GetUp and Bennelong Institute

Updated: 23 December 2010

This advice sets out the AEC's conclusion in relation to the matters described below:

The matter:

Whether GetUp, a registered business name of GetUp Limited, and whether the Bennelong Institute, a registered business name of Jeremy Goff and Associates Pty Ltd, are associated entities.

When matter raised:

August 2005

How matter raised:

Referred by the Special Minister of State


Part XX of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (the Act)

AEC process:

The AEC considered public information available from company and internet searches, and media reports and interviews.

AEC conclusion:

After reviewing the available information, the AEC is unable to conclude that the entities are associated entities for the purposes of the Act. The entities do not appear to be controlled by one or more registered political parties, nor do they appear to operate wholly or to a significant extent to the benefit of one or more registered political parties.

In particular, the currently available information does not show a real or actual benefit to any party or parties, nor does it show a sufficiently direct link between the entities and any political party or parties. As a result, the AEC has insufficient grounds on which to undertake a formal investigation under the Act.

Date: 12 December 2005