Financial Disclosure Guide for Associated Entities

Updated: 6 July 2016

Appendix 3: Penalties relating to the Commonwealth disclosure scheme

Penalties relating to the Commonwealth disclosure scheme
Offence Section of the Act Maximum penalty
Failure to lodge a return by the due date 315(1) Up to $5 000 for agent of political party
Up to $1 000 in any other case
Lodging an incomplete return 315(2)(a) Up to $1 000
Failure to retain records for three years 315(2)(b) and 317 Up to $1 000
Including false and misleading information in a return 315(3) and (4) Up to $10 000 for agent of political party
Up to $5 000 any other person
Providing false or misleading information for inclusion in a return 315(7) $1 000
A person convicted of having failed to lodge a return, who continues not to lodge the return 315(8) Up to $100 per day for each day the return is outstanding. The penalty accrues from the day following the day of the initial conviction.
Failure or refusal to comply with a notice relating to a compliance investigation 316(5) and (5A) $1 000
Providing false or misleading information during a compliance investigation 316(6) $1 000 or imprisonment for 6 months, or both
Discriminating against a donor 327(2) $5 000 or imprisonment for 2 years or both for an individual
$20 000 for a body corporate