDF 46KB] |
139 |
John Hardgrave [PDF 47KB] |
1297 |
M A Hardgrave [PDF 35KB] |
559 |
Kel Harpley [PDF 33KB] |
212 |
R M Harris [PDF 53KB] |
430 |
Lindsay Harris [PDF 41KB] |
916 |
Peter Harrison [PDF 27KB] |
87 |
Kristy Hartog [PDF 47KB] |
990 |
Luke Hartsuyker MP [PDF 80KB] |
1647 |
Carmel Harvey [PDF 40KB] |
250 |
Lewis Hathway [PDF 99KB] |
485 |
Michele Hatton [PDF 34KB] |
664 |
Hawkesbury City Chamber of Commerce & Industry Inc. [PDF 97KB] |
1019 |
Hawkesbury City Council [PDF 248KB] |
1045 |
Hawkesbury Historical Society Inc. [PDF 84KB] |
522 |
Clarence S Hawkins [PDF 35KB] |
458 |
T & E Hawley [PDF 112KB] |
4 |
Hay Shire Council [PDF 84KB] |
1317 |
Janelle Hayne [PDF 35KB] |
247 |
Richard T Hays [PDF 52KB] |
1682 |
Don Hayward [PDF 40KB] |
1929 |
Ray Healey [PDF 27KB] |
1927 |
K & E Heaslip [PDF 41KB] |
1949 |
E M Heaslip [PDF 44KB] |
866 |
Nancy M Heath [PDF 34KB] |
1044 |
Michael Hedger [PDF 34KB] |
968 |
Kjoyce M Hedges [PDF 36KB] |
1343 |
Kerrie Heiler [PDF 34KB] |
1432 |
Simone Heimoana [PDF 40KB] |
849 |
Max Hemmy [PDF 34KB] |
112 |
J Henderson [PDF 111KB] |
514 |
Beverley Henley [PDF 39KB] |
1048 |
Michael Herbert [PDF 41KB] |
621 |
P & R Herden [PDF 45KB] |
1243 |
Sally Hetherington [PDF 33KB] |
1244 |
Jarred Hetherington [PDF 34KB] |
1790 |
Michael Hewitt [PDF 34KB] |
632 |
Katie Heyman [PDF 50KB] |
596 |
N & V Hibbard [PDF 30KB] |
659 |
Noel Hicks [PDF 170KB] |
372 |
A W Higgins [PDF 33KB] |
1350 |
Kim Higgins [PDF 36KB] |
1571 |
Annabel Higgins [PDF 40KB] |
97 |
Harold Ernest Hill [PDF 39KB] |
563 |
The Venerable David Hill, Archdeacon [PDF 51KB] |
1654 |
Frank Hill [PDF 40KB] |
477 |
G Hinchey [PDF 45KB] |
1652 |
H Hobday [PDF 40KB] |
192 |
Kevin J Hobden [PDF 47KB] |
517 |
Ron Hobden [PDF 36KB] |
1046 |
Alan M Hockey OAM [PDF 20KB] |
1024 |
J S Hockings [PDF 45KB] |
1981 |
Beth Hodge [PDF 94KB] |
1575 |
E R Hodges [PDF 40KB] |
381 |
J R & P J Hoffman & Mrs. D Hoffman [PDF 109KB] |
1520 |
Terry Hogan [PDF 40KB] |
449 |
Troy Holbrook [PDF 35KB] |
595 |
M & J Holcombe [PDF 64KB] |
1175 |
Brian Holcombe [PDF 35KB] |
1362 |
John Holcombe [PDF 34KB] |
1363 |
Terry Holcombe [PDF 33KB] |
292 |
J & P Holland [PDF 28KB] |
352 |
D G Holland [PDF 38KB] |
452 |
F & V Holland [PDF 28KB] |
549 |
H E Holland [PDF 51KB] |
1083 |
Bryan Holland [PDF 46KB] |
1084 |
Bev Holland [PDF 46KB] |
1346 |
Lewis Hollis [PDF 37KB] |
1502 |
Edna Holm [PDF 40KB] |
1313 |
James Roy Holmes [PDF 37KB] |
578 |
M P Holstein [PDF 41KB] |
1428 |
Jenny Hood [PDF 40KB] |
1541 |
Peter Hood [PDF 40KB] |
1017 |
Elizabeth Hooper [PDF 34KB] |
1042 |
Rev John Hooper [PDF 48KB] |
753 |
K J & B D Hopkins [PDF 47KB] |
441 |
Betty Horsburgh [PDF 45KB] |
723 |
V M Houlahan [PDF 36KB] |
1008 |
J & M Houston [PDF 43KB] |
1901 |
David Houston [PDF 173KB] |
1702 |
G Howard [PDF 109KB] |
1712 |
Les Howard [PDF 46KB] |
1052 |
Peta M Howarth [PDF 45KB] |
1531 |
Kim Howarth [PDF 40KB] |
1688 |
S & M Howes [PDF 38KB] |
1692 |
G & N Howes [PDF 30KB] |
47 |
Robert B Hudson [PDF 44KB] |
363 |
L Hudson [PDF 108KB] |
635 |
Patricia M Hughes [PDF 113KB] |
636 |
D & J Hughes [PDF 119KB] |
748 |
Narelle Hughes [PDF 29KB] |
26 |
Carolyne A Hulbert [PDF 696KB] |
1563 |
Carolyne Hulbert [PDF 40KB] |
413 |
Kay Hull MP [PDF 72KB] |
1806 |
Simon Hull [PDF 31KB] |
1439 |
Sanshi Hulugalle [PDF 40KB] |
249 |
John Hunt [PDF 52KB] |
830 |
Geoffrey R Hunt [PDF 82KB] |
797 |
Mr & Mrs N C Hunter [PDF 41KB] |
1574 |
H G Hunter [PDF 40KB] |
1582 |
Sandra Hunter [PDF 40KB] |
338 |
Marget Hurle [PDF 78KB] |
5 |
Mr D B Hurst OAM [PDF 91KB] |
1971 |
Frank & Dorothy Hurt [PDF 74KB] |
1733 |
Arthur Hurwitz [PDF 49KB] |
1033 |
Geoff Hush [PDF 110KB] |
1122 |
Kylie Hutch [PDF 40KB] |
48 |
Paul & Chris Hutchinson [PDF 51KB] |
71 |
Prue Hutchinson [PDF 506KB] |
658 |
Q & L Hutchinson [PDF 70KB] |
1051 |
P H Hutchinson [PDF 23KB] |
337 |
Lionel J Hyde [PDF 40KB] |
1623 |
Reuben Hyde [PDF 40KB] |
405 |
Robert J Hylton-Cummins [PDF 56KB] |
168 |
Dr Aniello Iannuzzi [PDF 26KB] |
1100 |
Name not legible [PDF 45KB] |
1109 |
Name not legible [PDF 45KB] |
1138 |
Name not legible [PDF 35KB] |
1152 |
Name not legible [PDF 39KB] |
1154 |
Name not legible [PDF 35KB] |
1155 |
Name not legible [PDF 36KB] |
1159 |
Name not legible [PDF 37KB] |
1883 |
M R Illingworth [PDF 52KB] |
386 |
Richard Ingham [PDF 111KB] |
893 |
B & J Ingram [PDF 34KB] |
1158 |
Ana Iosefa [PDF 37KB] |
687 |
Olly Ireland [PDF 26KB] |
933 |
O & E Ireland [PDF 35KB] |
1534 |
B A Irvine [PDF 40KB] |
1545 |
Jasper Irvine [PDF 40KB] |
637 |
Marsha M Isbester [PDF 53KB] |
1303 |
Milissa Ison [PDF 33KB] |
1318 |
Thelma Iverson [PDF 35KB] |
801 |
Lyn Jablonski [PDF 24KB] |
98 |
Janice D Jackson [PDF 33KB] |
357 |
B & R Jackson [PDF 28KB] |
905 |
Grant Jackson [PDF 25KB] |
316 |
David Jaeger [PDF 32KB] |
238 |
Judy Jakins [PDF 59KB] |
1087 |
Joe Jallis [PDF 45KB] |
262 |
C S & A F James [PDF 66KB] |
1085 |
Yazmin James [PDF 51KB] |
1963 |
Evelyn Jameson [PDF 31KB] |
1392 |
Douglas Jamieson [PDF 35KB] |
804 |
Gloria S Jarratt [PDF 63KB] |
101 |
Emma Jeffrey [PDF 44KB] |
324 |
P & J Jeffrey [PDF 34KB] |
434 |
W Jenkin [PDF 25KB] |
1375 |
P Jenkins [PDF 33KB] |
1676 |
Ruth Jenkins [PDF 40KB] |
1730 |
Jewish Communal Appeal [PDF 89KB] |
1863 |
New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies [PDF 110KB] |
295 |
N & B Johnson [PDF 32KB] |
461 |
M A Johnson [PDF 114KB] |
464 |
B Johnson [PDF 114KB] |
767 |
A K White & N M Johnson [PDF 46KB] |
1170 |
G Johnson [PDF 35KB] |
320 |
S & M Johnston [PDF 39KB] |
580 |
A K Johnston [PDF 58KB] |
1226 |
Scott Johnston [PDF 38KB] |
1332 |
B Johnston [PDF 34KB] |
1750 |
Sarah Johnston [PDF 41KB] |
1752 |
Luke Johnston [PDF 28KB] |
1140 |
Angela J Johnstone [PDF 36KB] |
1881 |
M Johnstone [PDF 108KB] |
1238 |
Margaret Jolliffe [PDF 33KB] |
1183 |
Jill Jollow [PDF 34KB] |
77 |
Jean & Colin Jones [PDF 36KB] |
122 |
Elaine Jones [PDF 40KB] |
525 |
P & A Jones [PDF 29KB] |
903 |
C & J Jones [PDF 35KB] |
1490 |
Steven Jones [PDF 40KB] |
1624 |
Muriel A Jones [PDF 40KB] |
1625 |
Norman W Jones [PDF 40KB] |
1662 |
Julie-Ann Jones [PDF 40KB] |
1718 |
Sue Jones [PDF 43KB] |
1988 |
Owen & Maree Jones [PDF 705KB] |
701 |
Warren Jurd [PDF 59KB] |
702 |
Amanda Jurd [PDF 57KB] |
9 |
Anthony Kaberry [PDF 36KB] |
890 |
D Kahl [PDF 33KB] |
892 |
P & J Kahl [PDF 36KB] |
909 |
Melinda Kane [PDF 45KB] |
1129 |
Mr/s Shwetang Kansara [PDF 34KB] |
1923 |
Ned Kates [PDF 37KB] |
89 |
Russell & Gloria Keam [PDF 42KB] |
776 |
M L Keane [PDF 36KB] |
1071 |
D Keaney [PDF 47KB] |
506 |
K & K Keating [PDF 35KB] |
1593 |
V J Keen [PDF 40KB] |
225 |
Barry & Maribeth Keir [PDF 36KB] |
848 |
J & S Kelly [PDF 43KB] |
920 |
Norman E Kelly [PDF 34KB] |
1236 |
Eleanor Kelly [PDF 32KB] |
1256 |
Sue Kelly [PDF 34KB] |
1356 |
Sean Kelly [PDF 33KB] |
1416 |
Bradley John Kelly [PDF 40KB] |
1618 |
Doris Kelly [PDF 40KB] |
1620 |
Mervyn Kelly [PDF 40KB] |
39 |
Karen Kennedy [PDF 28KB] |
673 |
N & E Kennedy [PDF 35KB] |
1470 |
Gunnar Kennedy [PDF 40KB] |
1989 |
Lorraine Kent [PDF 41KB] |
419 |
Judi Keown [PDF 40KB] |
420 |
Robert Keown [PDF 40KB] |
244 |
Gwenda Kerin [PDF 30KB] |
1896 |
Anne & Allan Kermode [PDF 52KB] |
1075 |
Wendy Kerr [PDF 45KB] |
1578 |
Dianne Kerr [PDF 40KB] |
1838 |
Kate Kerrison [PDF 33KB] |
305 |
Dianne Kershaw [PDF 34KB] |
417 |
S J Kershaw [PDF 94KB] |
762 |
K M Keys [PDF 38KB] |
1252 |
Barry Keys [PDF 33KB] |
782 |
T & H Khoo [PDF 111KB] |
416 |
K & P Khunkhun et al. [PDF 100KB] |
708 |
Christine Killinger JP [PDF 68KB] |
1420 |
Karra Kinchela [PDF 40KB] |
1110 |
Mr/s M Kinchinston [PDF 41KB] |
144 |
Michael James King [PDF 34KB] |
289 |
K & B King [PDF 26KB] |
1628 |
Shirley King [PDF 40KB] |
201 |
Penelope A Kirkby [PDF 50KB] |
402 |
Evelyn Kiss [PDF 33KB] |
1466 |
Noeline Kiss [PDF 40KB] |
1450 |
Robert Kneale [PDF 40KB] |
987 |
Elizabeth A Knight [PDF 57KB] |
1376 |
S Knight [PDF 33KB] |
1377 |
Victor Bede Knight [PDF 34KB] |
1918 |
John & Mavis Knight [PDF 31KB] |
1414 |
L Knox [PDF 40KB] |
437 |
Betty Knyvett [PDF 42KB] |
1704 |
Karin Kolbe [PDF 89KB] |
768 |
Poppy Kougelis [PDF 41KB] |
994 |
Nector Kougellis [PDF 43KB] |
1126 |
Ivan Kovac[PDF 39KB] |
1086 |
Tony Krahe [PDF 46KB] |
1796 |
Lachlan Shire Council [PDF 116KB] |
922 |
Libby Laird [PDF 26KB] |
923 |
W B Laird [PDF 26KB] |
924 |
Wilma Laird [PDF 26KB] |
1097 |
Danny Lam [PDF 40KB] |
1478 |
V Lamborne [PDF 40KB] |
627 |
Robert Lamond [PDF 34KB] |
1095 |
Kassie Lamonte [PDF 42KB] |
58 |
Frances A Lampe [PDF 42KB] |
1663 |
Rosemary Lampe [PDF 40KB] |
1675 |
Anne Lampe [PDF 40KB] |
798 |
Rosemary Langford [PDF 36KB] |
1452 |
Jose & Libby Lantz [PDF 40KB] |
36 |
Keith J Latham [PDF 39KB] |
1447 |
Geoff Latham [PDF 40KB] |
399 |
Elaine Lauder [PDF 28KB] |
466 |
Amanda Laverty [PDF 115KB] |
862 |
Tony Lawler [PDF 35KB] |
1181 |
Gwen Lawty [PDF 33KB] |
921 |
Douglas Leabon [PDF 28KB] |
840 |
P Leahy [PDF 57KB] |
709 |
Fay Ledger [PDF 63KB] |
860 |
N Ledger [PDF 78KB] |
107 |
Yvonne Ledingham [PDF 69KB] |
1555 |
Carol Leeder [PDF 40KB] |
608 |
Sonja Leitch [PDF 122KB] |
482 |
J & S Lennon [PDF 34KB] |
1586 |
Gary Leverton [PDF 40KB] |
1030 |
N & R Lewis [PDF 27KB] |
1965 |
Liberal Party of Australia NSW Division [PDF 6050KB] |
1205 |
Auralee Lillyman [PDF 34KB] |
385 |
Iris Lindquist [PDF 110KB] |
548 |
Susie Linkins [PDF 41KB] |
1053 |
Ian M Litchfield [PDF 42KB] |
1728 |
Liverpool Plains Land Management Committee [PDF 129KB] |
125 |
Hugh Livingston [PDF 52KB] |
378 |
Les Lobsey [PDF 48KB] |
1758 |
Carol Lockhart [PDF 46KB] |
661 |
Nancy L Lodge [PDF 32KB] |
1225 |
T Logan [PDF 36KB] |
1372 |
Mike Logan [PDF 35KB] |
1804 |
Karen Logan [PDF 33KB] |
1936 |
Gai Longmuir [PDF 43KB] |
1123 |
Maria Longo [PDF 40KB] |
1260 |
Brent Longworth [PDF 33KB] |
1576 |
A C Longworth [PDF 40KB] |
307 |
James N Looney [PDF 109KB] |
1411 |
Lyn Lovegrove [PDF 40KB] |
502 |
Ron Lowder [PDF 81KB] |
558 |
Ron Lowder [PDF 32KB] |
34 |
Sharon Lowe [PDF 35KB] |
759 |
C E Lowien [PDF 93KB] |
998 |
Allen Lumley [PDF 25KB] |
1968 |
Kent & Kylie Lummis [PDF 33KB] |
1969 |
Gordon & Noeline Lummis [PDF 32KB] |
1027 |
Rhondda Lunney [PDF 41KB] |
350 |
Angela Lyle [PDF 35KB] |
540 |
William Lyle [PDF 40KB] |
591 |
Thomas R Lyle [PDF 33KB] |
592 |
Thomas R Lyle [PDF 47KB] |
662 |
Judith Lyle [PDF 67KB] |
567 |
A R Macartney [PDF 56KB] |
1326 |
A C B Macartney [PDF 34KB] |
143 |
Wilf MacBeth [PDF 46KB] |
296 |
Rhoda MacBeth [PDF 36KB] |
66 |
Senator The Hon. Sandy MacDonald [PDF 51KB] |
94 |
David R Macintyre [PDF 52KB] |
1216 |
Clare Mackenzie [PDF 34KB] |
679 |
Malcolm Mackerras [PDF 59KB] |
1505 |
E A Mackey [PDF 40KB] |
1719 |
John MacLaren [PDF 38KB] |
233 |
Margaret A MacLeod [PDF 47KB] |
1540 |
Marion Macleod [PDF 40KB] |
1055 |
H E MacNamara [PDF 36KB] |
232 |
Anne MacNeil [PDF 45KB] |
629 |
N & J MacPhillamy [PDF 38KB] |
468 |
L & A MacSmith [PDF 112KB] |
150 |
Patricia Madden [PDF 27KB] |
821 |
Nina Madden [PDF 38KB] |
1759 |
Carmel Madirazza [PDF 25KB] |
1348 |
Sandra Magann [PDF 37KB] |
1480 |
Stephen Magann [PDF 40KB] |
1249 |
Daleen Mahon [PDF 38KB] |
86 |
Patrick Mahony [PDF 45KB] |
268 |
Charles A Maiden [PDF 36KB] |
1108 |
Jeff Mainstone [PDF 40KB] |
1784 |
Merle Maloney [PDF 56KB] |
59 |
Rania & Lionel Manchee [PDF 29KB] |
470 |
Marion H Mann [PDF 42KB] |
1131 |
Chris Manning [PDF 35KB] |
971 |
Beryl Mannion [PDF 34KB] |
145 |
Laurie Mansour [PDF 36KB] |
879 |
Gerry Manuel [PDF 52KB] |
163 |
Donna M Markey [PDF 33KB] |
164 |
Alan Markey [PDF 36KB] |
1897 |
Gwen Markwort [PDF 27KB] |
738 |
Richard Marocco [PDF 32KB] |
1892 |
Diane F Marris [PDF 42KB] |
27 |
Ross Marsh [PDF 37KB] |
1137 |
Donna Marsh [PDF 36KB] |
300 |
Megan Marshall [PDF 25KB] |
534 |
Graeme Marshall [PDF 35KB] |
622 |
P M & S Marshall [PDF 37KB] |
936 |
Bruce Marshall [PDF 58KB] |
599 |
J & M Martin [PDF 26KB] |
901 |
Mr & Mrs T P Martin [PDF 37KB] |
1039 |
Angela Martin [PDF 67KB] |
1668 |
Bernie Martin [PDF 40KB] |
1830 |
Ian Martin [PDF 69KB] |
211 |
D A Martyn [PDF 50KB] |
863 |
W & J Maslen [PDF 42KB] |
947 |
Christopher Maslen [PDF 42KB] |
222 |
Ray & Brenda Mason [PDF 44KB] |
327 |
Peter Mason [PDF 39KB] |
545 |
A K Mason [PDF 39KB] |
675 |
G Mason [PDF 36KB] |
942 |
Trent Mason [PDF 37KB] |
1304 |
Nora A Mason [PDF 33KB] |
1694 |
R & M Mason [PDF 35KB] |
1957 |
J Massingham [PDF 32KB] |
908 |
Richard Mather [PDF 27KB] |
1293 |
Margaret Matheson [PDF 37KB] |
1528 |
Nichole Matthews [PDF 40KB] |
1735 |
Greg Matthews [PDF 48KB] |
1807 |
Peter Matus [PDF 29KB] |
1345 |
K Mawbey [PDF 36KB] |
84 |
Cicely F Maxwell [PDF 60KB] |
1673 |
Olive Maxwell [PDF 40KB] |
1955 |
Jon May-Steers [PDF 86KB] |
259 |
G R Mazoudier [PDF 77KB] |
745 |
Pauline McAllister [PDF 54KB] |
935 |
Trevor McAllister [PDF 39KB] |
1868 |
Elaine McArthur [PDF 110KB] |
431 |
R & P McCallum [PDF 39KB] |
1453 |
Ian McCallum [PDF 40KB] |
699 |
Carol McCalman [PDF 59KB] |
700 |
Robert McCalman [PDF 58KB] |
706 |
J H (Jim) McCalman [PDF 60KB] |
1119 |
Annette McCarney [PDF 42KB] |
16 |
Rob McCarron [PDF 53KB] |
593 |
A & K McClenaghan [PDF 34KB] |
1382 |
Adam McCredie [PDF 35KB] |
200 |
Kerry T McDonald [PDF 34KB] |
728 |
W G McDonald [PDF 64KB] |
1331 |
P J McDonald [PDF 33KB] |
1380 |
V S McDonald [PDF 33KB] |
1483 |
Kay M McDouall [PDF 40KB] |
15 |
John McEvoy [PDF 25KB] |
1173 |
Ron McEwen [PDF 48KB] |
1506 |
Mandy McFarland [PDF 40KB] |
1003 |
B D McFarlane [PDF 31KB] |
1219 |
Leonie McFetridge [PDF 36KB] |
10 |
Neil McGinn [PDF 27KB] |
1523 |
Shirley McGinnity [PDF 40KB] |
1525 |
Norman McGinnity [PDF 40KB] |
1341 |
T J McGovern [PDF 33KB] |
254 |
H J McGregor [PDF 50KB] |
597 |
Ian McGregor [PDF 34KB] |
1544 |
Phil McGregor [PDF 40KB] |
375 |
Grace McGufficke [PDF 51KB] |
1038 |
Cheryl McGuire [PDF 134KB] |
581 |
Barbara McKay [PDF 35KB] |
481 |
Ron McKenzie [PDF 33KB] |
671 |
B & J McKenzie [PDF 42KB] |
1425 |
Jan McKenzie [PDF 40KB] |
1917 |
Ron McKenzie [PDF 40KB] |
241 |
Joanna & Robin McLachlan [PDF 35KB] |
1298 |
Fiona McLachlan [PDF 36KB] |
1468 |
Kerry McLachlan [PDF 40KB] |
1272 |
B McLaurin [PDF 35KB] |
105 |
K McLeish [PDF 27KB] |
108 |
K McLeish (see also 105)[PDF 35KB] |
884 |
Ann McLeod [PDF 116KB] |
1876 |
Robert McLeod [PDF 111KB] |
1877 |
Frances McLeod [PDF 110KB] |
955 |
U McLoghlin [PDF 66KB] |
1187 |
Mr/s A McMaster [PDF 34KB] |
503 |
Joan McMicking [PDF 36KB] |
1564 |
Graeme McNair [PDF 40KB] |
1461 |
John Thomas McNamara [PDF 40KB] |
1462 |
Susan Wendy McNamara [PDF 40KB] |
1548 |
Barbara McNamara [PDF 40KB] |
1660 |
Nola McNamara [PDF 40KB] |
1907 |
Robert W McNaughton [PDF 48KB] |
1791 |
Anne McNiven [PDF 40KB] |
1808 |
John McPhail [PDF 28KB] |
7 |
Neil McPhee [PDF 30KB] |
1931 |
E A McPheeson [PDF 43KB] |
1727 |
Mr & Mrs T & D McPhail [PDF 21KB] |
710 |
S & E McPherson [PDF 44KB] |
1426 |
Dudley McPherson [PDF 40KB] |
1427 |
helen McPherson [PDF 40KB] |
1440 |
Judy Mealing [PDF 40KB] |
116 |
Paul Mech [PDF 45KB] |
780 |
Jolieske Lips & John Medcalf [PDF 119KB] |
573 |
John Megaloconomos [PDF 36KB] |
1124 |
Siyai Mehte [PDF 45KB] |
235 |
Philip Melbourne [PDF 24KB] |
236 |
A Melbourne [PDF 39KB] |
1557 |
Sue Melbourne [PDF 40KB] |
1558 |
Arthur Melbourne [PDF 40KB] |
1611 |
Rhonda Melbourne [PDF 40KB] |
1621 |
Lee-Anne Melbourne [PDF 40KB] |
795 |
A Melvil [PDF 31KB] |
811 |
Carol Melville [PDF 30KB] |
360 |
F M Mendham [PDF 42KB] |
1006 |
A R Menegazzo [PDF 39KB] |
1067 |
Peta Merchant [PDF 29KB] |
104 |
Rory Meyer [PDF 37KB] |
647 |
Melville Mibus [PDF 73KB] |
693 |
Susan Michell [PDF 32KB] |
1259 |
Scott Michell [PDF 36KB] |
1384 |
Barbara Michell [PDF 38KB] |
1385 |
John Michell [PDF 35KB] |
800 |
Paul Miegel [PDF 36KB] |
1184 |
Colin Miew [PDF 34KB] |
1064 |
Arno Mikli [PDF 91KB] |
135 |
D & I Miles [PDF 113KB] |
124 |
Neta Miller [PDF 35KB] |
183 |
J B & J Miller [PDF 118KB] |
189 |
John W Miller [PDF 111KB] |
859 |
J Miller [PDF 28KB] |
1666 |
Sharon Miller [PDF 40KB] |
939 |
Derrick Milling [PDF 61KB] |
1777 |
R Millington [PDF 121KB] |
652 |
Susan Millmore [PDF 44KB] |
348 |
Gwen Mills [PDF 57KB] |
340 |
O D Milthorpe [PDF 33KB] |
242 |
Ranald J & Jenny Mitchell [PDF 39KB] |
328 |
David Mitchell [PDF 35KB] |
613 |
Carolyn Michell [PDF 54KB] |
690 |
S D Mitchell [PDF 34KB] |
740 |
T Mitchell [PDF 59KB] |
1749 |
Anthony Mitchell [PDF 38KB] |
1902 |
Michael & Fiona Mitchell [PDF 65KB] |
149 |
Gail Moffatt [PDF 34KB] |
1942 |
Peter Moffitt [PDF 35KB] |
1125 |
Martin Mojica [PDF 46KB] |
429 |
John Monckton [PDF 33KB] |
1757 |
Mondoro Pty Ltd [PDF 55KB] |
356 |
Stephen R Monkton [PDF 155KB] |
1233 |
Jeanelle Moodie [PDF 34KB] |
789 |
M J Moody [PDF 51KB] |
1947 |
M J Moody [PDF 50KB] |
208 |
Yvonne Moor [PDF 39KB] |
256 |
David Moor [PDF 86KB] |
147 |
Roger Moore [PDF 26KB] |
602 |
E D Moore [PDF 36KB] |
619 |
Betty Moore [PDF 52KB] |
1080 |
Patricia Moore [PDF 47KB] |
1284 |
Stephen Moore [PDF 34KB] |
832 |
Moree Plains Lions Club [PDF 41KB] |
1737 |
Moree Plains Shire Council [PDF 175KB] |
74 |
Michele Morgan [PDF 70KB] |
1486 |
Susan Morgan [PDF 40KB] |
959 |
S & T Morgan.[PDF 214KB] |
1615 |
Robert Johstone Morley [PDF 40KB] |
368 |
Mark Morris [PDF 98KB] |
1172 |
Rachel Morris [PDF 37KB] |
1327 |
Thelma Ethel Morris [PDF 33KB] |
354 |
Ivan Morrison [PDF 34KB] |
787 |
J & A Morrison [PDF 125KB] |
1474 |
Chris Morrissey [PDF 40KB] |
160 |
R R Morse [PDF 90KB] |
816 |
Rhona B Morton [PDF 60KB] |
543 |
A E Mosely [PDF 42KB] |
90 |
Henry R F Moses [PDF 61KB] |
255 |
Peter Moses [PDF 31KB] |
29 |
Janet M Moss [PDF 34KB] |
408 |
Kerry M Moyes [PDF 25KB] |
835 |
David Muller [PDF 31KB] |
1160 |
Mr/s L Munasinghe [PDF 36KB] |
31 |
Robyn Murphy [PDF 35KB] |
406 |
Mr & Mrs B Murphy [PDF 100KB] |
1633 |
Kerrie Murphy [PDF 40KB] |
95 |
Denise Murray [PDF 29KB] |
501 |
Daphne Murray [PDF 42KB] |
684 |
Murray Darling Association [PDF 58KB] |
734 |
Murray Shire Council [PDF 40KB] |
1638 |
C B Murray [PDF 40KB] |
1649 |
Betty Murray [PDF 40KB] |
1867 |
Robert Murray [PDF 106KB] |
1983 |
Murray Darling Association [PDF 54KB] |
1801 |
Murrumbidgee Shire Council [PDF 53KB] |
686 |
Councillor Richard Mutton [PDF 52KB] |
620 |
Robert Myers [PDF 81KB] |
1349 |
D M Nalder [PDF 37KB] |
571 |
Narrabri Amateur Fishing Club Inc. [PDF 31KB] |
960 |
Narrabri Shire Council [PDF 58KB] |
1956 |
Narromine Shire Council [PDF 94KB] |
178 |
National Party of Australia – Warren Branch [PDF 62KB] |
656 |
The Nationals – Broken Hill Branch [PDF 107KB] |
712 |
The Nationals Oxley Electorate Council [PDF 46KB] |
715 |
The Nationals Macleay Valley Branch [PDF 38KB] |
812 |
Gwydir Electorate Council of The Nationals [PDF 41KB] |
833 |
Tamworth Branch of The Nationals [PDF 94KB] |
925 |
NSW Young Nationals [PDF 53KB] |
944 |
National Party Of Australia–Marulan Branch [PDF 89KB] |
972 |
Narrabri Branch of The Nationals [PDF 39KB] |
999 |
The Nationals–Tenterfield Branch [PDF 38KB] |
1060 |
The Nationals – Mudgee Branch [PDF 61KB] |
1706 |
The Nationals [PDF 470KB] |
1795 |
Calare Electorate Council Of The Nationals [PDF 39KB] |
1944 |
Parkes Electorate Council The Nationals [PDF 112KB] |
1985 |
The Nationals Condobolin Branch [PDF 52KB] |
867 |
Judy Murray & Richard Neate [PDF 114KB] |
1096 |
Patrcya Neelam [PDF 41KB] |
532 |
G & D Neill [PDF 67KB] |
1333 |
James Neilsen [PDF 33KB] |
345 |
M & M Nelson [PDF 42KB] |
542 |
New England North West Area Consultative Committee [PDF 72KB] |
533 |
Ray Newton [PDF 41KB] |
564 |
D J Newton [PDF 41KB] |
566 |
E M Newton [PDF 36KB] |
660 |
Pam Newton [PDF 41KB] |
851 |
Valerie Newton et al. [PDF 81KB] |
1613 |
Kathy Newton [PDF 40KB] |
1011 |
F & S Nicholson [PDF 53KB] |
1277 |
Kerry Nipperess [PDF 35KB] |
1524 |
Lyal Nolan [PDF 40KB] |
52 |
C J & Margaret Norrie [PDF 42KB] |
1339 |
Patricia Anne Norrie [PDF 34KB] |
1854 |
Mark Northey [PDF 33KB] |
1860 |
Sandra Northey [PDF 33KB] |
1497 |
Annette Noy [PDF 40KB] |
1142 |
Fiona Noyce [PDF 36KB] |
1171 |
Trish O,Brien [PDF 39KB] |
134 |
Oberon Council [PDF 35KB] |
445 |
Joshua O'Brien et al. [PDF 78KB] |
1911 |
Peter O'Brien [PDF 56KB] |
1970 |
T O'Brien [PDF 104KB] |
331 |
Robyn R O'Bryan [PDF 24KB] |
376 |
Michael O'Connor [PDF 38KB] |
1021 |
Geoff O'Connor [PDF 47KB] |
899 |
Garry O'Gorman [PDF 35KB] |
294 |
Margaret Oldfield [PDF 44KB] |
491 |
David A Olsen [PDF 39KB] |
366 |
Mark Olson [PDF 45KB] |
991 |
Peter Olson [PDF 41KB] |
881 |
R & S Olstan [PDF 115KB] |
202 |
Doug Barnett & Susie O'Neile [PDF 36KB] |
537 |
J & M O'Neill [PDF 34KB] |
1829 |
B J & P A & G S O'Neill [PDF 30KB] |
404 |
S & M Onus [PDF 36KB] |
1810 |
Robert Onus [PDF 30KB] |
277 |
P & L Orchard [PDF 36KB] |
1063 |
Mr & Mrs W & M Orman [PDF 39KB] |
1501 |
Beverley Orman [PDF 40KB] |
1579 |
Lorraine Orman [PDF 40KB] |
864 |
Ashby I Osborn [PDF 41KB] |
1166 |
Mr/s A Osmond [PDF 36KB] |
1224 |
Alison Owers [PDF 38KB] |
692 |
Michael Paag [PDF 109KB] |
1547 |
Pam Packer [PDF 40KB] |
1208 |
Leanne Page [PDF 31KB] |
1565 |
Stephen Paget [PDF 40KB] |
204 |
Raymond & Mavis Paine [PDF 44KB] |
1134 |
Lois Paisley [PDF 35KB] |
1717 |
Palerang Council [PDF 51KB] |
1001 |
Belinda Paling [PDF 243KB] |
665 |
Ian Palmer [PDF 53KB] |
1307 |
Laraine M Palmer [PDF 33KB] |
1308 |
Blake Palmer [PDF 33KB] |
1403 |
Marie Palmer [PDF 40KB] |
1404 |
Lionel Palmer [PDF 40KB] |
1419 |
Brad Palmer [PDF 40KB] |
1530 |
Dianne Palmer [PDF 40KB] |
1591 |
Gordon Palmer [PDF 40KB] |
1885 |
Henry & Jocelyn Palmer [PDF 35KB] |
1681 |
Rowan Neville Panton [PDF 40KB] |
874 |
Bryan Pape [PDF 169KB] |
956 |
Port Stephens Blue Water Paradise [PDF 75KB] |
531 |
Margaret Parbery [PDF 60KB] |
995 |
C & Y Pardy [PDF 32KB] |
538 |
Natasha Parish [PDF 34KB] |
917 |
David A Park [PDF 46KB] |
1847 |
Alison Park [PDF 48KB] |
1200 |
Denise Parker [PDF 34KB] |
1306 |
Carol Parker [PDF 33KB] |
1933 |
Parkes Shire Council [PDF 77KB] |
297 |
G M Parr [PDF 64KB] |
218 |
Parramatta Chamber of Commerce [PDF 53KB] |
1715 |
Petition signed by 26 people [PDF 123KB] |
1330 |
Yenda Parsons [PDF 34KB] |
1785 |
Alex Parsons [PDF 36KB] |
1831 |
Ward Partnership [PDF 47KB] |
1905 |
Mike & Joyce Partridge [PDF 45KB] |
1232 |
B Patch [PDF 33KB] |
670 |
Heather Patey [PDF 44KB] |
940 |
R & L Paton [PDF 42KB] |
1274 |
Debbie Patten [PDF 33KB] |
1465 |
Kerrie Patterson [PDF 40KB] |
1607 |
Ken Pattison [PDF 40KB] |
850 |
G J & D Patton [PDF 37KB] |
1986 |
G J & D Patton [PDF 35KB] |
1195 |
Meg Pawley [PDF 32KB] |
1223 |
H P Pawley [PDF 35KB] |
1294 |
Cheryl Pawley [PDF 35KB] |
1370 |
Joan Pawley [PDF 36KB] |
1371 |
Robert Pawley [PDF 35KB] |
1629 |
Vicki Pawley [PDF 40KB] |
61 |
Derrick Paxton [PDF 96KB] |
62 |
Derrick Paxton [PDF 89KB] |
726 |
V Peacey [PDF 33KB] |
308 |
Roy W Pearce [PDF 36KB] |
1111 |
Martin Pearce [PDF 39KB] |
1793 |
Oscar Pearse [PDF 51KB] |
1270 |
Leanne Pearson [PDF 33KB] |
1271 |
Aileen Pearson [PDF 32KB] |
778 |
D & M Pegg [PDF 38KB] |
911 |
Bruce R Penberthy [PDF 49KB] |
1769 |
Kenneth E Leeson & Bethie M Penglis [PDF 58KB] |
1153 |
Leo Pepingco [PDF 36KB] |
44 |
John & Penny Perfrement [PDF 57KB] |
568 |
Wayne Perks [PDF 47KB] |
852 |
Marion Peters et al. [PDF 53KB] |
1734 |
Ray Peters [PDF 27KB] |
1312 |
James Petrie [PDF 37KB] |
1526 |
Glenda Petrie [PDF 40KB] |
54 |
Anthony & Penny Phelps [PDF 36KB] |
614 |
Thalia Phelps [PDF 32KB] |
615 |
Robert Phelps [PDF 30KB] |
616 |
Carl Phelps [PDF 30KB] |
199 |
Brian Phillips [PDF 114KB] |
219 |
Gwen Pickette [PDF 50KB] |
223 |
M G & E R Pickford [PDF 41KB] |
55 |
Ken Pierce [PDF 38KB] |
351 |
Sylvia C Pierce [PDF 28KB] |
451 |
Gary Pierpoint [PDF 43KB] |
1078 |
Lorraine Piggott [PDF 45KB] |
1549 |
Frank Pollard [PDF 40KB] |
1869 |
R A Pope [PDF 102KB] |
1049 |
Port Stephens Council [PDF 234KB] |
321 |
Ron Potter [PDF 29KB] |
843 |
Dougal Pottie [PDF 30KB] |
576 |
Jean Poulter [PDF 66KB] |
473 |
Mary Power [PDF 42KB] |
6 |
Alicia Mary Prendergast [PDF 34KB] |
1588 |
Robin Presland [PDF 40KB] |
465 |
Larraine Preston [PDF 111KB] |
1399 |
W Price [PDF 33KB] |
1441 |
Steve Price [PDF 40KB] |
433 |
Julie Priddle [PDF 114KB] |
583 |
Gwen Prout [PDF 41KB] |
1010 |
Robert W Provost [PDF 45KB] |
265 |
Grahame, S B & Robert Pryor [PDF 35KB] |
606 |
H & C Ptaszinski [PDF 64KB] |
535 |
Maureen S Punch [PDF 34KB] |
1800 |
Dianne Purcell [PDF 50KB] |
1156 |
Graeme Pussell [PDF 37KB] |
1915 |
Maggie Pye [PDF 40KB] |
306 |
C & N Pyke [PDF 27KB] |
1972 |
Bruce Pyke [PDF 37KB] |
1292 |
Charlie Quelch [PDF 34KB] |
287 |
J C Quigley [PDF 45KB] |
685 |
J C Quigley [PDF 46KB] |
76 |
Michele Radford [PDF 39KB] |
339 |
Charles Radford [PDF 37KB] |
1538 |
Charles Radford [PDF 40KB] |
515 |
Anne Rae [PDF 65KB] |
1871 |
Patrick Rahilly [PDF 107KB] |
1127 |
Hanna El Chalfe Rahme [PDF 42KB] |
1133 |
Adele Raj-Manning [PDF 35KB] |
586 |
Elizabeth P Ramsay [PDF 58KB] |
783 |
N & I Ramsay [PDF 114KB] |
760 |
Robert L Ranken [PDF 93KB] |
1285 |
Graeme Rapp [PDF 37KB] |
1147 |
Akhtari Rashid [PDF 35KB] |
1191 |
Lynn Rawkeillor [PDF 33KB] |
1315 |
J Rawlins [PDF 34KB] |
757 |
Patricia M Rayner [PDF 56KB] |
1708 |
Len Reardon [PDF 48KB] |
476 |
Patrick Redden [PDF 57KB] |
478 |
Esme Redden [PDF 57KB] |
1186 |
Alan Redfern [PDF 33KB] |
1012 |
Del Redman [PDF 33KB] |
1325 |
W Reeces [PDF 35KB] |
226 |
B Reed [PDF 38KB] |
227 |
Janine Reed [PDF 38KB] |
1846 |
Lynne Rees [PDF 47KB] |
411 |
Ray Reid [PDF 48KB] |
551 |
Rev John Reid [PDF 53KB] |
569 |
N & J Reid [PDF 30KB] |
570 |
Helen P Reid [PDF 52KB] |
1434 |
Sue Reid [PDF 40KB] |
1390 |
Robert Renaud [PDF 36KB] |
1265 |
Shane Rice [PDF 36KB] |
1266 |
Kate Rice [PDF 39KB] |
1765 |
Alan Rich [PDF 42KB] |
25 |
James & Margaret Richards [PDF 843KB] |
1291 |
Beth Richards [PDF 33KB] |
742 |
R L Richardson [PDF 56KB] |
1443 |
Donna Richardson [PDF 40KB] |
1561 |
Deborah Richardson [PDF 40KB] |
1606 |
Gerall Richardson [PDF 40KB] |
1921 |
Charles Richardson [PDF 183KB] |
1945 |
Graeme Richardson [PDF 27KB] |
456 |
S & J Richens [PDF 110KB] |
678 |
Peter Riddle [PDF 70KB] |
773 |
I & M Ridley [PDF 34KB] |
137 |
Alma Risby [PDF 115KB] |
1065 |
Karl Ritar [PDF 24KB] |
215 |
P A Ritter [PDF 38KB] |
984 |
Southern Riverina Irrigators [PDF 50KB] |
518 |
Clare Roach [PDF 31KB] |
979 |
Harry L Roach [PDF 56KB] |
148 |
G T & J M Robertson [PDF 48KB] |
552 |
T & D Robertson [PDF 48KB] |
1536 |
Emma Robertson [PDF 40KB] |
1559 |
Joyce Robertson [PDF 40KB] |
1959 |
Debbie Robertson [PDF 34KB] |
176 |
A G Robinson [PDF 120KB] |
628 |
K & M Robinson [PDF 31KB] |
1639 |
Aleena Robinson [PDF 40KB] |
1703 |
T & M Robinson [PDF 51KB] |
1590 |
Rodney Rohwer [PDF 40KB] |
23 |
Judith A Rolls [PDF 52KB] |
603 |
M Rolls [PDF 97KB] |
487 |
Tanya Rorato [PDF 47KB] |
270 |
D & S Rose [PDF 34KB] |
588 |
John H Rose [PDF 47KB] |
1320 |
David Rose [PDF 36KB] |
471 |
R D Rosier [PDF 36KB] |
584 |
Kathleen M Ross [PDF 61KB] |
450 |
Rotary Club of Narrabri [PDF 103KB] |
792 |
Rotary Club of Gunnedah [PDF 50KB] |
819 |
Guy Roth [PDF 34KB] |
1818 |
Malcolm Rouse [PDF 31KB] |
784 |
G & S Roy [PDF 103KB] |
1602 |
George Roy [PDF 40KB] |
1603 |
Malcolm W Roy [PDF 40KB] |
1228 |
David Duddy [PDF 34KB] |
1121 |
R G Rudgley [PDF 43KB] |
1858 |
Melissa Rumbel [PDF 39KB] |
1631 |
Clare Rummery [PDF 40KB] |
1351 |
Paula Ryan [PDF 35KB] |
1412 |
Nancy Ryan [PDF 40KB] |
1413 |
Leonard Ryan [PDF 40KB] |
1655 |
L Ryan [PDF 40KB] |
1674 |
N Ryan [PDF 40KB] |
1756 |
R Ryan [PDF 125KB] |
1210 |
Elizabeth Sales [PDF 33KB] |
1381 |
Robert Salmon [PDF 34KB] |
574 |
Tony Sands [PDF 190KB] |
902 |
Lyn Sanson [PDF 34KB] |
870 |
Peter J Sargent [PDF 199KB] |
1898 |
Elinor Saul [PDF 33KB] |
876 |
R K Saunders [PDF 31KB] |
371 |
Richard Savage [PDF 42KB] |
794 |
E M Saxby [PDF 37KB] |
198 |
Dr Anthony Scarman [PDF 51KB] |
49 |
Helen Scaysbrook [PDF 32KB] |
50 |
A J Scaysbrook [PDF 32KB] |
610 |
M & T Scaysbrook [PDF 35KB] |
1651 |
Anthony Alan Schate [PDF 40KB] |
520 |
E H Scherf [PDF 45KB] |
691 |
Quentin M J Schneider [PDF 46KB] |
1150 |
Brian Schoer [PDF 38KB] |
1050 |
Peter Schofield [PDF 23KB] |
1101 |
T Scholtes [PDF 39KB] |
1938 |
Emanuel School [PDF 39KB] |
1072 |
Cameron Schraner [PDF 45KB] |
1167 |
Dr Ingrid Schraner [PDF 37KB] |
353 |
John Schuback [PDF 113KB] |
618 |
Ralph Schulze [PDF 425KB] |
17 |
Dianne, Edward, Kathleen & Phillip Schutz [PDF 43KB] |
1267 |
Mary-Ellen Schwager [PDF 35KB] |
184 |
Marion Scott [PDF 516KB] |
246 |
Richard R Scott [PDF 46KB] |
752 |
Betty M Scott [PDF 47KB] |
1013 |
Mr & Mrs W A Scott [PDF 90KB] |
1022 |
Betty M Scott [PDF 46KB] |
1815 |
Natasha Scully [PDF 98KB] |
746 |
Christina Seale [PDF 51KB] |
885 |
I K Seals [PDF 112KB] |
1664 |
Diane Searle [PDF 40KB] |
607 |
Joan Seddon [PDF 44KB] |
230 |
Richard & Margaret Sedgwick [PDF 45KB] |
196 |
Brian E & Mary J Semmler [PDF 101KB] |
1476 |
Roger Sendall [PDF 40KB] |
1321 |
Kate Seton [PDF 36KB] |
896 |
James R Sevil [PDF 34KB] |
897 |
Vivienne Sevil [PDF 35KB] |
898 |
Christine Sevil [PDF 35KB] |
1334 |
Russell Sevil [PDF 35KB] |
1368 |
L Sevil [PDF 32KB] |
1487 |
George Sevil [PDF 40KB] |
1568 |
Norm Seymour [PDF 40KB] |
1879 |
Helen Summer, Colin & Ron Shand [PDF 108KB] |
46 |
Lois Shannon [PDF 45KB] |
1934 |
Ann Sharp [PDF 44KB] |
180 |
K & Pam Shaw [PDF 34KB] |
1960 |
Patrick Shaw [PDF 30KB] |
1542 |
K Sheils [PDF 40KB] |
813 |
K & R Sheldon-Lee [PDF 36KB] |
1311 |
Barry Shephard [PDF 36KB] |
565 |
Robert Sheridan [PDF 40KB] |
1082 |
Caroline Sheridan [PDF 46KB] |
132 |
Councillor Ben Shields [PDF 72KB] |
1073 |
J R Short [PDF 44KB] |
397 |
E M Shorter [PDF 49KB] |
1580 |
Erica Shorter [PDF 40KB] |
809 |
Clare Siddons [PDF 40KB] |
237 |
Robert & Merle Simkus [PDF 70KB] |
1378 |
I M Simmonds [PDF 36KB] |
1379 |
Harrold Simmonds [PDF 33KB] |
1635 |
Judy Simmonds [PDF 40KB] |
32 |
Joan McLennan & Bernadette Simmons [PDF 110KB] |
239 |
Glenda Simpson [PDF 65KB] |
528 |
James Simpson [PDF 48KB] |
575 |
Keith Simpson [PDF 70KB] |
1802 |
Michele Simpson [PDF 49KB] |
1360 |
Dennise Simshauser [PDF 34KB] |
142 |
Robin & Richard Simson [PDF 51KB] |
938 |
J & J Simson [PDF 46KB] |
1913 |
Janet Simson [PDF 39KB] |
1914 |
R D Simson [PDF 69KB] |
1705 |
Angela Singleton [PDF 45KB] |
524 |
J & S Sirl [PDF 41KB] |
1088 |
No name [PDF 64KB] |
1222 |
Sherylyn Skues [PDF 37KB] |
462 |
Carrie Skulander [PDF 113KB] |
317 |
C M Slack-Smith [PDF 91KB] |
318 |
Neil Slack-Smith [PDF 82KB] |
895 |
G & M Slack-Smith [PDF 35KB] |
1581 |
J R Slack-Smith [PDF 40KB] |
186 |
Andrew Slater [PDF 51KB] |
950 |
Gretchen Sleeman [PDF 64KB] |
344 |
E & L Small [PDF 43KB] |
1747 |
Paul J Smallpiece [PDF 40KB] |
1278 |
Dawn Smallwood [PDF 36KB] |
78 |
W P Smart [PDF 33KB] |
83 |
F T Smart [PDF 36KB] |
1437 |
Anthony Smetanin [PDF 40KB] |
13 |
Rob Smith [PDF 80KB] |
146 |
Dr Kevin Smith OAM [PDF 128KB] |
224 |
Peter J Smith [PDF 28KB] |
303 |
Lindsey F Smith [PDF 26KB] |
335 |
Diane Smith [PDF 41KB] |
443 |
Susanne Smith [PDF 33KB] |
446 |
Vicki Smith [PDF 71KB] |
448 |
Vicki Smith et al. [PDF 85KB] |
605 |
Pat Smith [PDF 29KB] |
617 |
G & V Smith [PDF 101KB] |
648 |
E J Smith [PDF 39KB] |
680 |
C & C Smith [PDF 39KB] |
694 |
Murray Smith [PDF 31KB] |
743 |
Councillor Allan Smith [PDF 58KB] |
962 |
P & C Smith [PDF 30KB] |
1105 |
K Smith [PDF 40KB] |
1163 |
Noni J Smith [PDF 37KB] |
1198 |
Ross Smith [PDF 32KB] |
1209 |
Mrs Dawn Smith [PDF 33KB] |
1213 |
Jennie Smith [PDF 33KB] |
1309 |
L C Smith [PDF 34KB] |
1323 |
J Smith [PDF 35KB] |
1328 |
Kenneth James Smith [PDF 36KB] |
1347 |
W Smith [PDF 41KB] |
1352 |
V Smith [PDF 34KB] |
1393 |
Dale Annesia Smith [PDF 35KB] |
1415 |
Simon Smith [PDF 40KB] |
1457 |
Karen Smith [PDF 40KB] |
1521 |
M Smith [PDF 40KB] |
1539 |
Margaret H Smith [PDF 40KB] |
1640 |
Walter Smith [PDF 40KB] |
1641 |
Karen Smith [PDF 40KB] |
1658 |
Gordon Smith [PDF 40KB] |
1672 |
Susan Smith [PDF 40KB] |
1771 |
Peter Smith [PDF 48KB] |
1839 |
Marilyn Smith [PDF 33KB] |
1504 |
Vicki Smolders [PDF 40KB] |
1517 |
Sonya L Smolders [PDF 40KB] |
1753 |
Meg Smyth [PDF 50KB] |
952 |
P & H Snape [PDF 30KB] |
964 |
J & A Snape [PDF 53KB] |
985 |
C & M Snape [PDF 38KB] |
1697 |
Steven Snape [PDF 34KB] |
1855 |
T & J Snape [PDF 35KB] |
326 |
Peter E Sochaki [PDF 42KB] |
1276 |
Barry Solomon [PDF 35KB] |
346 |
Arthur Sonter [PDF 113KB] |
1322 |
Jonna Sorensen [PDF 34KB] |
1161 |
Tiange Sowah [PDF 38KB] |
1066 |
Garry Sowter [PDF 37KB] |
1816 |
Ivor C Speirs [PDF 28KB] |
1569 |
Ross Spence [PDF 40KB] |
1698 |
Christine Spence [PDF 35KB] |
842 |
Noel Squire [PDF 36KB] |
845 |
Bronwyn Squire [PDF 43KB] |
1745 |
St Matthews Central School Mudgee [PDF 396KB] |
1850 |
St Vincent De Paul Association Wee Waa [PDF 33KB] |
290 |
Malcolm Stacey [PDF 40KB] |
117 |
John Stackhouse [PDF 43KB] |
12 |
Greg Standen [PDF 62KB] |
57 |
Pamela & Colin Stanford [PDF 39KB] |
1422 |
Barry Stanford [PDF 40KB] |
1567 |
Shirley Stanford [PDF 40KB] |
203 |
Beth Stanger [PDF 39KB] |
527 |
Bruce Stanger [PDF 35KB] |
880 |
Ray Stapley [PDF 117KB] |
949 |
Peter R Stark [PDF 76KB] |
158 |
Josephine Staughton OAM [PDF 47KB] |
291 |
John Stbbard [PDF 35KB] |
438 |
Councillor Warren Steel [PDF 24KB] |
91 |
Elizabeth Steele [PDF 34KB] |
1701 |
Barrie T Steer [PDF 109KB] |
126 |
Horst Steffen [PDF 81KB] |
129 |
Helen Steffen [PDF 67KB] |
284 |
Sam Stephens [PDF 31KB] |
1979 |
Jane Stephens [PDF 30KB] |
858 |
Graeme Stevens [PDF 54KB] |
547 |
B & C Stevenson [PDF 28KB] |
550 |
Margaret J Stewart [PDF 24KB] |
1446 |
Matthe Stewart [PDF 40KB] |
1507 |
John Stewart [PDF 40KB] |
1546 |
Doreen Stewart [PDF 40KB] |
1435 |
Kelly Stidworthy [PDF 40KB] |
1194 |
Keith Stoltenberg [PDF 33KB] |
1286 |
Walter Stoltenberg [PDF 33KB] |
1116 |
David Stone [PDF 40KB] |
1117 |
M Stone [PDF 42KB] |
1305 |
Clee V Stone [PDF 33KB] |
1496 |
Rosemary Stove [PDF 40KB] |
1592 |
James Stove [PDF 40KB] |
982 |
John van der Straaten [PDF 45KB] |
483 |
Helen Strang [PDF 33KB] |
1068 |
J & R Strang [PDF 101KB] |
1856 |
John Strang [PDF 40KB] |
1207 |
Diane Streeter [PDF 32KB] |
388 |
Joshua Stuart [PDF 111KB] |
389 |
Belinda Stuart [PDF 111KB] |
390 |
Dale Stuart [PDF 110KB] |
736 |
J & J Stuart [PDF 35KB] |
173 |
Leonie Studdy [PDF 53KB] |
1162 |
Mr/s Prakash C Subbarao [PDF 37KB] |
1609 |
Peter Suckling [PDF 40KB] |
657 |
Suzanne Sulicich [PDF 258KB] |
1258 |
John Sullings [PDF 34KB] |
844 |
E J & M A Sullivan [PDF 30KB] |
875 |
Lachlan Sullivan [PDF 35KB] |
769 |
Peter Sunderland [PDF 35KB] |
342 |
Gwen Suringa [PDF 121KB] |
314 |
J & E Sutherland [PDF 33KB] |
965 |
Robert Sutherland [PDF 42KB] |
1770 |
Kellie Sutherland [PDF 48KB] |
394 |
Roesmary Sutton [PDF 33KB] |
577 |
M Sutton [PDF 27KB] |
1417 |
Maree Sutton [PDF 40KB] |
379 |
M Swain [PDF 33KB] |
623 |
Melissa Swain [PDF 49KB] |
791 |
Leanne Swain [PDF 87KB] |
1755 |
R G Swain [PDF 107KB] |
497 |
J A Swales [PDF 75KB] |
1421 |
Paul Swansbra [PDF 40KB] |
889 |
N & L Sweetman [PDF 34KB] |
1792 |
Denise Sykes [PDF 115KB] |
1842 |
R Symons [PDF 33KB] |
1634 |
Heather Tailby [PDF 40KB] |
1098 |
Trent Tam [PDF 38KB] |
1709 |
Juliet Tankersley [PDF 24KB] |
251 |
W H Tanner [PDF 36KB] |
1500 |
Sandra Tapscott [PDF 40KB] |
727 |
Mary Tarr [PDF 43KB] |
555 |
John Tate [PDF 52KB] |
161 |
W, J & H Taylor [PDF 41KB] |
729 |
T & B Taylor [PDF 32KB] |
948 |
Hope Fishpool & Betty Taylor [PDF 41KB] |
1189 |
Stacey Taylor [PDF 33KB] |
1482 |
A G Taylor [PDF 40KB] |
1861 |
Eric Taylor [PDF 35KB] |
1873 |
D & N Taylor [PDF 113KB] |
1922 |
Joy Taylor [PDF 42KB] |
35 |
Robert & Frances Thomas and family [PDF 27KB] |
280 |
M W Thomas [PDF 39KB] |
498 |
A D Thomas [PDF 56KB] |
507 |
R & P Thomas [PDF 36KB] |
1287 |
Pamela Thomas [PDF 35KB] |
412 |
A & C Thompson [PDF 66KB] |
806 |
M Thompson [PDF 32KB] |
1288 |
Jennifer Thompson [PDF 34KB] |
1221 |
Janice Thomson [PDF 36KB] |
1433 |
Anna Thomson [PDF 40KB] |
174 |
Ruth Schmid & Urs Thoni [PDF 114KB] |
1268 |
Michael Thurn [PDF 33KB] |
1269 |
Ruth Thurn [PDF 35KB] |
439 |
W N Tidd [PDF 51KB] |
974 |
A & M Tiernan [PDF 28KB] |
182 |
Paul & Virginia Tierney [PDF 111KB] |
751 |
G & V Tindall [PDF 33KB] |
1367 |
Ruth Titterton [PDF 35KB] |
1283 |
Roslyn Tobin [PDF 36KB] |
1880 |
K & E Tobin [PDF 110KB] |
40 |
Alistair Todd [PDF 25KB] |
41 |
Peter & Karan Todd [PDF 25KB] |
1550 |
M B Todd [PDF 40KB] |
30 |
J G & Olive Tomlinson [PDF 37KB] |
1394 |
Bruce Tomlinson [PDF 34KB] |
1396 |
Carolynne Tomlinson [PDF 35KB] |
1599 |
J G Tomlinson [PDF 40KB] |
1601 |
Olive G Tomlinson [PDF 40KB] |
1657 |
Scott Tompkins [PDF 40KB] |
228 |
Karl Toole [PDF 24KB] |
425 |
Bruce Toole [PDF 31KB] |
155 |
Susan F Torrens [PDF 33KB] |
455 |
E & E Toyer [PDF 118KB] |
1089 |
Wilma Traas [PDF 45KB] |
298 |
Scotia Tracey [PDF 115KB] |
1822 |
Marily Trebeck [PDF 36KB] |
493 |
Councillor Bob Tremain [PDF 37KB] |
508 |
Joy Tremain [PDF 85KB] |
382 |
Allan Trethewey [PDF 33KB] |
395 |
Cavell Trindall [PDF 32KB] |
1185 |
Mr/s P Trindall [PDF 34KB] |
1527 |
Michel Trindall [PDF 40KB] |
469 |
Jonathon Troy [PDF 113KB] |
1946 |
Midcoast Trucks [PDF 42KB] |
1091 |
Patricia Tsigounis [PDF 43KB] |
958 |
Ian Tucker [PDF 37KB] |
755 |
Wilma Tudgey [PDF 65KB] |
774 |
Bryan Tudgey [PDF 34KB] |
1054 |
Tullibigeal & District Progress Association [PDF 60KB] |
1817 |
Tumut Shire Council [PDF 83KB] |
373 |
Allan H Tunbridge [PDF 37KB] |
779 |
G & W Tunbridge [PDF 34KB] |
127 |
Vernon Tupper [PDF 40KB] |
45 |
John & Heather Turner [PDF 54KB] |
765 |
B & D Turner [PDF 35KB] |
1261 |
John Turner [PDF 35KB] |
1636 |
Josephine Turner [PDF 40KB] |
1680 |
Ann-Maree Turner [PDF 40KB] |
1835 |
James Turner [PDF 39KB] |
193 |
Margaret I Tydd [PDF 39KB] |
245 |
Harold G Tym [PDF 50KB] |
1826 |
Janice Tyson [PDF 44KB] |
530 |
United Hospital Auxiliaries of NSW – Wee Waa Branch [PDF 35KB] |
1685 |
Upper Namoi Cotton Growers Association Inc. [PDF 50KB] |
1387 |
Alice Urman [PDF 33KB] |
220 |
E Usher [PDF 34KB] |
415 |
Peter Ussher [PDF 37KB] |
1626 |
Glenys Vaessen [PDF 40KB] |
1710 |
Mark Vaile MP [PDF 77KB] |
459 |
E & N Vance [PDF 114KB] |
1973 |
Margaret te Velde [PDF 39KB] |
1451 |
Suzanne Verrier [PDF 40KB] |
96 |
Mrs M A Vincent [PDF 62KB] |
1245 |
Kane St Vincent [PDF 33KB] |
1246 |
Aiden St Vincent [PDF 32KB] |
676 |
Laurance H Wakefield [PDF 48KB] |
1389 |
Noeline Wales [PDF 37KB] |
330 |
L & G Walker [PDF 50KB] |
1036 |
Clare H Walker OAM [PDF 28KB] |
1344 |
Ken Walker [PDF 35KB] |
1585 |
Clara Walker [PDF 40KB] |
1722 |
Sandra Walker [PDF 52KB] |
1813 |
David Walker [PDF 107KB] |
75 |
Beryl & Brien Walker-Catchpole [PDF 87KB] |
1597 |
Jayne Walker-Smith [PDF 40KB] |
42 |
David Wall [PDF 46KB] |
871 |
J C Wallace [PDF 23KB] |
1093 |
Turoa Walmsley [PDF 46KB] |
612 |
F J Wangmann [PDF 33KB] |
500 |
W & R Wannan and Tim Wannan [PDF 41KB] |
1438 |
Peter Ward [PDF 40KB] |
267 |
Wallace Warden [PDF 36KB] |
269 |
J Warden [PDF 35KB] |
877 |
R & T Warfield [PDF 118KB] |
1188 |
Jacqui Warnock [PDF 35KB] |
705 |
Warren Shire Council [PDF 37KB] |
1203 |
Mary Warren [PDF 34KB] |
1047 |
Warrumbungle Shire Council [PDF 63KB] |
257 |
Judith L Wass [PDF 35KB] |
194 |
Nanette Watson [PDF 138KB] |
398 |
Murray Watson [PDF 87KB] |
667 |
Marie Watson [PDF 21KB] |
1329 |
Diana E Watson [PDF 36KB] |
1454 |
Theris Watson [PDF 40KB] |
589 |
Dr Alan C Watts & Dr Colleen J Watts [PDF 112KB] |
1872 |
D & N Way [PDF 108KB] |
319 |
Margaret Weakley [PDF 47KB] |
1894 |
W L Weakley [PDF 36KB] |
1081 |
Narelle Weatherall [PDF 47KB] |
128 |
Kenneth & Eileen Webb [PDF 116KB] |
131 |
Michele Webb [PDF 113KB] |
1336 |
Paul Webb [PDF 33KB] |
1670 |
Helen D Webb [PDF 40KB] |
1687 |
Douglas M Webb [PDF 61KB] |
162 |
Maree Webster [PDF 35KB] |
730 |
Barbara Webster [PDF 161KB] |
1357 |
Cassandra Webster [PDF 34KB] |
655 |
M J Wecker [PDF 58KB] |
1713 |
Weddin Shire Council [PDF 43KB] |
642 |
Members of Wee Waa Hospital Auxiliary [PDF 36KB] |
1034 |
B & L Weeks [PDF 23KB] |
554 |
P & S Weinthal [PDF 36KB] |
634 |
Beth Weir [PDF 35KB] |
179 |
Stan & J Welch [PDF 116KB] |
323 |
Wellington Council [PDF 45KB] |
1251 |
K Wells [PDF 33KB] |
1492 |
Helen Wells [PDF 40KB] |
1529 |
Pamela Wells [PDF 40KB] |
424 |
Dawn Welsh [PDF 55KB] |
492 |
Dawn Welsh [PDF 53KB] |
633 |
Therese & Kevin Welsh [PDF 34KB] |
682 |
Barry Welsh [PDF 37KB] |
1043 |
Western Research Institute [PDF 68KB] |
946 |
M J Westerweller [PDF 37KB] |
1535 |
Sophie Weston [PDF 40KB] |
1004 |
W J Wheeldon [PDF 55KB] |
853 |
Dorothy Wheeler [PDF 54KB] |
1196 |
Shane Wheeler [PDF 33KB] |
1197 |
Michelle Wheeler [PDF 33KB] |
1289 |
Gail Wheeler [PDF 33KB] |
1491 |
Margaret Wheeler [PDF 40KB] |
1659 |
Terry Wheeler [PDF 40KB] |
8 |
Phil & Jackie Whillock [PDF 67KB] |
988 |
Wayne Whillock [PDF 33KB] |
436 |
N & P Whitaker [PDF 32KB] |
110 |
Kirsty White [PDF 65KB] |
172 |
G H White [PDF 28KB] |
240 |
Elizabeth White [PDF 42KB] |
442 |
Nigel White [PDF 19KB] |
631 |
Keith White [PDF 44KB] |
1204 |
Jo White [PDF 32KB] |
1464 |
D J White [PDF 40KB] |
1566 |
Scott White [PDF 40KB] |
229 |
C P & J Whitechurch [PDF 48KB] |
536 |
C M Whitney [PDF 33KB] |
496 |
K E Wiedemann [PDF 69KB] |
1070 |
Rahal Wijesekera [PDF 46KB] |
1157 |
S Wilesmith [PDF 36KB] |
996 |
Christopher Wilhelm et al. [PDF 59KB] |
191 |
C & P Wilkinson [PDF 110KB] |
509 |
Lloyd Wilkinson [PDF 26KB] |
1832 |
Shirley M J Wilkinson [PDF 156KB] |
113 |
Joyce Williams [PDF 116KB] |
499 |
J W Williams [PDF 42KB] |
1062 |
John K B Williams [PDF 39KB] |
1314 |
Tom Williams [PDF 35KB] |
1402 |
Sue Williams [PDF 40KB] |
1449 |
Suellyn Williams [PDF 40KB] |
1518 |
Mary Williams [PDF 40KB] |
1570 |
Maureen Williams [PDF 40KB] |
1632 |
Joan Williams [PDF 40KB] |
681 |
S Williams-Green [PDF 38KB] |
118 |
Douglas J Williamson [PDF 36KB] |
993 |
P Williamson [PDF 26KB] |
1798 |
Sue Wilmott [PDF 31KB] |
37 |
R R M & Pamela Wilson [PDF 76KB] |
329 |
G & M Wilson [PDF 111KB] |
815 |
David Wilson [PDF 40KB] |
887 |
C M Wilson [PDF 111KB] |
1335 |
Darryl Wilson [PDF 34KB] |
1458 |
J M Wilson [PDF 40KB] |
1630 |
Michele Wilson [PDF 40KB] |
983 |
Tony Windsor MP [PDF 38KB] |
21 |
Maureen Winn [PDF 20KB] |
1135 |
N Winter [PDF 36KB] |
1369 |
Heather Wisemantel [PDF 35KB] |
426 |
Irene Withers [PDF 63KB] |
716 |
John B Withers [PDF 43KB] |
1374 |
Denise Witt [PDF 32KB] |
807 |
S I H Witts [PDF 54KB] |
697 |
Wollondilly Shire Council [PDF 44KB] |
400 |
K & B Wood [PDF 47KB] |
674 |
Marie Wood [PDF 62KB] |
914 |
Ralph Wood [PDF 92KB] |
1202 |
Eva Wood [PDF 33KB] |
18 |
Ron & Hazel Woodley [PDF 44KB] |
322 |
Ian Woods [PDF 47KB] |
741 |
N & J Woods [PDF 59KB] |
1442 |
Mitchel Woods [PDF 40KB] |
1844 |
H Worland [PDF 167KB] |
1467 |
Irene Worley [PDF 40KB] |
109 |
Gordon & Nea Worrell [PDF 45KB] |
166 |
I Worrell [PDF 30KB] |
82 |
R C A Wotton [PDF 36KB] |
1239 |
Gail Wright [PDF 32KB] |
1319 |
Lynette Wright [PDF 33KB] |
941 |
Jean P Wythes [PDF 33KB] |
114 |
R R & M Young [PDF 116KB] |
646 |
R W Young [PDF 38KB] |
1300 |
Filippo Zappulla [PDF 38KB] |
672 |
D & J Zelinski [PDF 34KB] |
1115 |
Lei Zhang [PDF 44KB] |
1148 |
Mr/s Li Zhen Zhu [PDF 35KB] |
810 |
Zonta Club of Gunnedah [PDF 44KB] |