Named after Joseph Aloysius (1879–1939) and Dame Enid Lyons (1897–1981). Joseph Lyons was Prime Minister of Australia (1932–1939). Dame Enid was the first woman elected to the House of Representatives in 1943 and the first woman to reach Cabinet rank as Vice-President of the Executive Council in 1949.
It has an area of approximately 40 604 sq km and is the largest division in Tasmania covering most of the State from the west to the east coasts and from Beaconsfield township in the north to New Norfolk and the Tasman Peninsula region in the south.
The main towns include Beaconsfield, Brighton, Deloraine, Dodges Ferry, Evandale, Exeter, Hadspen, Longford, Midway Point, New Norfolk, Perth, Queenstown, Richmond, St Helens, Sheffield, Sorell and Westbury.
Fishing, forestry, wool, cattle (dairy and beef), fruit, wine, hydro-power generation, mining and tourism.
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AEC – Divisional Office Contact Numbers and Addresses
3 October 1998 Election | 6 November 1999 Referendum | 10 November 2001 Election |
Enrolment: 68 639 Informal Vote: 3.21% Turnout: 96.62% Seat Status: Safe Labor Two Party Preferred:
Enrolment: 68 485 Informal Vote:
Enrolment: 62 942 Informal Vote: 3.54% Turnout: 96.18% Seat Status:Fairly Safe Labor Two Party Preferred: