Overseas enrolment

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Overseas enrolment wizard

To be eligible to enrol to vote from overseas you must be

  • an Australian citizen aged 18 years or older, and
  • intend to return to Australia within six years.

Living/working overseas

If you are overseas and intending to return to Australia within six years, you can register as an overseas elector. If you are already enrolled, you can register up to three months before, or within three years after, you leave Australia.

If you are not already enrolled, and have been overseas for less than three years, you must first enrol to vote.

Overseas for a short period of time

If you are going overseas for a short period of time and plan to return to your address in Australia you can still enrol and vote.

If you are already enrolled, complete and submit an overseas notification form. This form provides you with the option to keep your details on the electoral roll so you will be able to vote in federal elections while overseas.

If you don’t have an Australian driver’s licence, Australian passport number, Medicare Card number, or Australian citizenship number, please use the paper form.

Overseas indefinitely

If you are moving overseas indefinitely your name will be removed from the electoral roll and you will not be able to vote in any federal elections held while you are overseas.

Should you return to Australia to live permanently, you need to re-enrol after you have been at your residential address for a minimum of one month.

If you are moving overseas indefinitely, and do not intend to return to Australia, please complete and submit an overseas notification form.

If you don’t have an Australian driver’s licence, Australian passport number, Medicare Card number, or Australian citizenship number, please use the paper form.

Turned 18 while living overseas

If you are the child of a person who is registered as an overseas elector you can enrol and vote in federal elections if you:

  • have never been enrolled
  • are an Australian citizen
  • are 18 years or older and did not turn 18 before leaving Australia, and
  • intend to return to live in Australia within six years after your 18th birthday.

Overseas postal address and contact details

You can update your overseas postal address and contact details online. You must already be registered as an overseas elector.

This form cannot be used to update your enrolled address. You can update your enrolled address when you return to Australia.

Enrolment address

You cannot enrol with an overseas address. You must enrol in the electoral division you were entitled to enrol in before you left Australia.

Updated: 5 July 2024