Commonwealth Electoral Division of Kennedy (Qld)

Updated: 3 November 2010

Boundary gazetted:

15 December 2009

Division name:





Current, boundary gazetted 15 December 2009 (former divisional profile)

Contact details:

Contact the Kennedy AEC divisional office

Name derivation:

Named after Edmund Kennedy (1818–48), explorer.

Size & location description:

Kennedy covers an area of approximately 568 993 sq km from the Gulf of Carpentaria and Mareeba in the north, to Boulia in the south, and from the Queensland border in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east. The main towns include Atherton, Babinda, Camooweal, Charters Towers, Cloncurry, Georgetown, Gordonvale, Hughenden, Ingham, Innisfail, Mareeba, Mount Isa, Normanton and Tully.

Maps & GIS data:

Products/industries of the area:

Mainly primary production including grains (sorghum, sunflowers, wheat), beef cattle, cotton, coal mining, gemstones, sheep, sugar, agricultural services, copper, gold, silver, tin, lead, zinc, uranium, fishing (prawns, crabs, barramundi), marble, tobacco, fruit and vegetables, peanuts, dairy products and tourism.

First proclaimed/election:


Demographic rating:



  • Katter, B (IND/NP) 1993–
  • Hulls, R J (ALP) 1990–1993
  • Katter, R C (NP) 1966–1990
  • Riordan, W J F (FLP/ALP) 1936–1966
  • Riordan, D (FLP/ALP) 1929–1936
  • Francis, G A (NAT) 1925–1929
  • McDonald, C (ALP) 1901–1925

Current Member Details:

Please refer to the Parliament of Australia website

Further information:

For supporting information, see Party Codes, Demographic Ratings and Seat Status.