Senators Elected (1998)

Updated: 27 January 2011
Listed in order of election
Term Expires 30 June 2002
(Elected 2 March 1996)
Term Expires 30 June 2005
(Elected 3 October 1998)
(Note: Term commenced on 1 July 1999)
1. Marise Payne1 (LP) 1. Steve Hutchins (ALP)
2. Sue West (ALP) 2. Bill Heffernan (LP)
3. David Brownhill (NP) 3. John Faulkner (ALP)
4. George Campbell2 (ALP) 4. John Tierney (LP)
5. Helen Coonan (LP) 5. Aden Ridgeway (DEM)
6. Vicki Bourne (DEM) 6. Michael Forshaw (ALP)
1. Richard Alston (LP) 1. Stephen Conroy (ALP)
2. Robert Ray (ALP) 2. Judith Troeth (LP)
3. Rod Kemp (LP) 3. Kim Carr (ALP)
4. Barney Cooney (ALP) 4. Julian John McGauran (NP)
5. Kay Patterson (LP) 5. Jacinta Collins (ALP)
6. Lyn Allison (DEM) 6. Tsebin Tchen (LP)
1. Ian Macdonald (LP) 1. Jan McLucas (ALP)
2. John Hogg (ALP) 2. Warwick Parer (LP)
3. Ron Boswell (NP) 3. Len Harris6 (HAN)
4. John Herron (LP) 4. Joe Ludwig (ALP)
5. Brenda Gibbs (ALP) 5. Brett Mason (LP)
6. Andrew Bartlett3 (DEM) 6. John Woodley (DEM)
1. Winston Crane (LP) 1. Christopher Ellison (LP)
2. James McKiernan (ALP) 2. Peter Cook (ALP)
3. Ross Lightfoot4 (LP) 3. Ian Campbell (LP)
4. Mark Bishop (ALP) 4. Chris Evans (ALP)
5. Alan Eggleston (LP) 5. Brian Greig (DEM)
6. Andrew Murray (DEM) 6. Sue Knowles (LP)
1. Robert Hill (LP) 1. Amanda Vanstone (LP)
2. Rosemary Crowley (ALP) 2. Nick Bolkus (ALP)
3. Natasha Stott Despoja (DEM) 3. Nick Minchin (LP)
4. Grant Chapman (LP) 4. John Quirke (ALP)
5. Chris Schacht (ALP) 5. Meg Lees (DEM)
6. Jeannie Ferris5 (LP) 6. Alan Ferguson (LP)
1. Jocelyn Newman (LP) 1. Kerry O'Brien (ALP)
2. Sue Mackay (ALP) 2. Eric Abetz (LP)
3. Paul Calvert (LP) 3. Shayne Murphy (ALP)
4. Nick Sherry (ALP) 4. Brian Gibson (LP)
5. John Watson (LP) 5. Kay Denman (ALP)
6. Bob Brown (AG)# 6. Brian Harradine (HAR)
1. Kate Lundy (ALP)  
2. Margaret Reid (LP)  
1. Trish Crossin (ALP)  
2. Grant Tambling (CLP)  
  1. Senator Woods resigned from the Senate 7.3.97 and the Parliament of NSW chose Senator Payne to replace him; sworn in 6.5.97.
  2. Senator Childs resigned from the Senate and the Parliament of NSW chose Senator Campbell to replace him on 17.9.97; sworn in 22.9.97.
  3. Chosen by the Parliament of QLD to fill a casual vacancy (vice C. Kernot, resigned 15.10.97), pursuant to section 15 of the Constitution, sworn in 30.10.97.
  4. Senator Panizza died on 31.1.97. The Parliament of Western Australia chose Senator Lightfoot to fill the casual vacancy; sworn in 26.5.97
  5. Senator Ferris resigned from the Senate on 12.7.96 and the Parliament of South Australia chose Senator Ferris to fill the casual vacancy on 24.7.96; sworn in 20.8.96.
  6. Following a petition in the Court of Disputed Returns, Ms Hill was declared ineligible to stand under section 44 of the Constitution and a recount was ordered. At this recount, Mr Len Harris (Pauline Hanson's One Nation) obtained a quota and the Court declared him elected in place of Ms Hill on 2 July 1999.

* Terms of Senators for the Territories expire at close of the day before polling day for the next general election of the House of Representatives.