Category | Federal electoral divisions in this category |
Electoral division is named after one or more people |
116 of 151 |
Electoral division is named after a man |
90 of 151 |
Electoral division is named after a woman |
17 of 151 |
Electoral division is jointly named |
9 of 151 |
Electoral division is named after a former Prime Minister |
22 of 151 |
Electoral division is named after a geographical feature |
35 of 151 |
Electoral division is named for an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person or word |
24 of 151 |
Electoral division is named for an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person |
8 of 151 |
Electoral division is named for an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander word |
16 of 151 |
Electoral division name is that of an original Federation electoral division name |
36 of 151 |
The spreadsheet classifies Federal electoral division names according to the guidelines for naming federal electoral divisions. Data is presented at the divisional and state/territory level.