Commonwealth Electoral Division of Rankin (Qld)

Updated: 24 October 2011

Boundary gazetted:

15 December 2009

Division name:





Current, boundary gazetted 15 December 2009 (former divisional profile)

Contact details:

Contact the Rankin AEC divisional office

Name derivation:

Named after Dame Annabelle Rankin (1908–86), first Queensland woman elected to the Senate 1946–71 and the first Australian woman to hold a top-level diplomatic post as High Commissioner to New Zealand 1971–74.

Size & location description:

Rankin covers an area of approximately 131 sq km from Rochedale South and Priestdale in the north to Daisy Hill and Meadowbrook in the Southeast. The western divisional boundary follows the interstate railway line between Hillcrest and Algester. Suburbs include: Algester, Berrinba, Browns Plains, Calamvale, Crestmead, Daisy Hill, Drewvale, Heritage Park, Hillcrest, Kingston, Logan Central, Marsden, Parkinson, Priestdale, Regents Park, Rochedale South, Slacks Creek, Springwood, Underwood, and Woodridge.

Maps & GIS data:

Products/industries of the area:

The area covers a diverse area from residential and acreage suburbs as well as some light industry.

First proclaimed/election:


Demographic rating:

Outer Metropolitan


  • Emerson, C (ALP) 1998–
  • Beddall, D (ALP) 1984–1998

Current Member Details:

Please refer to the Parliament of Australia website

Further information:

For supporting information, see Party Codes, Demographic Ratings and Seat Status.