Postal voting

If you are unable to get to a polling place to vote in the federal election, you may be eligible to apply for a postal vote. This means your ballot papers will be sent to you in the mail for the election.

Postal vote applications are now open for the 2025 federal election. Click on the link below to apply. Complete your application as soon as possible to ensure you receive your ballot papers before the election.

The AEC cannot send your postal voting pack until the ballot papers have been printed. Printing will occur after the Declaration of Nominations at 12pm local time on Friday 11 April 2025. The Declaration of Nominations determines the order candidates will appear on the ballot paper.

If you are registered as a general postal voter you will automatically receive a postal vote pack in the mail, you do not need to re-apply for a postal vote.  If your postal address has changed, you can update your postal address online. Please ensure it’s updated before 8pm local time Monday 7 April 2025.

Your federal election postal vote pack will contain:

  • One postal vote certificate
  • One green House of Representatives ballot paper attached to the postal vote certificate
  • One white Senate ballot paper
  • One 'How to complete your postal vote pamphlet'
  • One white AEC return envelope.

Watch a video on how to complete your postal vote here.

Submitting your ballot papers

Your postal vote certificate and ballot papers must be completed on or before election day. We encourage you to do this as soon as possible after receiving your postal vote pack. You must return your ballot papers to the AEC no later than 13 days after the election.

Please refer to the ‘How to complete your postal vote’ pamphlet included in your postal pack for the ‘Things to check’. Completing these steps accurately will ensure your postal vote reaches us and is able to be counted. Further information on how to complete and return your postal vote is also provided in the Frequently asked questions – Postal voting.

Overseas postal voting

You can vote from overseas by visiting an overseas voting centre or completing a postal vote. You will need to provide an overseas address to receive your postal vote pack.

We encourage you to apply for a postal vote pack as early as possible to ensure that you receive your postal vote pack in time.

The AEC can only legally count postal votes that are completed on or before election day and received by the AEC in Australia by the 13th day after election day.

See Overseas voting for more information on how to vote from overseas.


For more information on postal voting see this factsheet.

Updated: 28 March 2025