Western Australian redistribution

3. Comments on suggestions Closed

Closed on Fri 1 Dec 2023

Members of the public were invited to submit written comments on suggestions relating to the redistribution between Monday 20 November and Friday 1 December 2023.

Comments on suggestions may concern one or more electoral divisions and may be about:

  • one or more suggestions,
  • where to locate the new electoral division,
  • name of the new electoral division,
  • names of federal electoral divisions,
  • boundaries of federal electoral divisions, or
  • the names and boundaries of federal electoral divisions.

The 7 comments on suggestions received by the Western Australian Redistribution Committee are provided below.


Submitted by

Topics referred to

Divisions referred to

Suggestions referred to in comment


Ben Close

Division names and division boundaries

All Western Australian electoral divisions and the new division



Dr Ron Edwards

Division names

New division



Phil Doring

Division names

All Western Australian electoral divisions



Darren McSweeney

Division names and division boundaries

All Western Australian electoral divisions and the new division

All suggestions


David Lumsden

Division boundaries

Brand, Burt and Fremantle

S10 and S20


Liberal Party of Australia (W.A. Division)

Division names and division boundaries

All Western Australian electoral divisions and the new division

All suggestions


WA Labor

Division names and division boundaries

All Western Australian electoral divisions and the new division

All suggestions

The views expressed in the material reproduced above are those of the individuals or organisations who lodged the comment on suggestions, not the Western Australian Redistribution Committee or the AEC.

Updated: 4 December 2023


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