If you are an Australian citizen aged 18 years or older you are required to vote in the federal election.
You must be correctly enrolled by 8pm local time Monday 7 April 2025.
To enrol, click the 'Start enrolment' button. If you are already enrolled but need to update your name or address, you can update your details online.
Enrol to vote to play a crucial role in our democracy.
It is compulsory by law for all eligible Australian citizens to enrol and vote.
If you are 16 or 17 you can enrol now so when you turn 18 you'll be able to vote.
See information about Eligible British Subjects.
18+ or Proof of Age cards are not accepted.
If you are going overseas for a short period of time you will need to enrol first. If you are already enrolled and travelling or intend to travel overseas, see information about Australians overseas.
Completing this enrolment form enables you to participate in federal elections, by-elections and referendums, and any relevant state, territory, or local government elections. The AEC only runs federal events.
The AEC has options for people that require assistance or with specific circumstances that may affect their enrolment, such as silent electors, travellers, or people with no fixed address. See special category enrolment options.
If you don't wish to enrol online, you can:
Already enrolled online?
Check the status using the receipt number provided.
Information about this online session will be stored with your application, including the IP address of your device. This information may be used by the AEC for analytical purposes including the detection of fraud.