Proposed redistribution of Western Australia into electoral divisions

Updated: 19 August 2015

Chapter 2 - Proposed redistribution and reasons for proposal

This chapter outlines the Committee’s proposed redistribution and the reasons for this proposal. Also included is the Committee’s approach to formulating the proposed boundaries and the names of divisions.

Redistribution Committee’s proposed redistribution

  1. The Committee proposes the 16th electoral division, named the Division of Burt, is located in the Armadale and Gosnells area of the south-eastern Perth metropolitan region. Further the Committee proposes that the majority of electors comprising the new division are transferred from the existing Divisions of Canning, Hasluck and Tangney. Consequential changes are made to all other divisions in order to meet the numerical requirements for a redistribution that are contained in the Electoral Act and to accommodate, to the extent possible, community of interests considerations. Additionally, the Committee has, to the extent possible, addressed community of interests considerations by locating LGAs and localities within a single division. A small number of changes are proposed in order to provide stronger and more readily identifiable electoral boundaries.

Redistribution Committee’s approach to formulating proposed electoral boundaries

  1. The Committee’s general strategy for formulating proposed electoral boundaries is based on, and conforms to, the requirements of the Electoral Act.
  2. The Committee acknowledges the overarching requirement to maintain relative equality of the number of electors in each electoral division. The Committee also noted the flexibility provided by the numerical tolerances contained in the Electoral Act. The Committee has made use of the available tolerances to construct divisions that address all other criteria to the extent possible.
  3. Within the limits imposed by the numerical criteria and the other considerations, the Committee is mindful that strong, readily identifiable electoral boundaries are preferred. Local government authority boundaries, locality/suburb boundaries, main roads, railways, waterways and other strong geographic or constructed features able to be used as boundaries, have further guided the Committee’s deliberations.
  4. Detailed descriptions of the Committee’s deliberations in determining its proposed boundaries are contained in this chapter, under the section titled ‘Proposed redistribution of Western Australia – by division’.
  5. In formulating the redistribution proposal, the Committee noted that the construction of a new electoral division projected to contain some 100 000 electors will, of necessity, result in significant elector movement into the new division and will also require consequential boundary changes and elector movements across the state in order to maintain equality of enrolments state-wide. In this context the Committee has sought to minimise the movement of electors between divisions to the extent possible. Table F outlines the extent of elector movements resulting from the proposed redistribution.
Table F: Summary of movement of electors between proposed divisions
Proposed divisions Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Electors remaining in their existing division 1 240 012 82.42% 1 312 488 82.29%
Electors transferred to another division 264 401 17.58% 282 485 17.71%
Total 1 504 413 100.00% 1 594 973 100.00%
Electors transferred into the new division of Burt 93 763 6.23% 100 530 6.30%

Redistribution Committee’s approach to naming divisions

  1. The naming of federal electoral divisions has been the subject of a number of recommendations from parliamentary committees. Guidelines were developed by the AEC from recommendations made by the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters (JSCEM) in its 1995 Report on the Effectiveness and Appropriateness of the Redistribution Provisions of Parts III and IV of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918. The guidelines were offered to interested persons when this redistribution was advertised, are publicly available on the AEC website and are provided as Appendix F to this report.

Name of the new electoral division

  1. A number of suggestions and comments on suggestions were received proposing names for the new electoral division. Details of the suggestions received are included as Appendix E to this report.
  2. Two suggestions proposed that the 16th division be named Armadale. The Committee does not favour this suggestion because it does not meet the current guidelines.
  3. One suggestion proposed the 16th division be named Dampier for the early explorer William Dampier. This is the name of a previous division that was created in 1912, however the division name was retired in 1922 and the name does not meet the current guidelines.
  4. 14 suggestions, including one petition-style suggestion containing 537 signatures, and one comment, suggested the 16th division be named Vallentine to honour Jo Vallentine who was a Senator for Western Australia from 1985 until 1992. The Committee acknowledges former Senator Vallentine’s significant contribution, however it does not favour this suggestion because the suggestion does not meet the current guidelines.
  5. Two suggested names – Beazley and Court – were each considered to be strong nominations, however they were not favoured by the Committee at this point in time. The Committee considers that there is some potential for confusion with other living family members who are prominent public figures. The Committee noted that the option to consider the two names remains open to future redistribution committees.
  6. The remaining suggested names all met the guidelines in that the nominees had all made strong contributions in various fields, either within Western Australia or nationally.
  7. Ultimately, after much deliberation, the Committee has chosen to propose the name Burt for the 16th division. The name honours succeeding generations of the Burt family for their significant contributions to the justice system and for their wider contributions to public service, specifically:
    • Sir Archibald Burt (1810–1879), first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Western Australia,
    • Septimus Burt (1847–1919), whose public roles included that of Attorney-General of Western Australia at the time of colonial self-government, and
    • Sir Francis Burt (1918–2004), who served as a judge of the Supreme Court of Western Australia, Chief Justice of Western Australia, and Governor of Western Australia from 1990 until 1993.

Proposed redistribution of Western Australia by division

  1. The Committee has examined each proposed electoral division, giving due consideration to the requirements of the Electoral Act. For each of the proposed divisions in Western Australia, Table G presents:
    • current enrolment at 1 December 2014,
    • percentage variation from the current enrolment quota,
    • projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017,
    • percentage variation from the projected average enrolment, and
    • the approximate area of each proposed division.
Table G: Summary of proposed divisions
Proposed division Current enrolment at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment at 8 February 2017 Approximate area (sq km)
Number Variation from quota: 94 026 Number Variation from average enrolment: 99 686
Brand 90 093 (4.18%) 96 631 (3.06%) 377
Burt 93 763 (0.28%) 100 530 0.85% 172
Canning 91 217 (2.99%) 96 717 (2.98%) 8 210
Cowan 93 613 (0.44%) 100 388 0.70% 180
Curtin 95 712 1.79% 100 865 1.18% 104
Durack 95 644 1.72% 100 543 0.86% 1 629 858
Forrest 94 559 0.57% 98 311 (1.38%) 11 071
Fremantle 91 922 (2.24%) 97 937 (1.75%) 192
Hasluck 91 739 (2.43%) 97 337 (2.36%) 1 193
Moore 98 158 4.39% 102 958 3.28% 90
O’Connor 98 672 4.94% 102 789 3.11% 866 672
Pearce 91 678 (2.50%) 98 945 (0.74%) 13 250
Perth 95 158 1.20% 101 567 1.89% 79
Stirling 95 584 1.66% 101 801 2.12% 74
Swan 93 811 (0.23%) 99 687 0.00% 134
Tangney 93 090 (1.00%) 97 967 (1.72%) 83
Total 1 504 413 1 594 973 2 531 739
  1. See Appendix G for a description of the method used to calculate the area of each division.
  2. The Committee’s redistribution proposal, as outlined previously, is discussed in greater detail in the paragraphs that follow. The proposed divisions are dealt with in alphabetical order. Statistical summaries of the proposed divisions are provided at Appendix I.


  1. The proposed Division of Brand is surrounded by the Divisions of Burt, Canning and Fremantle – Figure B refers.
Figure B: Proposed Division of Brand
The proposed Division of Brand is surrounded by the Divisions of Burt, Canning and Fremantle
  1. Projected enrolment in the existing Division of Brand is 114 105. This division requires a net reduction of between 10 930 and 17 908 electors in order to fit within the required numerical parameters.
  2. The Committee proposes that the following electors are transferred out of the existing division:
Existing division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Total for existing Division of Brand 106 310 100.00% 114 105 100.00%
Number of electors moved to Canning (16 217) (15.25%) (17 474) (15.31%)
Number of electors remaining in the division 90 093 84.75% 96 631 84.69%
  1. The Committee proposes that no electors are gained from any other division:
Proposed division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Number of electors remaining in the division 90 093 100.00% 96 631 100.00%
Total for proposed Division of Brand 90 093 100.00% 96 631 100.00%
  1. A number of public suggestions and comments on suggestions recommended that the Mandurah LGA be reunited within one division with the majority of these suggestions proposing the LGA be located in the Division of Canning.
  2. The only modification to the Division of Brand is to transfer that portion of the Mandurah LGA that previously formed part of the Division of Brand into the Division of Canning.
  3. The proposed Division of Brand is now contained wholly within the boundaries of the Kwinana and Rockingham LGAs and includes Garden Island.
  4. The proposed Division of Brand has a projected enrolment of 96 631 which is a variation from the average projected enrolment of minus 3.06 per cent.


  1. The proposed Division of Burt is located either side of the South Western Hwy surrounded by the Divisions of Brand, Canning, Fremantle, Hasluck, Swan and Tangney – Figure C refers.
Figure C: Proposed Division of Burt
The proposed Division of Burt is located either side of the South Western Hwy surrounded by the Divisions of Brand, Canning, Fremantle, Hasluck, Swan and Tangney
  1. The proposed Division of Burt is created by transferring electors from the following existing divisions:
Proposed division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Number of electors moved from Canning 35 612 37.98% 38 115 37.91%
Number of electors moved from Hasluck 36 855 39.31% 39 257 39.05%
Number of electors moved from Swan 3 166 3.38% 3 411 3.39%
Number of electors moved from Tangney 18 130 19.34% 19 747 19.64%
Total for proposed Division of Burt 93 763 100.00% 100 530 100.00%
  1. A number of public suggestions and comments on suggestions recommended that the new division be placed in the Armadale and Gosnells LGA being in the south-eastern region of metropolitan Perth.
  2. The proposed Division of Burt is constructed from localities within the Armadale, Canning and Gosnells LGAs. The Canning River is utilised as a strong north eastern boundary with the remainder of the borders composed of locality boundaries that are readily identifiable.
  3. Utilising the Canning River as a strong boundary the locality of Langford is transferred from the Division of Swan whilst the localities of Gosnells, Huntingdale, Southern River and Thornlie are transferred from the Division of Hasluck. Canning Vale locality is moved from the Division of Tangney. A third of the Armadale LGA is moved from the Division of Canning with the localities of Armadale, Brookdale, Camillo, Champion Lakes, Forrestdale, Harrisdale, Haynes, Hilbert, Kelmscott, Mount Nasura, Piara Waters and Seville Grove with Wungong split by the South Western Hwy.
  4. The proposed Division of Burt has a projected enrolment of 100 530 which is a variation from the average projected enrolment of plus 0.85 per cent.


  1. The proposed Division of Canning is surrounded by the Divisions of Brand, Burt, Forrest, Fremantle, Hasluck, O’Connor and Pearce – Figure D refers.
Figure D: Proposed Division of Canning
The proposed Division of Canning is surrounded by the Divisions of Brand, Burt, Forrest, Fremantle, Hasluck, O’Connor and Pearce
  1. Projected enrolment in the existing Division of Canning is 114 782. This division requires a net reduction of between 11 607 and 18 585 electors in order to fit within the required numerical parameters.
  2. The Committee proposes that the following electors are transferred out of the existing division:
Existing division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Total for existing Division of Canning 108 149 100.00% 114 782 100.00%
Number of electors moved to Burt (35 612) (32.93%) (38 115) (33.21%)
Number of electors remaining in the division 72 537 67.07% 76 667 66.79%
  1. The Committee proposes that the Division of Canning gains electors from the following existing divisions:
Proposed division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Number of electors remaining in the division 72 537 79.52% 76 667 79.27%
Number of electors moved from Brand 16 217 17.78% 17 474 18.07%
Number of electors moved from Hasluck 1 365 1.50% 1 448 1.50%
Number of electors moved from O’Connor 334 0.37% 334 0.35%
Number of electors moved from Pearce 764 0.84% 794 0.82%
Total for proposed Division of Canning 91 217 100.00% 96 717 100.00%
  1. Substantial movement of electors is required in the Division of Canning after contributing to the creation of the new division with approximately one third of electors transferring to the Division of Burt from the Armadale LGA. The division has retained some of its urban sections and has gained additional rural areas.
  2. The Committee received a number of public suggestions and comments on suggestions recommending that the Mandurah LGA be reunited within one division with the majority of these suggestions proposing the LGA be located in the Division of Canning.
  3. The Committee has adopted this suggestion and transferred the Mandurah LGA portion from the Division of Brand, thereby reuniting the Mandurah LGA within one division.
  4. To ensure the Division of Canning meets numerical parameters the rural LGA of Wandering is transferred from the Division of O’Connor, the outer suburban localities of Orange Grove and Martin are transferred from the Division of Hasluck and the outer suburban localities of Carmel, Canning Mills and Pickering Brook are transferred from the Division of Pearce.
  5. The Division of Canning’s new boundaries are primarily constructed from LGA and locality boundaries with whole LGAs and localities located within the one division where possible.
  6. The proposed Division of Canning has a projected enrolment of 96 717 which is a variation from the average projected enrolment of minus 2.98 per cent.


  1. The proposed Division of Cowan is surrounded by the Divisions of Hasluck, Moore, Pearce, Perth and Stirling – Figure E refers.
Figure E: Proposed Division of Cowan
The proposed Division of Cowan is surrounded by the Divisions of Hasluck, Moore, Pearce, Perth and Stirling
  1. Projected enrolment in the existing Division of Cowan is 105 304. This division requires a net reduction of between 2 129 and 9 107 electors in order to fit within the required numerical parameters.
  2. The Committee proposes that the following electors are transferred out of the existing division:
Existing division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Total for existing Division of Cowan 98 745 100.00% 105 304 100.00%
Number of electors moved to Moore (15 809) (16.01%) (16 328) (15.51%)
Number of electors moved to Pearce (2 034) (2.06%) (2 332) (2.21%)
Number of electors remaining in the division 80 902 81.93% 86 644 82.28%
  1. The Committee proposes that the Division of Cowan gains electors from the following existing divisions:
Proposed division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Number of electors remaining in the division 80 902 86.42% 86 644 86.31%
Number of electors moved from Pearce 3 082 3.29% 3 387 3.37%
Number of electors moved from Perth 9 629 10.29% 10 357 10.32%
Total for proposed Division of Cowan 93 613 100.00% 100 388 100.00%
  1. The Division of Cowan is impacted by consequential changes flowing from the creation of the new division.
  2. The localities of Whiteman and Bennett Springs are moved from the Division of Pearce whilst Beechboro, Kiara and Lockridge are moved from the Division of Perth.
  3. The localities of Banksia Grove and Mariginiup are transferred to the Division of Pearce, thereby reuniting the previously split suburb of Banksia Grove into the one division. The localities of Woodvale and the western portion of Kingsley are transferred to the Division of Moore. The locality of Kingsley is split along Goollelal Dr dividing the suburb at Lake Goollelal.
  4. The Division of Cowan’s proposed boundaries are primarily constructed from locality boundaries with whole localities located within the one division where possible.
  5. The proposed Division of Cowan has a projected enrolment of 100 388 which is a variation from the average projected enrolment of plus 0.70 per cent.


  1. The proposed Division of Curtin is surrounded by the Divisions of Perth and Stirling north of the Swan River and the Divisions of Fremantle, Swan and Tangney south of the Swan River – Figure F refers.
Figure F: Proposed Division of Curtin
The proposed Division of Curtin is surrounded by the Divisions of Perth and Stirling north of the Swan River and the Divisions of Fremantle, Swan and Tangney south of the Swan River
  1. Projected enrolment in the existing Division of Curtin is 101 818. This division can therefore transfer up to 5 621 electors to other divisions, or gain up to 1 357 electors from other divisions, and remain within the required numerical parameters.
  2. The Committee proposes that the following electors are transferred out of the existing division:
Existing division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Total for existing Division of Curtin 96 572 100.00% 101 818 100.00%
Number of electors moved to Perth (12 637) (13.09%) (13 503) (13.26%)
Number of electors remaining in the division 83 935 86.91% 88 315 86.74%
  1. The Committee proposes that the Division of Curtin gains electors from the following existing divisions:
Proposed division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Number of electors remaining in the division 83 935 87.70% 88 315 87.56%
Number of electors moved from Fremantle 2 319 2.42% 2 471 2.45%
Number of electors moved from Stirling 9 458 9.88% 10 079 9.99%
Total for proposed Division of Curtin 95 712 100.00% 100 865 100.00%
  1. The existing Division of Curtin is within numerical parameters and does not technically require any alterations to its boundaries. However, as all of the surrounding divisions are above numerical tolerances, the Division of Curtin has experienced consequential changes in order to accommodate modifications required for other divisions.
  2. In order to maintain the Swan River as a strong boundary between divisions and recognising a community of interest with its northern neighbours, the locality of North Fremantle is moved from the existing Division of Fremantle. The split localities of Doubleview and Innaloo are moved from the Division of Stirling, thereby reuniting those localities within one division. The localities of Osborne Park and Scarborough remain split between the Divisions of Stirling and Curtin. Osborne Park is divided by the Mitchell Fwy with the portion west of the freeway remaining in the Division of Curtin. The Division of Curtin gains the additional portion of Scarborough locality that is east of Duke St to the Doubleview locality border, to keep the division within numerical parameters.
  3. The remainder of the Vincent LGA and the greater majority of Perth LGA is transferred to the Division of Perth, reuniting those LGAs in the one division. The localities of West Perth and King’s Park are also transferred to the Division of Perth. The small portion of the Perth LGA that lies south of Mounts Bay Rd remains in the Division of Curtin as Mounts Bay Rd forms a stronger and more identifiable electoral boundary.
  4. The Division of Curtin’s proposed boundaries are constructed from the Indian Ocean, the Swan River, LGA and locality boundaries, with whole LGAs and localities located within the one division where possible.
  5. The proposed Division of Curtin has a projected enrolment of 100 865 which is a variation from the average projected enrolment of plus 1.18 per cent.


  1. The proposed Division of Durack is bordered by the Divisions of O’Connor and Pearce – Figure G refers.
Figure G: Proposed Division of Durack
The proposed Division of Durack is bordered by the Divisions of O’Connor and Pearce
  1. Projected enrolment in the existing Division of Durack is 97 546. This division can therefore transfer up to 1 349 electors to other divisions, or gain up to 5 629 electors from other divisions, and remain within the required numerical parameters.
  2. The Committee proposes that no electors are transferred out of the existing division:
Existing division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Total for existing Division of Durack 92 805 100.00% 97 546 100.00%
  1. The Committee proposes that the Division of Durack gains electors from the following existing divisions:
Proposed division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Number of electors remaining in the division 92 805 97.03% 97 546 97.02%
Number of electors moved from O’Connor 2 839 2.97% 2 997 2.98%
Total for proposed Division of Durack 95 644 100.00% 100 543 100.00%
  1. The existing Division of Durack is within numerical parameters and does not technically require any alterations to its boundaries. However, small adjustments are made in order to accommodate changes made to the neighbouring Divisions of Forrest and O’Connor.
  2. The LGAs of Bruce Rock, Narembeen, Quairading, Westonia and Yilgarn are transferred from the Division of O’Connor, thereby reuniting community of interests: these LGAs are now joined with the rest of the Wheatbelt sub-region of Central East in the Division of Durack.
  3. The proposed division is constructed from whole LGAs utilising the Indian Ocean and LGA borders as its boundaries.
  4. The proposed Division of Durack has a projected enrolment of 100 543 which is a variation from the average projected enrolment of plus 0.86 per cent.


  1. The proposed Division of Forrest is bordered to the north and east by the Divisions of Canning and O’Connor – Figure H refers.
Figure H: Proposed Division of Forrest
The proposed Division of Forrest is bordered to the north and east by the Divisions of Canning and O’Connor
  1. Projected enrolment in the existing Division of Forrest is 104 683. This division requires a net reduction of between 1 508 and 8 486 electors in order to fit within the required numerical parameters.
  2. The Committee proposes that the following electors are transferred out of the existing division:
Existing division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Total for existing Division of Forrest 100 700 100.00% 104 683 100.00%
Number of electors moved to O’Connor (6 141) (6.10%) (6 372) (6.09%)
Number of electors remaining in the division 94 559 93.90% 98 311 93.91%
  1. The Committee proposes that no electors are gained from any other division:
Proposed division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Number of electors remaining in the division 94 559 100.00% 98 311 100.00%
Total for proposed Division of Forrest 94 559 100.00% 98 311 100.00%
  1. The only modification to the Division of Forrest is to transfer the Collie LGA to the Division of O’Connor. This splits the Collie LGA from its community of interest with the other LGAs in the Bunbury-Wellington sub-region whilst retaining its unity with other LGAs that form the South West Region in the Division of O’Connor.
  2. The proposed division is constructed from whole LGAs utilising the Indian Ocean, Southern Ocean and LGA borders as its boundaries.
  3. The proposed Division of Forrest has a projected enrolment of 98 311 which is a variation from the average projected enrolment of minus 1.38 per cent.


  1. The proposed Division of Fremantle is surrounded by the Divisions of Brand, Burt, Canning, Curtin, and Tangney – Figure I refers.
Figure I: Proposed Division of Fremantle
The proposed Division of Fremantle is surrounded by the Divisions of Brand, Burt, Canning, Curtin, and Tangney
  1. Projected enrolment in the existing Division of Fremantle is 111 250. This division requires a net reduction of between 8 075 and 15 053 electors in order to fit within the required numerical parameters.
  2. The Committee proposes that the following electors are transferred out of the existing division:
Existing division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Total for existing Division of Fremantle 104 399 100.00% 111 250 100.00%
Number of electors moved to Curtin (2 319) (2.22%) (2 471) (2.22%)
Number of electors moved to Tangney (10 158) (9.73%) (10 842) (9.75%)
Number of electors remaining in the division 91 922 88.05% 97 937 88.03%
  1. The Committee proposes that no electors are gained from any other division:
Proposed division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Number of electors remaining in the division 91 922 100.00% 97 937 100.00%
Total for proposed Division of Fremantle 91 922 100.00% 97 937 100.00%
  1. In order to maintain the Swan River as a strong boundary between divisions, and recognising a community of interest with its northern neighbours, the locality of North Fremantle is transferred out of the existing Division of Fremantle and into the Division of Curtin. The localities of Bicton and Willagee are transferred to the Division of Tangney. To ensure the division remains within numerical parameters the locality of Kardinya remains split between the Divisions of Fremantle and Tangney with the portion north of South St moved to the Division of Tangney. A small portion of the locality of Leeming, being Ken Hurst Park which lies south of the Roe Hwy, is transferred from the Division of Tangney as the Roe Hwy provides a stronger and more identifiable electoral boundary.
  2. The Division of Fremantle’s new boundaries are primarily constructed from the Indian Ocean, Swan River and LGA and locality boundaries, with whole LGAs and localities located within the one division where possible.
  3. The proposed Division of Fremantle has a projected enrolment of 97 937 which is a variation from the average projected enrolment of minus 1.75 per cent.


  1. The proposed Division of Hasluck is surrounded by the Divisions of Burt, Canning, Cowan, Pearce, Perth, Swan and Tangney – Figure J refers.
Figure J: Proposed Division of Hasluck
The proposed Division of Hasluck is surrounded by the Divisions of Burt, Canning, Cowan, Pearce, Perth, Swan and Tangney
  1. Projected enrolment in the existing Division of Hasluck is 108 418. This division requires a net reduction of between 5 243 and 12 221 electors in order to fit within the required numerical parameters.
  2. The Committee proposes that the following electors are transferred out of the existing division:
Existing division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Total for existing Division of Hasluck 102 067 100.00% 108 418 100.00%
Number of electors moved to Burt (36 855) (36.11%) (39 257) (36.21%)
Number of electors moved to Canning (1 365) (1.34%) (1 448) (1.34%)
Number of electors moved to Pearce (4) (0.00%) (4) (0.00%)
Number of electors moved to Swan (7 906) (7.75%) (8 466) (7.81%)
Number of electors remaining in the division 55 937 54.80% 59 243 54.64%
  1. The Committee proposes that the Division of Hasluck gains electors from the following existing divisions:
Proposed division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Number of electors remaining in the division 55 937 60.97% 59 243 60.86%
Number of electors moved from Pearce 31 809 34.67% 33 801 34.73%
Number of electors moved from Swan 3 993 4.35% 4 293 4.41%
Total for proposed Division of Hasluck 91 739 100.00% 97 337 100.00%
  1. The Division of Hasluck has contributed the highest number of electors to the new Division of Burt with substantial consequential elector movements required. More than one third of the Division of Hasluck’s existing electors are transferred from the Gosnells LGA into the Division of Burt, utilising the Canning River as a strong border between the two divisions.
  2. The Roe Hwy is utilised as a strong boundary with the transfer of the locality of High Wycombe, the remainder of Perth Airport and that portion of Forrestfield west of the Roe Hwy to the Division of Swan. The localities of Orange Grove and Martin are transferred to the Division of Canning. The locality of Middle Swan continues to be split between the Divisions of Hasluck and Pearce with a small portion (containing four electors) of the boundary altered from the minor Jane Brook waterway to Roe Hwy resulting in a stronger, more identifiable electoral boundary.
  3. In order for this division to fall within numerical parameters, the remainder of the Mundaring LGA is transferred from the Division of Pearce to the Division of Hasluck, reuniting that LGA within the one division. The localities of Bickley, Hacketts Gully, Paulls Valley, Piesse Brook and Reservoir are transferred from the Division of Pearce to the Division of Hasluck. The localities of Walliston and Lesmurdie are reunited with those portions currently in the Division of Pearce transferring to the Division of Hasluck. Utilising Toodyay Rd as a strong boundary the localities of Jane Brook, Stratton, Midvale and the Red Hill portion south of Toodyay Rd are moved from the Division of Pearce. The split of the Gosnells LGA is confined to three divisions with the locality of Beckenham moved into the Division of Hasluck from the Division of Swan.
  4. The proposed Division of Hasluck consists of a mix of urban and semi-rural areas. The boundaries are primarily constructed from LGA and locality boundaries, major rivers and main roads, with whole LGAs and localities placed within the one division where possible.
  5. The proposed Division of Hasluck has a projected enrolment of 97 337 which is a variation from the average projected enrolment of minus 2.36 per cent.


  1. The proposed Division of Moore is surrounded by the Divisions of Cowan, Pearce and Stirling – Figure K refers.
Figure K: Proposed Division of Moore
The proposed Division of Moore is surrounded by the Divisions of Cowan, Pearce and Stirling
  1. Projected enrolment in the existing Division of Moore is 105 638. This division requires a net reduction of between 2 463 and 9 441 electors in order to fit within the required numerical parameters.
  2. The Committee proposes that the following electors are transferred out of the existing division:
Existing division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Total for existing Division of Moore 99 748 100.00% 105 638 100.00%
Number of electors moved to Pearce (17 399) (17.44%) (19 008) (17.99%)
Number of electors remaining in the division 82 349 82.56% 86 630 82.01%
  1. The Committee proposes that the Division of Moore gains electors from the following existing divisions:
Proposed division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Number of electors remaining in the division 82 349 83.89% 86 630 84.14%
Number of electors moved from Cowan 15 809 16.11% 16 328 15.86%
Total for proposed Division of Moore 98 158 100.00% 102 958 100.00%
  1. The Division of Moore is impacted by consequential changes flowing from the creation of the new division.
  2. The localities of Woodvale and the western portion of Kingsley are transferred from the Division of Cowan. The locality of Kingsley is split along Goollelal Dr, dividing the suburb at Lake Goollelal.
  3. The localities of Carramar, Clarkson, Mindarie, Neerabup, Tamala Park and the remainder of Banksia Grove are transferred to the Division of Pearce, thereby reuniting the split suburb of Banksia Grove into one division.
  4. The Division of Moore’s proposed boundaries are primarily constructed from the Indian Ocean, the Joondalup LGA borders and some locality boundaries, with whole localities located within the one division where possible.
  5. The proposed Division of Moore has a projected enrolment of 102 958 which is a variation from the average projected enrolment of plus 3.28 per cent.


  1. The proposed Division of O’Connor is surrounded by the Divisions of Canning, Durack, Forrest and Pearce – Figure L refers.
Figure L: Proposed Division of O’Connor
The proposed Division of O’Connor is surrounded by the Divisions of Canning, Durack, Forrest and Pearce
  1. Projected enrolment in the existing Division of O’Connor is 99 748. This division can therefore transfer up to 3 551 electors to other divisions, or gain up to 3 427 electors from other divisions, and remain within the required numerical parameters.
  2. The Committee proposes that the following electors are transferred out of the existing division:
Existing division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Total for existing Division of O’Connor 95 704 100.00% 99 748 100.00%
Number of electors moved to Canning (334) (0.35%) (334) (0.33%)
Number of electors moved to Durack (2 839) (2.97%) (2 997) (3.00%)
Number of electors remaining in the division 92 531 96.68% 96 417 96.66%
  1. The Committee proposes that the Division of O’Connor gains electors from the following existing divisions:
Proposed division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Number of electors remaining in the division 92 531 93.78% 96 417 93.80%
Number of electors moved from Forrest 6 141 6.22% 6 372 6.20%
Total for proposed Division of O’Connor 98 672 100.00% 102 789 100.00%
  1. The existing Division of O’Connor is within numerical parameters and does not technically require any alterations to its boundaries. However, modifications have been made to accommodate changes required for the Division of Forrest.
  2. The Collie LGA is transferred from the Division of Forrest. This splits the Collie LGA from its community of interest with the other LGAs in the Bunbury-Wellington sub-region at the same time as retaining its unity with other LGAs that form the South West Region in the Division of O’Connor.
  3. The LGAs of Bruce Rock, Narembeen, Quairading, Westonia and Yilgarn are transferred to the Division of Durack, thereby reuniting community of interests with the LGAs now joined with their sub regions within the Wheatbelt region into the one division. To ensure the Division of Canning meets numerical parameters, the rural LGA of Wandering is transferred from the Division of O’Connor.
  4. The proposed Division of O’Connor is constructed from whole LGAs utilising the Southern Ocean and LGA borders as its boundaries.
  5. The proposed Division of O’Connor has a projected enrolment of 102 789 which is a variation from the average projected enrolment of plus 3.11 per cent.


  1. The proposed Division of Pearce is surrounded by the Divisions of Canning, Cowan, Durack, Hasluck, Moore, and O’Connor – Figure M refers.
Figure M: Proposed Division of Pearce
The proposed Division of Pearce is surrounded by the Divisions of Canning, Cowan, Durack, Hasluck, Moore, and O’Connor
  1. Projected enrolment in the existing Division of Pearce is 115 583. This division requires a net reduction of between 12 408 and 19 386 electors in order to fit within the required numerical parameters.
  2. The Committee proposes that the following electors are transferred out of the existing division:
Existing division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Total for existing Division of Pearce 107 896 100.00% 115 583 100.00%
Number of electors moved to Canning (764) (0.71%) (794) (0.69%)
Number of electors moved to Cowan (3 082) (2.86%) (3 387) (2.93%)
Number of electors moved to Hasluck (31 809) (29.48%) (33 801) (29.24%)
Number of electors remaining in the division 72 241 66.95% 77 601 67.14%
  1. The Committee proposes that the Division of Pearce gains electors from the following existing divisions:
Proposed division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Number of electors remaining in the division 72 241 78.80% 77 601 78.43%
Number of electors moved from Cowan 2 034 2.22% 2 332 2.36%
Number of electors moved from Hasluck 4 0.00% 4 0.00%
Number of electors moved from Moore 17 399 18.98% 19 008 19.21%
Total for proposed Division of Pearce 91 678 100.00% 98 945 100.00%
  1. The existing Division of Pearce has the highest projected growth of all divisions and therefore must contribute the highest number of electors to other divisions. The Division of Pearce is also impacted by its neighbouring Division of Hasluck contributing the highest number of electors to the creation of the new Division of Burt. This has resulted in substantial movement of electors in the Division of Pearce.
  2. The remainder of the Mundaring LGA is transferred to the Division of Hasluck, thereby reuniting the LGA within the one division. The remainder of the Kalamunda LGA, comprising of the localities of Bickley, Hacketts Gully, Paulls Valley, Piesse Brook and Reservoir are transferred to the Division of Hasluck. The localities of Carmel, Canning Mills and Pickering Brook are transferred to the Division of Canning. Those parts of the localities of Walliston and Lesmurdie that are currently contained within the Division of Pearce are transferred to the Division of Hasluck, thereby reuniting those localities within one division. Utilising Toodyay Rd as a strong boundary, the localities of Jane Brook, Stratton, and the Red Hill portion south of Toodyay Rd are transferred to the Division of Hasluck. The localities of Whiteman and Bennett Springs are transferred to the Division of Cowan.
  3. The localities of Carramar, Clarkson, Mindarie, Neerabup and Tamala Park are transferred from the Division of Moore. The locality of Mariginiup is transferred from the Division of Cowan and the locality of Banksia Grove is transferred from both the Division of Cowan and the Division of Moore, thereby reuniting the split suburb of Banksia Grove into one division. The locality of Middle Swan continues to be split between the Division of Hasluck and the Division of Pearce with a small portion of the boundary (containing four electors) altered from the minor Jane Brook waterway to Roe Hwy resulting in a stronger more identifiable electoral boundary.
  4. The Division of Pearce’s proposed boundaries are constructed from the Indian Ocean, main roads, and LGA and locality boundaries, with whole LGAs and localities contained within the one division where possible.
  5. The proposed Division of Pearce has a projected enrolment of 98 945 which is a variation from the average projected enrolment of minus 0.74 per cent.


  1. The proposed Division of Perth is surrounded by the Divisions of Cowan, Curtin, Hasluck, Stirling and Swan – Figure N refers.
Figure N: Proposed Division of Perth
The proposed Division of Perth is surrounded by the Divisions of Cowan, Curtin, Hasluck, Stirling and Swan
  1. Projected enrolment in the existing Division of Perth is 104 840. This division requires a net reduction of between 1 665 and 8 643 electors in order to fit within the required numerical parameters.
  2. The Committee proposes that the following electors are transferred out of the existing division:
Existing division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Total for existing Division of Perth 98 113 100.00% 104 840 100.00%
Number of electors moved to Cowan (9 629) (9.81%) (10 357) (9.88%)
Number of electors moved to Stirling (8 735) (8.90%) (9 278) (8.85%)
Number of electors remaining in the division 79 749 81.28% 85 205 81.27%
  1. The Committee proposes that the Division of Perth gains electors from the following existing divisions:
Proposed division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Number of electors remaining in the division 79 749 83.81% 85 205 83.89%
Number of electors moved from Curtin 12 637 13.28% 13 503 13.29%
Number of electors moved from Stirling 2 772 2.91% 2 859 2.81%
Total for proposed Division of Perth 95 158 100.00% 101 567 100.00%
  1. The localities of Beechboro, Kiara and Lockridge are transferred to the Division of Cowan. The locality of Dianella is reunited in one division with the Division of Perth portion transferred to the Division of Stirling. A small portion of the locality of Morley bound by Wellington Rd and Walter Rd West is transferred to the Division of Stirling because those roads provide a stronger and more identifiable boundary than the Dianella locality boundary.
  2. The remainder of the Vincent LGA and the greater majority of Perth LGA are transferred to the Division of Perth from the Division of Curtin, thereby reuniting those LGAs within one division. The localities of West Perth and King’s Park are transferred from the Division of Curtin. The small portion of the Perth LGA that lies south of Mounts Bay Rd remains in the Division of Curtin as Mounts Bay Rd forms a stronger, more identifiable electoral boundary. The locality of Coolbinia and the remainder of Menora are transferred from the Division of Stirling, which reunites Menora into one division.
  3. The Division of Perth’s proposed boundaries are constructed using the Swan River, main roads, LGA and locality boundaries, with whole LGAs and localities contained within the one division where possible.
  4. The Committee noted an existing proposal to adjust the boundaries of the City of Perth that may impact the deliberations of future Committees when assessing community of interests matters for this administrative area.10
  5. The proposed Division of Perth has a projected enrolment of 101 567 which is a variation from the average projected enrolment of plus 1.89 per cent.


  1. The proposed Division of Stirling is surrounded by the Divisions of Cowan, Curtin, Moore and Perth – Figure O refers.
Figure O: Proposed Division of Stirling
The proposed Division of Stirling is surrounded by the Divisions of Cowan, Curtin, Moore and Perth
  1. Projected enrolment in the existing Division of Stirling is 105 461. This division requires a net reduction of between 2 286 and 9 264 electors in order to fit within the required numerical parameters.
  2. The Committee proposes that the following electors are transferred out of the existing division:
Existing division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Total for existing Division of Stirling 99 079 100.00% 105 461 100.00%
Number of electors moved to Curtin (9 458) (9.55%) (10 079) (9.56%)
Number of electors moved to Perth (2 772) (2.80%) (2 859) (2.71%)
Number of electors remaining in the division 86 849 87.66% 92 523 87.73%
  1. The Committee proposes that the Division of Stirling gains electors from the following existing divisions:
Proposed division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Number of electors remaining in the division 86 849 90.86% 92 523 90.89%
Number of electors moved from Perth 8 735 9.14% 9 278 9.11%
Total for proposed Division of Stirling 95 584 100.00% 101 801 100.00%
  1. The locality of Dianella is reunited in one division with the Division of Perth portion transferring to the Division of Stirling. A small portion of the locality of Morley bound by Wellington Rd and Walter Rd West is transferred from the Division of Perth as those roads form a stronger and more identifiable electoral boundary.
  2. The split localities of Doubleview and Innaloo are transferred to the Division of Curtin, reuniting those localities within one division. The localities of Osborne Park and Scarborough remain split between the Division of Stirling and the Division of Curtin. Osborne Park is divided by the Mitchell Fwy with the portion east of the freeway remaining in the Division of Stirling. The additional portion of Scarborough locality that is east of Duke St to the Doubleview locality border is transferred to the Division of Curtin.
  3. The locality of Coolbinia and the remainder of Menora are transferred to the Division of Perth; this move reunites Menora into one division.
  4. The Division of Stirling’s proposed boundaries are constructed using the Indian Ocean, main roads, LGA and locality boundaries, with whole LGAs and localities located within the one division where possible.
  5. The proposed Division of Stirling has a projected enrolment of 101 801 which is a variation from the average projected enrolment of plus 2.12 per cent.


  1. The proposed Division of Swan is surrounded by the Divisions of Burt, Curtin, Hasluck, Perth and Tangney – Figure P refers.
Figure P: Proposed Division of Swan
The proposed Division of Swan is surrounded by the Divisions of Burt, Curtin, Hasluck, Perth and Tangney
  1. Projected enrolment in the existing Division of Swan is 104 453. This division requires a net reduction of between 1 278 and 8 256 electors in order to fit within the required numerical parameters.
  2. The Committee proposes that the following electors are transferred out of the existing division:
Existing division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Total for existing Division of Swan 98 298 100.00% 104 453 100.00%
Number of electors moved to Burt (3 166) (3.22%) (3 411) (3.27%)
Number of electors moved to Hasluck (3 993) (4.06%) (4 293) (4.11%)
Number of electors moved to Tangney (5 234) (5.32%) (5 528) (5.29%)
Number of electors remaining in the division 85 905 87.39% 91 221 87.33%
  1. The Committee proposes that the Division of Swan gains electors from the following existing divisions:
Proposed division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Number of electors remaining in the division 85 905 91.57% 91 221 91.51%
Number of electors moved from Hasluck 7 906 8.43% 8 466 8.49%
Total for proposed Division of Swan 93 811 100.00% 99 687 100.00%
  1. Utilising the Canning River as a strong boundary, the locality of Beckenham is transferred to the Division of Hasluck; Langford is transferred to the Division of Burt and Ferndale, Lynwood and the remainder of Riverton are transferred to the Division of Tangney.
  2. The Roe Hwy is utilised as a strong boundary with the transfer of the locality of High Wycombe, the remainder of Perth Airport and the portion of Forrestfield west of the highway from the Division of Hasluck.
  3. The proposed Division of Swan’s boundaries are constructed using the Swan and Canning Rivers, main roads, LGA and locality boundaries, with whole LGAs and localities located within the one division where possible.
  4. The proposed Division of Swan has a projected enrolment of 99 687 which is a variation from the average projected enrolment of 0.00 per cent.


  1. The proposed Division of Tangney is surrounded by the Divisions of Burt, Curtin, Fremantle, Hasluck and Swan – Figure Q refers.
Figure Q: Proposed Division of Tangney
The proposed Division of Tangney is surrounded by the Divisions of Burt, Curtin, Fremantle, Hasluck and Swan
  1. Projected enrolment in the existing Division of Tangney is 101 344. This division can therefore transfer up to 5 147 electors to other divisions, or gain up to 1 831 electors from other divisions, and remain within the required numerical parameters.
  2. The Committee proposes that the following electors are transferred out of the existing division:
Existing division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Total for existing Division of Tangney 95 828 100.00% 101 344 100.00%
Number of electors moved to Burt (18 130) (18.92%) (19 747) (19.49%)
Number of electors remaining in the division 77 698 81.08% 81 597 80.51%
  1. The Committee proposes that the Division of Tangney gains electors from the following existing divisions:
Proposed division Current enrolment as at 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at 8 February 2017
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Number of electors remaining in the division 77 698 83.47% 81 597 83.29%
Number of electors moved from Fremantle 10 158 10.91% 10 842 11.07%
Number of electors moved from Swan 5 234 5.62% 5 528 5.64%
Total for proposed Division of Tangney 93 090 100.00% 97 967 100.00%
  1. The Division of Tangney is within numerical parameters and therefore does not technically require any alterations to its boundaries. However, the division experiences moderate elector movement with the locality of Canning Vale transferred to form part of the new Division of Burt. This requires the transfer of electors from other existing divisions in order for the Division of Tangney to meet numerical requirements.
  2. Utilising the Canning River as a strong boundary the localities of Ferndale, Lynwood and the remainder of Riverton are transferred from the Division of Swan. The localities of Bicton and Willagee are transferred from the Division of Fremantle. To ensure the division remains within numerical tolerances, the locality of Kardinya remains split between the Division of Fremantle and the Division of Tangney with the portion north of South St transferred from the Division of Fremantle. A small portion of the locality of Leeming, being Ken Hurst Park which lies south of the Roe Hwy, is transferred to the Division of Fremantle as the Roe Hwy forms a stronger and more identifiable electoral boundary.
  3. The Division of Tangney’s proposed boundaries are constructed using the Swan and Canning Rivers, main roads and locality boundaries, with whole localities situated within the one division where possible.
  4. The proposed Division of Tangney has a projected enrolment of 97 967 which is a variation from the average projected enrolment of minus 1.72 per cent.

  1. City of Perth Bill 2015 (WA): WA Parliament