When returning your postal vote to the AEC, it is very important to put your completed postal vote certificate and your ballot paper(s) in the return envelope correctly.
If you do not put your postal vote certificate and ballot paper(s) in the return envelope correctly, your vote may not be able to be counted.
Please follow the steps below. You can also watch a video on how to complete your postal vote.
Step 1: Detach the green-coloured ballot paper and fold it in half.
Step 2: Place the ballot paper inside the postal vote certificate (on the purple shaded area) and fold your certificate back in half the same way as received so that the ballot paper is inside in the certificate.
Step 3: Find the blue arrow on the bottom edge of the folded postal vote certificate and put your postal vote certificate inside the return envelope this way (keeping your ballot paper inside the postal vote certificate).
Please check:
Step 4: If your return envelope does not have a clear window on the front of it:
Australian Electoral Commission
Reply Paid 9922
(Postage is paid within Australia)
The AEC partners with DHL to return overseas postal votes to the AEC.
There are 2 options to return your postal vote via DHL.
Option 1: Book a Pickup:
Option 2: Shipment Drop-off:
To be counted, the postal vote must be received by the AEC by the 13th day after polling day.
If you are overseas and wish to return your vote using the local postal service instead, then you do not need to use the satchel. Affix stamps to the sealed envelope and mail as soon as possible . However, using this service may not allow for sufficient time for the AEC to receive you completed postal vote by the 13th day after polling day.