Northern Territory redistribution

5. Objections to the proposed redistribution Closed

Closed on Fri 7 Oct 2016

The Redistribution Committee's proposed redistribution of federal electoral divisions in the Northern Territory was released on Friday 9 September 2016.

Members of the public were invited to submit written objections to the proposed redistribution between Friday 9 September and Friday 7 October 2016.

Objections may concern one or more proposed electoral divisions and may be about:

  • names of proposed electoral divisions,
  • boundaries of proposed electoral divisions, or
  • the names and boundaries of proposed electoral divisions.

The 4 objections received by the Electoral Commission are provided in full below.

No. Submitted by Topics referred to Divisions referred to
OB1 Lorraine Gardner [PDF 194 KB] Division boundaries Lingiari and Solomon
OB2 Jeff Waddell [PDF 403 KB] Division boundaries Lingiari and Solomon
OB3 Darren McSweeney [PDF 401 KB] Division boundaries Lingiari and Solomon
OB4 Australian Labor Party NT Branch [PDF 1.1 MB] Division names and division boundaries Lingiari and Solomon

The views expressed in the material reproduced above are those of the individuals or organisations who lodged the Objections, not the Redistribution Committee or the AEC.

Updated: 22 March 2022


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